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Posts posted by beishan4

  1. Aloha from Hawaii,

    My guess is the Chinese Exclusion is to protect other minority interests. To

    be more specific a minority that has droped to second place and is threateded

    by the fast growing asian minority. This means a power shift away from the

    certain minority caucus. The television networks are already shifting in favor

    of the growing minority groups.


  2. Aloha from Beijing,

    Currently, the problem is the possible expansion of SARS. The odds

    of dying from this disease are small but do you want to be the next

    fatal case? When I get home on monday I will be in a two week



    If there are any questions about sanitation, or lack of, in China just

    visit a public toilet. The smell will remove all doubt. Places like KFC

    and McDonald's have clean wash rooms.


    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

  3. Aloha from Beijing,

    Thanks Owen for your comments about health care in China. They are

    correct. Hospitals for the public are unsanitary, military hopsitals are

    better and private clinics are the best. I have seen all of them. My

    father in law is a retired air force general. My sister in law works for

    company that has it's own clinic. The problem gets worse in the poor


    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

  4. Aloha from Beijing,

    Congrats Enight. I am happy to see you on my side of the Pacific Ocean.

    If you want warm, clean and fresh air you must visit Hawaii. I hope you

    will continue to write on Candle. We need a woman's view on adjustments

    to life in the USA. Not so much as the adjustment for women but the men

    as well. The men need a guide for the needs of the women.

    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

    P.S. 001.com could use some help also.

  5. Aloha from Beijing,

    Speaking of vitamins and other health items, a GNC store would be a

    good thing. The GNC store at the Ala Moana Center in Honolulu is the

    top store in the chain. A large percentage of it's sales are to tourists

    who take them home with them.

    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

  6. Aloha from Beijing,


    Yes, you do not have to go to the US Mainland before going to Honolulu.

    The best way is through Japan and on to Honolulu. You do not need a

    visa to transit through Japan. Have your baggage checked through to

    Honolulu. Then you just wait in the secured area of the airport. The

    shops there take Yen or US Dollars.


    There are separate lines at immigration for US citizens and foreign

    nationals. All you have to do is wait for the other person on the other

    side of the booths.


    I will be back in Honolulu on April 8. Let me know when you will be there.

    Perhaps I can be of some help to you and your main squeeze.



  7. Aloha from Beijing,

    Welcome on board. Candle had been a great help to me. Not with

    just information but with people who are like friends who share the

    same problems. The guys and gals are also have fun here. I think

    001.com has more fun because of my wife, Annakuen. who writes


    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

    P.S. Owen, I think spring just came to Beijing. Buds are appearing

    on the trees.

  8. Aloha from Beijing,

    There are some good bus companies. My trip between Hangzhou and

    Lin An was on an air conditioned bus with comfortable seats. There was

    an old Jackie Chan movie to watch on the overhead television.

    By the way, It snowed this morning in Beijing. I could use a weather

    report from Mick.

    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

  9. Aloha from Beijing,

    I am an old member on a different computer. It is easy for me to get on to

    001.com. I am now in Beijing. There is a major problem however, I can't

    read Chinese.


    I do not know why Owen was coplaining about the weather. The weather

    was clear and cool yesterday. But anything below 66F is cold for anyone

    from Hawaii. But that was outside. I had a lot of things to catch up on



    Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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