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Posts posted by 3timescharm

  1. I tried to get this posted on Craig's List but the staff/moderator deleted it. Why? I was told that it was/is because thsi particular program is not supposed to be re-sold.


    I'm wanting to locate the "English" version of this program because Mei's ESL teacher uses it in their class and she seems to really enjoy it.


    I won't tell you that it comes in a primarily yellow box and it's initials are RS.


    Anybody have any ideas where I can get it as cheap as possible?

    2 words...Bit-Torrent :blink:

  2. Just curious if anyone requested tax transcripts from the irs via the phone service over the last 2 weeks? Did you receive them yet?


    I requested my 2008 scripts 2 weeks ago and they are still MIA. I requested pre-2008 scripts earlier this year and got them within a week.


    As these scripts contain highly sensitive personal info, I am worried that they might mis delivered or lost in the mail.


    Anyone know if there is a way to track if they sent them out or not yet?

    If I remember correctly, it took about 2 weeks when I ordered mine about 3 months ago. I ordered 3 years worth but do not think that was the reason for delay. If you do not get them next week just re-order

  3. Got a worthless response from GUZ tonight. Because they can not determine if I am really the petitioner they want me to FAX or MAIL them my personal information and my Fiancee phone number. After they determine whether they LOST our P3 paper work they will either MAIL (not email) me a response....or call my fiancee and let her know. I can only assume that this will take way to long. I guess this is how they get out of giving a response :angry: . We are re-sending papers on Monday..China time. Funny.....the email address I gave them is the same one I gave USCIS and NVC...and DOS. You would think that that would be enough since I think it is listed somewhere there on the papers :(

    You were able to get an email to GUZ using the email form? The site still seems to be down.

    I sent it yesterday evening. I have not tried it today

  4. Got a worthless response from GUZ tonight. Because they can not determine if I am really the petitioner they want me to FAX or MAIL them my personal information and my Fiancee phone number. After they determine whether they LOST our P3 paper work they will either MAIL (not email) me a response....or call my fiancee and let her know. I can only assume that this will take way to long. I guess this is how they get out of giving a response :ph34r: . We are re-sending papers on Monday..China time. Funny.....the email address I gave them is the same one I gave USCIS and NVC...and DOS. You would think that that would be enough since I think it is listed somewhere there on the papers :ph34r:

  5. I have tried several times over the last couple of days to email GUZ and ask if they ever actually received our P3. The form link does not work on there website. It has not worked for 3 days now. Is there anyother way to contact them? I looked at the web site but the phone number they list is a local Shanghie number for visa questions. I really do not have a visa question...I just want to know what happened to the papers.


    On a side not...we ware re-sending the P3. I am just the kind of person that wants answers when something is screwed up :blink:



  6. Called the NVC for the 1st time today only took 5 minutes to get threw and talk to someone. The woman said they got the file 10/30/2009 and I could expect 10-15 business days before they send it to GUZ, however she said to call Friday to check on it...... WOOO HOOO......Is it Friday yet????


    Hope you have better luck than we are. Apparently GUZ has lost our P3...or it never got back even though EMS tracking says it was delivered on Sept 29. I will be really pissed if you get interview before we do :roller:

  7. Yeah, we're still waiting, but it should be soon. Looking at the timeline at other people filing directly with the consulate, there's about a one month wait between P3 and P4. We filed a week or so after squirty.


    We called DoS last Thursday, and the lady told us that my wife's background check seemed to be in order and that all of her paperwork was received. She said we're ready for an interview, but that it hasn't been set yet. She told us to call back this Thurs. Perhaps we'll know more then.


    She did say that there was a considerable backlog, but gave no explanation as to why. Just have to wait.

    I understand what you are saying, I am not sure what the time difference is between I-130 and K-1. But I do see people here who sent P3 back in early October and have interview dates. DOS is saying that GUZ has not even received our P3 back yet.

  8. I just got off the phone with DOS, they say GUZ ha still not received P3 back even though EMS tracking said it was delivered on Sept, 29. DOS suggested re-sending P3. Will this cause us even more delay if they already have it there and are just sitting on it? I do not understand as others on this list sent P3 back after us and already have interview date. I looked but can not find the email link for GUZ I want to email them first and ask about it. Can you please list the link and any advise would be great.



  9. Ok if I have NOA2 now and it take say 3 weeks to clear NVC. What can I expect on the P3 and P4 parts? Say if we mail the forms for the P-3 back when we see they have Mailed them to her.


    I am thinking Early Febuary is a maybe....... I want to start looking for tickets. I plan to be there 3 weeks so I have a 3 week window to play with.






    I would not try to narrow it down........Na and I have been waiting a month since EMS said they delivered our P3 to GUZ. We still have no interview date :angry:



  10. War is hell. What about our people in the Twin Towers, The Pentagaon and the brave Americans who perished in a Pennsylvania field airplane crash on 9-11? These thugs killed over 3000 innocent American citizens that day. These Bastards are nothing but cowards as they shield themselves with civilians.

    The best thing for us to do is get out of UN and close down the UN in New York City and give the land back to the Rockefellers who donated it.

    I agree. The UN is NOT a friend of the USA.

  11. I love my country. I love it so much I want to make it better. Indeed I consider it my patriotic duty to protest those things my country does I don't believe in. Past mistakes should not be repeated. Fortunately our nation has the courage to stand up and admit we've been wrong in the past. Manifest destiny is a good example.


    Religion may not have been the only factor in past wars but I doubt anyone can find a single war in which it wasn't a factor at all.

    AMEN...AMEN..and AMEN. Well said

  12. Manifest Destiny was most certainly used by the US government through out the 1800s.


    Manifest Destiny ideology shaped both public attitudes and government policy, and was constantly updated to suit whatever economic opportunities were available on Native land. For example, the discovery of gold in Georgia led to a barrage of Manifest Destiny propaganda calling for removal of Native peoples from the area. So in 1830 the U.S. Congress passed the "Indian Removal Act", and thus began the dispossession of the Cherokee people. This was legitimised under the Treaty of New Echota, which was signed by President Andrew. The result of this act was the Trail of Tears where Native Americans walked from Georgia to Oklahoma under very harsh conditions. Over 4,000 lives were lost on that forced march.


    Read more: http://aboriginalrights.suite101.com/artic...y#ixzz0VFLEJyYD


    Manifest Destiny may well have been the policy of the government but it was greed over land, not God. Some fanatics may have justified it using God but Custer and Meade and Sheridan didn't get down on their knees and pray before they slaughtered thousands of Native Americans.


    I don't think people who post here don't like the US. In fact, quite the opposite. It shows a lot of self concept in your own country to marry someone from another.


    "self concept". What country I live in never entered my mind when I decided t marry a woman from China.....just the women from my country made me choose a bride from another country :blink:

  13. I am reading this and get the impression that there are some people posting that really do not like the good ol, USA. In this country we are all able to speak our mind......Freedom of speach....... But I must ask.....if you hate this country so much then why not move???.


    Yes the USA is not perfect....far from it. However, I still think it is the best around and will continue to be, not because of Government but inspite of it. It is the people of this country that make it great. If you look you can find poor and currupt people in ANY country, some worse than others. Yes I am worried about the current stance of our Government but like everything else it will swing back. Every country has there reasons for what they did in the past...right or wrong...it is in the past.




    Maybe some of us just are not blinded by love of country enough to take notice of some serious problems facing this country, ie facing the brutal facts of reality. I love this country for the principals it was founded on and is supposed to stand for. Unfortunately, America has been far of course for some time now and in many ways does not represent the principals and ideals that it was founded on. While I am not so certain that things will 'swing back' anytime soon, I still love this country. And I am sure all others here do as well.


    I am not blind. I know this country has very serious problem, but nothing that can not be fixed in time. We can not change the past, we can only try to make the future better, but not by giving total control of our lives to the Government.....which apparently is what some want <_<

  14. I am reading this and get the impression that there are some people posting that really do not like the good ol, USA. In this country we are all able to speak our mind......Freedom of speach....... But I must ask.....if you hate this country so much then why not move???.


    Yes the USA is not perfect....far from it. However, I still think it is the best around and will continue to be, not because of Government but inspite of it. It is the people of this country that make it great. If you look you can find poor and currupt people in ANY country, some worse than others. Yes I am worried about the current stance of our Government but like everything else it will swing back. Every country has there reasons for what they did in the past...right or wrong...it is in the past.



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