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Posts posted by 3timescharm

  1. Hi, Robert, besides Mike's suggestion, I would like to mention another way, it is QQ email box. Since your wife is Chinese, it should be very easy for her to register for a QQ email box. My friend in IL sent me files as attachments via QQ email which were often up to 300MB for each one, each time I could receive them. I have never used QQ email until early this year, my friend asked me to register one so that she could transfer files to me. I did. Then I was surprised by QQ email's ability of tranfering files, though I never used that QQ email for any other purpose.


    She could register a QQ email then you two share the same email box, very simple.


    QQ mail sounds pretty good. I will ask her to register today. Do I also need to register, or do I just sign in to the same account?




  2. My SO and I send alot of files to each other, most are video files of different things..her trip to beach, my daughter at her dance recital, home and such. I use a service called "Sendthisfile", she has no trouble getting what I send her but for some reason most of her's have I/O errors when she tries to send them to me. I will get maybe half the file, most of which should be around 300meg. Does anyone here use anything different or know of a good choice? I am thinking of using maybe a FTP program on my computer and just let her upload right to my computer. Any suggestions?



  3. I gotta tells ya, this here visa process is dangerous work....I damned near did a Lorraina Bobitz on my lil' water spout with the gal'dern sissors, I got papers all glued together, one of them , I think the I-130 or somethiing is stuck to my bald head, I had some super glue and used that....man that stuff is quicks I tells ya....I had 12 sheets of G-325 stuck to my two hands and couldn't get them off. I got hungry and with those dern forms stuck to my hands I had to knock over a can of pinto beans on the table and lick them off.


    Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough. I'll have plenty of the worlds stupdiest pet trick questions to axe yawl.


    Sniff...sniff...yawl make a new guy really feel at home here...thank you..and excuse me, I think I may go have a good cry in my grits. I done found me some friends.




    Buttflower....Hmmmmm..... kinky



    Now thats funny :blink:

  4. I also agree with Carl that the fee$ are designed to limit Immigration to the US.

    this is total bull sh*t if this is the reason for so much cost why are they doing nothing to stop the illegals from mexico and giving social security to boot out of the taxes you paid not them.

    It is nothing but another get the working mans money.

    from Feb 2002 until Feb 2008 I got my exwife all the way from K-1 to citizenship for less than 900 hundred dollars paid to INS now thanks to our great leader MR. BUSH it will only cost you over $2600.00 just to INS to do the same now and still the very sorry service as before

    Our big Brother is total ROTTEN TO THE CORE AND WILL NEVER GET BETTER. Why do you think there is so many retired people moving out of the usa to have a better life? And the rich people are doing it too

    to beat the taxes.


    Mr.Bush????????? I am no great fan of President Bush but He is not the one that raised the fee's. That would be Congress and the USCIS. To many people blame the president when things go wrong and give too much credit when things go right. Kind of like the Manager of a Baseball team. It the team (congress) does not perform good.....then we fire the Manager :blink:




    P.S.....I am not a fan of Obama either



    {edit} Fix broken {Quote} tags

  5. Just curious, what service do people use to send I-134 to their fiance(e)s? I am bringing it with me, but I am thinking of sending it using just UPSP with certified mail just to be safe.

    I carried it to China.


    USPS works with China post and seems to get things there OK.



    That would be EMS, though, NOT certified mail.

    EMS -- the international Express Mail Service, is a special postal service offered by the postal administrations of the countries and regions in the world where EMS items enjoy the preferential treatment of the Post, Customs and airline companies. With the high speed and high quality, EMS transmits for the customers the urgent letters, documents, banking bills, samples and goods. Meanwhile, it provides items tracking and inquiry service by different ways. In addition, EMS offers some extended services such as agent of declaring, packaging and insurance.


    Today, China Post international EMS service has established service links with more than 200 countries and regions in the world.

    The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides Express Mail for domestic U.S. delivery, and offers two EMS categories of services for Express Mail International. One is simply called Express Mail International[3] and the other service is called Global Express Guaranteed(GXG).[4] These two USPS International Mail terms are often confused with their service called Express Mail, which is a specific classification of mail for domestic accelerated postal delivery within the U.S.



    I us USPS Global Express Guaranteed to send everything to my SO and have never had a problem. Usually there in 7 days.



  6. Right, that makes sense. In fact, if you do it too soon, they expire. Right?

    They are valid for 1 year.


    Also you need to send an I-134 along with supporting evidence like IRS transcripts, copies of pay stubs, and an employer letter.



    Do you send the Documents with the P3 (I-134, Tax transcripts, ect), I thought you did not send documents. I thought you took them to interview with you?????? :)

  7. Michael-Sean - I disagree with you, I don't feel the price is too much.


    I'm in a different camp, perhaps? No Price is Too Much.


    There are a few PACs that you should join that are addressing this issue - perhaps one of the members here will tell you about the one that's been mentioned here recently?

    I agree with Michael. $1010 on top of having paid the interview fee, the medical fee and airfare is a big chunk of change to have to come up with in a short period of time. I also don't believe it costs that much to process the petition. It appears to be punitive and designed to discourage immigration.



    I agree, I also think it is to much. I understand arguments on both sides of the issue. My SO is worth every penny of it, But it still should not cost that much after all the other fees and expenses that go along with K-1 and K-3 visa's. You are correct that it discourages immigration....but I think it incourages illegal immigration as well. IMHO, if the fee's were reasonable for everything....and the rules just slightly relaxed for K-1 and CR-1, then we would all be happy and there would be less reason to come here illegally. I for one am tired of BIG BROTHER telling me what I can and can not do when it comes to family.



  8. We received blue our first interview:( I wrote a second EOR stating the facts of our relationship; ie: how we met, what made us decide to marry, how we communicate, etc... It is important to keep this detailed but very direct and focused.


    I also wrote a second and very detailed letter with the details of each trip I made to China. I wrote where we went, what we did, who paid for stuff ( IE: MOSTLY ME ). In this letter I added pictures to complement the text. My EOR was 2 typed pages, the trip details ended up to be 8 pages long. Do not be afraid to get a little personal in these letters. Let them know you are serious about your relationship. If you love your hunny, be afraid NOT to tell them.


    Blue overcome was a call-in letter to -->PINK !!!


    If I had to read these documents all day I think I would prefer to read a cleanly typed page. Just my opinion.


    Best of luck,

    Ning and Jim...


    I like that. I'll type the letter and have it notarized here free in the state. It shouldn't make difference whether you typed or wrote. Typing seems look much cleaner and more formal in front of VO.


    I just canceled the appointment of notarizing my document in ACS.


    This thread is one of the most helpful thread, there is just so much important information in it.




    Mei & Steve

    How can you get notorization for free? And when do you give this Evolution of Relationship letter to the consulate? During the interview?



    I had mine notorized for free at work by a lady in the accounting office

  9. have it notorized.....


    What is this evidence of relationship letter I keep hearing people talk about? Is this required, or just part of the "kitchen sink?"



    It basically tells in detial about your relationship from begining to present.....how you met...etc... with pictures and other evidence. It should be one of the first things that your SO gives the Vo at the begining of the interview so the VO can read it.

  10. I have a quick question about the I-134. In October of 2003 I filed a K-1 (I-129F) for me ex wife from Russia. Question #10 on the I-134 say's " I have filed a petition(s) to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of the person(s). If none, state "None". I listed my current fiancee on the first line. Should I also list this other petition and if so, should I put ex-wife under "Relationship"?

  11. After 20 months of torture, my wife finally has her visa. We had to overcome the dreaded "blue slip". She left her passports on tuesday, and picked up her package at the consulate on wednesday. Soon we will be living on the same side of the planet together. Oh happy days.


    As always appreciate all of the wonderful advice I have seen on CFL, and wish I had found this site earlier on in the process.


    Best of luck to everyone going though this nightmare,

    Ning and Jim...



    Congrats, I wish you the best of luck in the future




  12. Congratulations!


    You state "copies", how many copies?

    The entire passport or just the information page?

    I had read somewhere about a copy of the information page, which I have.

    We're headed to GUZ this morning.

    It would be nice to know exactly what they wanted.

    When I sent our P-1 to The USCIS, I read ... "a copy of every page of the passports" which is what we submitted. I assume it's the same deal for the Interview requirements and I assume that's what xiaomin got from "floor 4" but I'd have to wait until I give her, her wake up call in a couple of hours to ask her for sure... One copy to turn in to them.



    "This story may come out sounding like I'm accusing the American government of being unreasonable, putting us through a horrible experience in the process. But it certainly is not my intention to accuse the American government of anything. If anything, they are not keeping the door closed enough to stop the flood. I'm still shocked at the approval rate. 80% of hundreds of applicants (most of them don't speak one word of English) got PINK, in one day alone, from one consulate alone. Do some math yourself, then you'd know what I'm talking about. "


    I read this with great interest the other day and believe that it will be of great help to everyone who is getting ready for the interview. After alot of thought though...I have to make a few comments on the story. I do not wish to offend anyone with my commments so please do not take them personally. You see the quote I have included in my response above. First I will say that YES, there are I think too many foriengers in this country, but the ones I am reffering to are illegal. Are too many visa's issued, maybe. The fact of the matter is that YOU were one of the 80% that got your visa approved this day so you should feel lucky that you were not one of the 20%. I personally think that most if not all student visa's should be approved as long as they are legit. Most have saved for a very long time or there parents are giving up there retirement to make there childrens lives better. As far as K visa's and CR-1, if they are BONIFIED RELATIONSHIPS and the financial paperwork is in order, I think they should have a 100% approval rating, whether they can speak english or not. How they communicate is there buisness. You are coming to this country to be with the person you love and they should also be able to do the same. For a person from another country to come to this country and tell us we have too many foriengers just does not sound right. They have the same right to come as you do. I am sure everyone was hoping that your visa would be approved as the rest of us are hoping that ours will be. We have a saying here in the South about people from up north, " You are welcome to come but.....do not try to tell us how to do things down here. If you do not like it.....got back to New York or were ever it is you came from". The same could be said for people from other countries. Do not try to tell us "US" how we should run our country or control our borders. Consider yourself lucky that you got the visa and WELCOME....we are glad to have you.






    xiaomin Great story and write up.

    Almost a novel Just kidding.


    Congrats on your journey.


    PS: Jerry let me know when you pick up Visa so i can update your time line.



    Oh, thanks Mike... Reminds me I have to update my signature timeline!



    Congrats and thank you for the very interesting story. I think this will help alot of people. I will tell Xiaona to make copies of her passport before interview.



  14. My fiancee went through Atlanta as her POE Sunday night. We both went down the non-resident line. The woman directing people saw my US passport and told me I should go to the US citizen side. I explained that I was with my fiancee and we need to go together. She insisted we both could go to the US citizens immigration line and lifted the tape so we could go directly to the line in front of an immigration officer. So, we didn't have to wait in the long line. Great. We were off to a good start.


    There were two or three people in front of us. Things went smoothly. Finally, it was our turn. Jie walked up to the immigration officer with me behind her. She greeted the officer with a "Hello". His response was, "What? You don't think I see you down there." Officer Holmes was the biggest arsehole US immigration officer I have ever come across.


    Then he turns to her and says, "Did you read the sign before entering?! Do you understand English?!" Then he turns to me and asks the same thing. I have know idea what his problem was and didn't care enough to ask.


    Then it became time for the fingerprinting. He said, "Raise you right have and put your four fingers together." She did exactly what he said. Then he asks her again, "Do you speak English?" Then he turns to me and asks, "Do you speak her language?" He was so condescending towards her.


    I don't mean to offend anyone with the following; I am just stating what happen. When he finished with us, Jie turns to me and says, "I don't like it here. I want to go back. He looked down on me because he is black and I am Chinese."


    After that, he chats with his buddy about nothing for no good reason. I guess he just wanted to see if he could rattle us. Then he had someone take us to another room. We followed. The guy drops off the package, says nothing, and leaves.


    After 40 minutes, they finally call her. After 10 minutes, it was done.



    I live in the Atlanta area. I have made trips to Russia and China and both times I was treated with the most disrespect from the Atlanta imigration people. You are right for the most part they are arsholes. I filed complaints both times and I was by myself....no SO. I will make sure that Xiaona comes through Newark or some other place when she makes her trip here to avoid going thru imigration and customs here in Atlanta.

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