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Posts posted by Houston

  1. It used to be on the GIV-24 family composition sheet, but since our interview Guangzhou has updated that form and it no longer asks for the CTC.


    The telegraph code is no longer on the English version. It's on the Chinese version. In my case, my SO forgot to fill it out, it didn't matter in our case. I would still list it.

  2. I prepared all our forms using the fillable pdf files. We did duplicates of the D156 and D157, 2 english and 2 chinese. We only used the bar code version. For GNI 2, D156K, GIV 24 we did one copy.

    Are you sure DS-156 and DS-157 need to be done in both English AND Chinese?

    I don't see that requested anywhere on the forms? I DID see on GUZ's website (General Info/Visa Application Form) a request for "some" questions (DS-156: 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 20) and (DS-157: 5, 6, 7, 12, 17) to "ALSO" be answered in Chinese characters. Is this why you and some others have duplicated forms in Chinese? Was that in the packet instructions or should I explain to my SO?


    We originally only did the English versions but had read on CFL some of the hospitals want the Chinese versions too. Sure enough when my SO did her medical in Beijing they also wanted the Chinese versions. We had them prepared so it was no big deal. The Chinese versions should be in the packet or download from this site.


    Thanks Houston. That's what I remember reading as well.

    One question. Can the fillable forms be completed in Chinese by my SO in China or does she need to do them by hand?

    Thanks for asking Dave. I'm with you on these forms. Wish there was a place that had both fillable and savable to e-mail my SO as reference. My SO does not have a printer so I'm assuming "hand-filled" with my honey.


    I sent my SO completed fillable forms for everything. However, she filled in the two Chinese by herself. Those forms were in the Packet received from GUZ.

    I'll be scanning and e-mailing jpgs or pdf's of all forms to help my SO. Wishe they were ALL "fillable" and "savable" as pdf's!


    Those forms that were not fillable I created them to be fillable. Send me your email and I will send you what you need. Giv 24, GNI2, etc

  3. From what my SO told me, the three ladies she shared the apartment with were all at the interview by themselves. They were also all from Southern China, I believe GZ area.


    I did a small writeup on our interview. It was a quick pink. The interview was merely a formality. I am also of that line of thought if your case is strong, you have no red flags, then you will get a quick pink-why wouldn't you?


    These people at the consulate know what they are doing. They know how to spot fraudulent cases. After what my SO told me about the ladies she stayed with I am even more convinced. It's just there will be some good people lumped in with the bad because their specific situation may appear to follow the fraudulent cases when in reality it's a true case.

    For them, yes it's painful.

  4. My SO just had her K1 interview on Monday. Luckily things went well, she passed, and we will be together soon.


    She talked to several people interviewing the past couple of days and mentioned to me there was a huge amount of what I call fraud, someone else may disagree with the word but that's the term I will use.


    Women who pay money to these agencies and the middle person is the one who does all the emails and talking to the guy back home who pretty much has no clue it's someone else he is talking to. Then the women goes to the interview and tries to pass it and fails miserably; my SO said the other three ladies in her room all got blue and were part of this paying money to agencies deal. Oh well, I guess it's normal. I just found it somewhat interesting, odd, crazy, funny, ridiculous, typical, and yet believable all at the same time.

  5. I prepared all our forms using the fillable pdf files. We did duplicates of the D156 and D157, 2 english and 2 chinese. We only used the bar code version. For GNI 2, D156K, GIV 24 we did one copy.

    Are you sure DS-156 and DS-157 need to be done in both English AND Chinese?

    I don't see that requested anywhere on the forms? I DID see on GUZ's website (General Info/Visa Application Form) a request for "some" questions (DS-156: 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 20) and (DS-157: 5, 6, 7, 12, 17) to "ALSO" be answered in Chinese characters. Is this why you and some others have duplicated forms in Chinese? Was that in the packet instructions or should I explain to my SO?


    We originally only did the English versions but had read on CFL some of the hospitals want the Chinese versions too. Sure enough when my SO did her medical in Beijing they also wanted the Chinese versions. We had them prepared so it was no big deal. The Chinese versions should be in the packet or download from this site.


    Thanks Houston. That's what I remember reading as well.

    One question. Can the fillable forms be completed in Chinese by my SO in China or does she need to do them by hand?

    Thanks for asking Dave. I'm with you on these forms. Wish there was a place that had both fillable and savable to e-mail my SO as reference. My SO does not have a printer so I'm assuming "hand-filled" with my honey.


    I sent my SO completed fillable forms for everything. However, she filled in the two Chinese by herself. Those forms were in the Packet received from GUZ.

  6. I prepared all our forms using the fillable pdf files. We did duplicates of the D156 and D157, 2 english and 2 chinese. We only used the bar code version. For GNI 2, D156K, GIV 24 we did one copy.

    Are you sure DS-156 and DS-157 need to be done in both English AND Chinese?

    I don't see that requested anywhere on the forms? I DID see on GUZ's website (General Info/Visa Application Form) a request for "some" questions (DS-156: 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 20) and (DS-157: 5, 6, 7, 12, 17) to "ALSO" be answered in Chinese characters. Is this why you and some others have duplicated forms in Chinese? Was that in the packet instructions or should I explain to my SO?


    We originally only did the English versions but had read on CFL some of the hospitals want the Chinese versions too. Sure enough when my SO did her medical in Beijing they also wanted the Chinese versions. We had them prepared so it was no big deal. The Chinese versions should be in the packet or download from this site.

  7. Small Update- SO is staying at Tianyu Gardens in the 120 rmb shared room. She says everything has been fine there. Hopefully, she will pick up the visa tomorrow...Yes, it seems we do have a few people from Houston area on this board, I'm in Galleria area.

  8. I just got the word, we passed!!


    My SO said it was 2 minutes long. The official looked over the documents I had prepared and compiled into a folder; asked my SO if I liked my graduate school and then said, tong guo le. Talk about quick and easy for her! She got in line around 7:20am and had her pink slip by 10:15am.


    Thank You CFL!


    PS, she saw several blue slips, says probably more blue then pink.

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