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Posts posted by lori&dave

  1. We are still waiting for the AP.  I e-filed it on Aug 16.




    Current Status: 


    Your I131 APPLICATION FOR BCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT was received on August 16, 2004. We mailed you a receipt with information about processing. It is taking between 30 and 60 days for us to process this kind of case. We will mail you a decision as soon as processing is complete.

    yeah, i heard that u can't get expedited if u e-file

  2. Lori, we had the interview on the same date with you in SF.  We are still waiting for security clearance and have not received any word from INS.  So, we are in the same boat.


    I will probably check with the SF office soon, and am thinking about hiring an attourney if that helps.



    Luke, I don;t think u should waste money on attorneys since FBI is in charge of the clearance. (Unless u wanna sue INS for delaying ur case)Even INS can't intervene the FBI business, according to our interview officer. Anyway, I'm going to write to Senate Feistan next month if I still haven't got my approval next month. :greenblob:

  3. Well, that's good news, Lori. When the clearance gets done - and it will - you'll get a letter notifying you. You can get get the stamp or wait for your green card. Normally, the green card doesn't take that long after you are notified.

    Thank u, Don. I feel relieved now sinec my file wasnt lost. I also heard some gals on 001 forum complaining that they have been waiting longer than I do. I just hope in future this process will be simplified and other gals won't have to experience this any more.


    BTW, if anyone is planning for a trip to walk-in SF INS, I suggest them to go as early as possible in the morning. When we arrived there on6:35, line was already very long and the the waiting room inside was packed already. Tickets are limited for talking to a sluggish and sleep officer. The lady who served us wanted to get rid of us without even checking computer for us!

  4. Wow, so many guys are condeming me. I thought I posted something in the right place here-immigration challenges. I'm very sympathetic towards those who are still waiting for the visa since I have been there. I just don;t understanding why they thought I did something wrong in putting my compains (ok, I admit I was mad at INS) here (is this a place talking abt challenges after moving to US?)


    Well, everyone has different definition of the word nightmare. I am amused some angry guy would be aroused by my English.


    I apologize for my language and please understand I'm only seeking help fm people who are in similar situation like me- people who are experiencing the problems after entering US.

  5. We were interviewed by SF INS on May 19th, 04. We have been waiting for almost 3 months now without any information fm them. We were told on the date of interview that my A file (K1 visa package) hadnt arrived at INS and security clearance not completed yet. I called in yesterday and was told that they will send a case inquiry for me and I can;t call again until 30 days after. My school is starting and my tight school schedule makes it very hard to find time go to SF downtown.


    This morning I heard from 001 forum that a K3 gal in a similar situation just found out by visiting local INS and they lost her K3 visa package during the transfering process fm airport to INS! I am shocked! Maybe same thing has happened to me!


    My husband thinks that it's not that important since we are together already. He doesnt understand that I just try to get rid of this waiting INS nitemare as soon as possible!


    Any one can shed some lights here? :o

  6. Dave and I just passed our green card interview in SF; however, we were told that since they haven;t finish my name check and they are still waiting for my original K1 visa package from SF customs, we have to wait several months before they mail me the approval letter. Then we have to drive one and half hour again up to downtown to get my temporary green card stamp.


    That's ridiculous. I entered this country by SF airport, which is not far away form SF INS office and they need almost one year to get a file fm airport to their office?


    The guy who interviewed us was very ironic about their relationship with FBI and the efficiency of FBI's work.


    How long do u guys usually wait after ur interview in CA?

  7. Chang lived on Nenjiang road, but worked downtown also, on Zhongshen road near the stadium. We spent many hours on Nanjing road since on 2 of my visits we stayed at the Peace and Park hotels, ha, maybe we bumped into you.


    How are you adjusting to life here? I know Chang likes it well enough, but really misses having someone to talk to that she can relate to. I'm sure you know what I mean.


    We just sent off her AOS/EAD/AP papers to Atlanta, so we have another long time to wait, but at least we are together.

    well, she should be proactive in making friends here, especially K1/K3 girls around ur area. I even have several K1/k3 gal friends who are in the same college even same class.


    My husband loves Najing Rd so much because he can see lots of pretty chics there, hehehe. I worked in Westgate mall (mei long zhen guang chang)'s office building and there are just too many seductions there. I couldn't make any savings during the period I worked there.

  8. Wow...  When I applied for AOS for my ex wife back in June 2002, we came up for interview in early July 2003.  Of course, we were already divorced before our interview came up...


    She found a lawyer who assured her that with his help, she could still stay in the country based on it.  When the interview came up, he suddenly was nowhere to be found and sent one of his paralegals instead.  Not that it would have mattered, as the agent took one look at her there with a "lawyer" and not her husband and said "You're divorced?  Sorry, this is out of my hands."  Denied her in about 30 seconds.  Of course her lawyer had said it was "no problem" and he had handled cases worse than hers, and never had a denial...  charged her $3000 up front too.  Of course, you don't have to answer for your bullshit if your clients who find out the truth are quickly deported.


    Personally I didn't care one way or the other.  She had lived in the US for 5 years, and I hoped for the best for her.  Our divorce pretty well crushed me, but our marriage was completely legit - and I didn't HATE her for it.  Though I still felt like if she had got to stay based on our marriage, that I would have been a tool, even if it wasn't the original intent.  That changed when she called me and asked me to reaffirm our vows (anull our divorce basically) so she could stay in the country.  She even said her lawyer told her it was completely legal... and that the INS officer had suggested it!!!  HAHAHA  have you ever heard such a load of crap?  I don't know if I was more offended at the idea she would want to bring our marriage back as some kind of zombified undead mockery of itself just to get to stay in the states, and not go home to mommy and daddy, or that she thought I was dumb enough to believe it wasn't a felony... 


    She managed to get sponsored for a work visa before she was ordered to leave the country, but after 6 months of working there has quit her job and is now illegal.  If this somehow reflects on me in my current application... well, let's just say I know where she lives.

    Maybe I'm not right, but I heard that if u applied AOS or visa for ur ex within 5 years, u are not legitimate to apply for another spouse or fiance visa

  9. I believe blue gal didnt want to use her fiance as a bridge to US, and now the problem here is that it would be also very difficult for her to go home. She would be buried with gossipings and misunderstanding. "losing face" in China is a very serious thing. Also Chinese guys have prejudice against gals who ever dated foreigners. She would have to face lots of difficulties no matter she chooses to stay to leave.


    Dave G. I'm not encouraging her to violate the law. I'm just telling a truth about illegal immigration situation in US society and I think I know a little more about what the situations gonna be back in Shanghai for her.


    It would be ur best choice if u decide not to marry him, even if he asks. I don;t think he's committed and fully responsible for u.

  10. Hello Dave,


    I assume since you are in Fremont, that you will be going to SF for the interview.  Please refer back to my post of May 4th if you have any additional questions, or feel free to PM me if you wish.  As for the additional Vaccination form, we received that too, but I didn't bother with it because we had no copies of what the Civil Surgeon included in the sealed envelope.  We did bring the Vaccination records that the clinic gave us, however, but he didn't ask to see them.  I'm not quite certain what the purpose of that extra form is, except for on the second page of your letter it mentions bringing in copies of your original forms (in case they have lost your file), and maybe that is what that is for.  At any rate, they did not lose our file, and he had everything he needed, with the exception of the list of items on the first page of the letter which we brought.  One additional interesting piece of information:  When our interview was completed and approved, I asked him about the chest X-rays which we have had since the medical exam in Beijing, and he said that he didn't need to look at them.  To this day, no one has inquired about them or asked to see them,  yet I remember when we were going through the process, they were a requirement and a pretty big deal.  Go figure! B) At any rate, we brought them, along with everything else we could think of that they might ask for, just so we wouldn't have to return home (Redding) and come back at a later date!  Good luck!

    thanks buddy, that's very helpful!

  11. I feel so sad for u, really I do. It's the first time I felt so sad for a gilr in such a K1 plight. I think I have a lot of thoughts similar with urs, for example, the reason for falling in love with white guys. Just I got a much better luck. I also underwent bad lucks before, many bad lucks until I met my husband. There is nothing wrong falling love with white guys. Pls have faith in urself and in love, whatever choices u make, I will pray for u.


    Staying in US illegally is nothing scarry( I have relatives and lots of people I know are here without legal status, they are doing just fine. They can even enjoy residential tuition at school if they stayed here for over 1 year), but to achieve certain level of life here without the help from someone will be extremely hard. Wish u good luck!


    I'm from Shanghai too.

  12. Lori, tuff decision. It's hard for me to be serious sometimes, but here goes......


    Kids can be the greatest thing that ever came into your life.


    Kids can be the greatest sorrow you will ever experience.


    Kids can be the greatest glue that binds a couple together.


    Kids can be the greatest wedge between a couple.


    The most important thing to ask is what you and Dave see as your future. If it is a shared vision, all will be well.



    When we were still dating, he kept undecided about this topic while I was very sure I wanna two kids. Now whenever I imply that maybe we just be DINK(I just want to figure out his attitude), he still wanna leave the question open. However, when I mention my plan about kids, both of us know clearly that both our financial condition (one of us still in school, still renting a house, the other enjoys expensive hobbies) and my career developing plan won;t allow me to have a baby. I'm studying graphic art, which is a very demanding and time consuming major.


    We have a dog and we love him as if he was our son, however he's old now and will die one day. I'm very sad about this.

  13. Thanks for ur suggestions. My other concern is that there's certain age difference btw me and my hubby. We dont really care about it, I even joked that when he was retired he can take care of kids at home while I'm making money. But I'm worried that generation gap will be too big for them if we wait 8 more years.


    To me it seems like "now or never". My sociology professor said that marriage quality actually deteriorates after kids. There is no kid in my hubby's family at all. Maybe we'll just end up like all his sisters' families. DINK family.(Double income, no kids). I can already see myself as a 35 year old woman who gave up of the idea of having kids.

  14. I'm 27 now and currently studying in college again. I love kids but I can't find a decent time to plan for having a baby. I still have 4 more years of study ahead. After that I need to find myself a job and establish my career in US. I figure I would need to wait for another 8 years to have a good standing in the job market here, at that time I'll be 35. Maybe too old and too busy at work for kids then.


    what's more, My husband doens't like kids. This is first marriage for both of us and hopefully it's the only one. I just become very envious and somewhat sad when I know others girls are pregnant. how do u guys plan for having babies? When do u know that u are ready?

  15. well, the 001 forum is a Chinese forum, so if u do not understand Chinese, u don't have to go there.


    The basic situation is like that: The guy thinks that the gal is so perfect that he is afraid that after getting married he would find some of her shortcomings later that he could't bear. He claimed that he need long period to be with her to decide whether he should marry her. (which I think it's impossible if he wouldn';t move to China). Also he told her that most American women just stay at home raising kids and he wanted her to be the same(he requires a "submissive female image". )She's only 24 and she would like to work besides having a family. She felt very unsafe about leaving her own country when she can't get any commitment fm him.


    Also, I found an article in my Sociology book says that "American men are attracted to Asian matchmakers' websites because they want to find submissive wives." I am annoyed by this comment. I think as a couple, we should be lenient and nice to each other, respect each other, but that doesn;t mean one party should be submissive ;)

  16. Hi guys,


    I know that all of you are very warm-hearted, so would u mind offering some guys' opinion of "cold feet"?


    There's a poor gal on 001 forum crying for day becoze her fiance became hesitated about getting married while her visa interview date is Feb 20th.


    Pls give this gal some of your own experience.



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