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  1. Thanks everyone for all of the great ideas. I have spoken to her ESL counselor and she also thought that culture shock could be the problem. All of the advise helps me to be more understanding and it is good to know we are not alone. I will definitely help her plan to stay busy, a Chinese garden is a great idea. Thanks again!
  2. My wife has been in the U.S. for six months. She seems very sad and is sleeping alot. I can not get her to talk about what is bothering her. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi I am no expert, but here is our experience. The SSA asks for proof of 3 things: Age, Identity, and Lawful Alien Status. They also have the stipulation that you may not work. When we filled out the the SS-5 we checked the box "legal alien not allowed to work". We went to the Salt Lake City SSA office with Summer's passport, with K-1 visa, and I94 attached. This provided the proof of the 3 items above. A very polite Gentleman entered Summer's application into the computer. We were in and out of the office in less than ten minutes. Here is the SSA link to the SS-5. http://www.ssa.gov/online/ss-5.pdf Good Luck
  4. Hi We had our interview a few weeks ago. Don needs to talk to one of security guys in the blue uniforms at the consul. He must find out when he may go into the consul to discuss the case. I think it is Tuesday or Thursday from 11:00 to 1:00 or something. Good Luck
  5. Hi Be sure to bring at least one extra (three would be better) certified copies of the birth certificate (with translations) to the U.S. when you come. The BCIS will take the one that you show at the interview in GZ and you will need another certified copy to adjust your status. (AOS) We are having to send an Aunt to Summer's birth place to obtain some extras. Good Luck
  6. Wow! I just got back from GuangZhou with Summer. We had a quick wedding at VivaLasVegas.com to make everything official. I was still suffering form jet lag when I read about the next phase of the K-1 process. Wow, I was oblivious to this volume of bureaucratic bull. I mistakenly thought we were home free. I knew there was a birth certificate in Summers brown immigration packet so we didn't worry too much about it. The problem is the BCIS troll at LAX kept everything. Do they really insist on another copy of the birth certificate? I am not sure how to get another one. I am stunned.
  7. Thanks for all of the congratulations. A quick update. We hung around GZ for the three day weekend. The white slip says to return the next business day at 4:00 pm to pick-up the Visa (and passport). Knowing how the line up process works, we got to the entry point at 2:45 and we were about 25th in line. They let the folks in about 3:30. At 4:05 pm Summer returned with her Visa and a sealed envelope (one corner is exposed) containing her paperwork. We are planning a wedding dinner Friday night in Nanning. I get to wear a Chinese wedding coat and pick up the tab for about 45 people. I think the bill will be about 3200 RMB, not that bad. We will still drive straight from LAX to Vegas for our wedding. I can apply for the license on-line from China. Many, many thanks to Owenkrout for the tip on the GZ Night Zoo. It was fantastic. Later,
  8. Hi, It is still hot and humid in GZ. While waiting for Summer to finish her afternoon Visa interview, I talked to many ladies fresh from their interviews. They all said that the consular officers asked many questions about the fiance's employment or source of income. Good Luck with your preparations. Tonight, we will try the GZ Night Zoo.
  9. Hi from steamy GuangZhou. Summer's interview was today and we survived the process. Lessons learned: 1. The P4 instructions say to fill out the OF-156 in duplicate. What this really means is to bring back four DS-156 forms, two in Chinese and two in English. It also means the same for the DS-156K and DS-157. The good news is that the Consular officer allowed Summer to complete all the extra forms on the spot (We only filled out the English versions). Other people were given a slip and allowed to fill out the forms and then get back in line. 2. The K-1 Visa is a Non-Imigrant Visa. However, one K-1 instruction sheet indicates that it is an Immigrant Visa. This is good news because the K-1 fee is only 830RMB (vs. about 2800). Also K-1 does not require vaccinations. 3. The instructions do not mention the "Family Composition Sheet" although one is included in packet 4. Several white slips were given for this problem. 4. Main lesson learned: fill out all forms in P4 just in case. Today's process: We arrived at the check in point at 6:50 am for an 8:30 appointment. We were about the 30th in line! The guard needed to see a passport and an appointment slip before we could enter the que. At 7:50 we were both allowed into the staging area. Shortly there after we were sent to the consul. Summer went in and I was directed to wait in the alley near the White Swan. At 10:00 am Summer was released with an slip indicating that her next appointment was at 2:30 pm. Some people we released with white slips that indicated a problem with the forms. Summer says that her interviewer was a little harsh and criticized her penmanship. The officer collected most of her foms (but not the Affidavit of Support). At 1:45 pm we lined-up for the interview session. We both entered about 2:15 and she entered the line for the building at 2:20. At 4:45 she came down the alley with a white slip. The white slip says "Visa Approved" and that we must return the following business day at 4:00 pm to pick-up her passport with VISA. She said that the officer asked her over ten questions. He collected the Affidavit of Support and her passport. He only asked to look at her pictures. I met six K-1 couples today and all received the white "Visa Approved" slip. Good luck to all other couples! Party Time in GZ!!!!!!!!!!
  10. The post about calling China drew much interest. It appears that I will be in GuangZhou a few extra days. So who knows a good and cheap way to call the US from China? A 48+2 minute (IC) card cost about 50 RMB ($6.25). Except that I do not get even close to 50 minutes. It seems about a buck a minute. Thanks from Shamian Island. OBTW - I was happy to find this nice Internet Cafe at 3, No. 3 Street on Shamian Isle. 20 RMB per hour.
  11. This is getting like a fish story, but here is my 4.5 cents worth. I use Yestel, Inc (Phone: 310-517-8278) as my home long distance carrier. (I live in Salt Lake.) I can dial China direct from home. I get a monthly print out showing the number of calls and durations to Summer's phone number. All calls to China are $0.45 a minute. They also provide a phone card at the same rate that I may use from work or my cell phone. For $40 (charged to my home phone) I get 888 minutes. Happy hunting!
  12. Hi Skrunks Our interview is August 29th. Summer says that she is feeling “pressure”. Based on some of the postings here, we will also take (just in case): 1. Phone bills. 2. A few E-mail messages from each month. 3. Pictures and boarding passes from each visit to China. 4. Answers to the 95 questions from the 001 site. (use as a cheat sheet) We will be staying at the Shamian Hotel until August 30. If they have an Internet cafe we will post our experiences. Good Luck
  13. Hi Summer was a little perplexed when she received packet 3. Many, many forms and instructions in both languages. We had prepared all of the documents months before but she was uncomfortable sending the reply. I quickly used this as an excuse to go visit her and enjoy China. We lost about two weeks in the process but we think we have everything filled out right. Good luck!
  14. I have a Chinese travel agent in Salt Lake who is fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. She was raised in GZ. I let her handle everything (inc Visa) and she beats anybody's prices. My RT from LAX to Can is $708 (China Southern 20 Aug 2003). She also booked my fiancees flight to America at the same time thus we may travel together. ($916, 8 Sept 2003) The flights back to LA were heavily booked (possibly due to students). I will stay in China a week longer than planned because the low fair seats were sold out until the 8th.
  15. I found these names and numbers at the DOS fioa site: http://foia.state.gov/mms/OrgDirectory/Org...rgDir.asp?ID=27 OFFICE OF DIPLOMATIC AND PUBLIC LIAISON (VO/P) Director Lisa Piascik L703D SA1 202-663-3579 Public Inquiries Division Chief Kathryn Cabral L703M SA1 202-663-1144 Diplomatic Liaison Division Chief Jane Tannenbaum L703P SA1 202-663-3211 Visa and Information Microlog 202-663-1225 Visa and Information microlog 202-663-1225 Congressional Inquiries 202-663-1516
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