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Turbo SS1414

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Everything posted by Turbo SS1414

  1. I think the norm right now is over 6 months. Check out my thread about getting a service request in. I am over 6 months right now, and it was like pulling teeth to get a service request.
  2. I'm curious as to what reasons they were giving to not put it in. Feel like sharing? He said because they are processing September 11th visas he was powerless to put in a service request. I called him out on that and told him I know they are accepting service requests for dates after September 11th because I am on a large message board (visa journey) where people post their updates and many people after September 11th have received a service request and some have their NOA2s. He just told me he cant see other peoples files and he said he cant expedite my visa. I said thats completely untrue and hung up on him.
  3. I am at the 6 month mark today. I called this morning preparing for a fight and expecting to get rejected on getting a service request. Well I was right. I ended up hanging up on the representative so I wouldnt start yelling at him. Called back this afternoon and after being grilled by a representative I was finally able to speak to a tier 2 officer. She put my service request in with no problem. I dont understand the rhyme or reason to this system at all but I am excited I was able to get that service request! B) So if your 6 months out and keep getting rejected for a service request. Dont give up! just call back until you get a nice representative or are able to talk to a tier 2 officer!
  4. I haven't been monitoring VJ lately. Is 6+ plus waits at the Service Center starting to get really common? Yes they are telling people that they are working on September 11th which is a little over 6 months ago. Despite their site saying visas completed in 5 months on average
  5. Anyone else hitting 6 months tomorrow? I plan on a phone call and getting the congressmans office to call them if they refuse to give me the service request that they promised tomorrow. Dont know if I will be able to accomplish anything tomorrow but I will at least try.
  6. I saw it on VJ and twittered about it. Iam also trying to get a large car forum i am on to twitter about it. If your on any other forums or facebook its worth a shot getting others to tweet about it. It takes 2 seconds if you have a twitter account.
  7. HAHA I think I figured out exactly which visa they are working on. Someone on VJ was saying just type in receipt numbers lower than yours to see who filed on the same day as you. So all the way up through EAC1090678166 are finished. If you type that in and change the last digit to 7 they havent finished that one. Looks like I only have a handful of people in front of me. I am going to follow this and see how long it takes to do the next few.
  8. Oh man I went with the neutron process what is the electron process???
  9. I got my NOA1 on September 23rd. I am mostly making this post for people who just filed the I-29f and got sent to the Vermont Service Center. I think I am finally about to get my NOA2 or at least an RFE. 30 people sent in applications with me on the same day to the Vermont Service Center. 4 have RFEs 4 have NOA2s and the rest are still waiting. Also they will not budge on helping you until you reach 6 months. I had a friend of a friend who works as the immigration officer for my congressman call and I had a senators office call. They were both told in 6 months I can file for an expedite until then suck it up. I hear the California Service Center is moving about a month quicker than the VSC. So if you live in a state that gets sent to California you are lucky. Anyway just an update and an FYI because I know when I sent in my application I was curious how fast (or slow) things were actually moving.
  10. It was locked in June of 09. I know because my girl had a facebook profile and then woke up one day and couldnt log on.
  11. Had to read again! Prepare for the mop-slapping! Remember she is always right even when wrong. To add, Medical can be done in Guangzhou a few days prior to interview. What she may be thinking is vaccinations, yes they can be deferred until stateside, however the medical exam is a requirement of the visa. Oh no I meant the lady at the visa office told me that. Thats why it sounded strange to me. Anyway, thank you for your help!
  12. 5 months is very common these days, if you do get someone they will simply tell you to wait 30 days beyond the processing time noted on USCIS, before they will trace it. I know its common but I wanted to just get anything I could. Anyway, I figured out how to talk to someone. Just call and dont hit any buttons even 1 for english. It thinks your calling on a rotary phone and it puts you through. The person starts speaking spanish and you tell them you speak english. She told me they are working on Visas submitted August 24th. She also told me that once they approve the I-29F they would schedule an interview I asked her about the I-34 and also getting medical information. She said that wasnt necessary since its an I-29F. Didnt sound right to me.
  13. Its been over 5 months since my NOA1. I called hoping to talk to a human but all it would let me do is get an automated update on the phone. No option to talk to a human. I know people can get through but how do you do it???
  14. I tried to get one for my girlfriend. She is 27 without many assets or ties to china. They asked her like 3 questions and rejected her. They didnt even want to look at this big application we spent forever putting together. ugh.
  15. I just got one fat check for 8,000 plus interest about a month ago. I did have to send in alot of proof but i got a lump sum and not lots of mini payments. Oh i didnt see that this was the old tax credit where it was just a loan. After that expiration they just gave out the $8,000 for free. not a loan.
  16. My friend moved to China about 5 years ago. He met his now wife about 2 weeks after he moved to china. They started dating pretty quickly. Anyway, They got married in April of 09 and began the visa process. They took their time because they were both living together in China so no rush to get to America. Well they just had their interview yesterday and got a blue slip. Here is a sample of his letter. He also mentions in there how easy some of the fiance visa's were approved with really bad answers. "We just got back a few hours ago from Guangzhou where we had to go to apply for the Immigrant visa. First, Susy was not given a visa, however she was not denied either. It seems that every single candidate is asked about communist party membership, and Susy honestly said that she used to a member of the CCP. So, basically they need more information before further processing. I have been looking it up and membership in a communist government is grounds for inadmissibility but good news is that if you have been out of the government party for more than 2 years they can't say no. Susy has been out for a little bit longer than 2 years so we are preparing our statement and hoping for the best. Good news is, the visa consultant is satisfied with all other aspects of the application. She actually said "Congratulations, your marriage seems very good and I don't see any problems here." At which point Susy was very happy, but then the VC said..."but I need more info on your communist party affiliation." Nice. I was not in the room, but according to Susy some of the people that got fiancee visa's is absolutely incredible. My favorite was the woman who doesn't speak any English and the American boyfriend who doesn't speak any Chinese who communicate with an electronic translator. Approved. Another was the ABC whose fiancee is a woman who has a baby, not the ABC's baby some other dude's, and who answered "I don't know" when asked 1. How long have you known each other 2. where does your boyfriend live in America 3. What does your boyfriend do for a living 4. What will you do in america Approved. It simply boggles the mind seeing some of the people who got visa's." Anyway I dont think he will have a problem fixing the blue slip but I just thought it was interesting and also seeing how easy some people got through their interview with really bad answers. Gives me alot of hope.
  17. Ya it seems we always have the choice between a douchebag or a turd sandwich. Just like that South Park episode.
  18. I dont know if this is the right forum? Without permission Jia's friend signed her up to be on a dating show. She would rather Jia not be with me because she doesnt want her to move away. But thats another story. Anyway, Jia actually got selected. She said she refuses to go on but I think it would be funny and she could get 15 minutes of fame. What do you guys think?
  19. Ha I got my masters at UF. Lived there for 2 years. Moved back to Oklahoma in May of 09. Bad timing. If it was now, I had several foreign chinese friends. I could have introduced your wife to them and maybe she would have been more comfortable. I only know one that still lives there and she is not typical chinese. She really likes to go out and party, get high, drink etc. She is working on her phd. She really doesnt like to hang out with chinese people because she says they are boring. So I cant really help you there. Just a couple of years too late. Seriously? I moved from Oklahoma to Florida a few years ago (then went on a crazy trip around the world lol), although I still consider Oklahoma my home it just wouldn't work out too well with her lol. You a sooner fan? Wow thats crazy. I actually went to Ok State so I am a cowboy fan. But anytime OU isnt playing OSU or Florida I root for them. Where in Oklahoma are you from? I am from Tulsa and thats where I live now.
  20. Ha I got my masters at UF. Lived there for 2 years. Moved back to Oklahoma in May of 09. Bad timing. If it was now, I had several foreign chinese friends. I could have introduced your wife to them and maybe she would have been more comfortable. I only know one that still lives there and she is not typical chinese. She really likes to go out and party, get high, drink etc. She is working on her phd. She really doesnt like to hang out with chinese people because she says they are boring. So I cant really help you there. Just a couple of years too late.
  21. Really dont have any advice for you, but I also went to school in Florida and I also thought most of the foreign students were really egocentric Good luck
  22. I was just looking through their K1 forum and many members were complaining that right now they have been waiting with no word for 6 months to get the NOA2s. This is at the Vermont Center. Calling and taling to the congressmans office apparently isnt doing anything either. So I guess if you sent your package and it went to the Vermont Center like me, we are in for quite a wait.
  23. Good!!Very Good!!...You forgot to tell us if she is a Rural Girl or a City one I would like to put some money into shorting the real estate market there but I dont know how to go about doing it. That bubble has to burst someday and I want to cash in!!!
  24. I am glad this thread was made eventhough its old My girls birthday is in November and I have to think of things to get her. I was planning on getting her two shirts first of all. One from Oklahoma State university and one from University of Florida. I am a graduate of both schools so if we go to football games she has a shirt to wear. I would like to get her 1 more thing a little more special though. She said when she was young her mom just got her birthday cakes instead of presents. However, she knows of the birthday present relationship and now I think expects them lol
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