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Everything posted by Lowen/Zhang

  1. thanks Mike. That helps me a lot. I would assume they were to be in P4 information as well. But like I said I have read and been told different. We will see when I speak with my wife in a bit. Mike
  2. Is this not something that the security and name check would provide, ie membership in the communist party?
  3. A letter, from my attorney, explaining the process after we filed the I-129F says; the Chinese version of forms DS 156 and 157 will be included in packet 3 information and that my wife must fill the Chinese versions in with exact answers that are on the English version. They do not get sent anywhere but taken to the interview submitted and signed in front of the VO at the interview. The web site also says it is included in P3, I am just trying to find out what packet for sure they are sent in. At the medical exam do they look for completeness of documents or just stick things together in order?
  4. Thanks Lee. The forms DS-156 on the site say they expire on 8/31/04 will these still work if she doesn't have the forms? I can only assume that she has them. I am going to have her show me what she has from packet 3 in the morning. I know she already sent the OF-167 and DS-230 in and received by Guangzhou.
  5. My attorney tells me there is suppose to be Chinese version of the DS-156 and DS 157 filled out in duplicate to be taken to the interview. My wife is suppose to fill the forms out in Chinese characters in duplicate and submit with the English forms. He said they are to be in packet 3. I am just trying to find out because I can't find out from my wife what was in packet 3 other than what I sent to her to return. She is out right now and I am working on documentation she needs for the interview
  6. Can anyone tell me in what packet the Chinese version of forms DS-156 and DS-157 that have to be taken to the interview? Are they sent in Packet 3 or 4?
  7. Know the feeling!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
  8. I have a feeling that even those of us that got in under the wire, so to speak, will also be affected to some extent at some point in time through the process.
  9. It was my understanding from my Lawyer that the Law currently is only affecting K1 visa and not K3, which you have actually filed for by filing the I-130. The I-130 received date is prior to the 3/6 date by your timeline. Shouldn't the CR1 still be processing and the K3? I don't know. Fortunately I got in under the wire and really feel for those that didn't. I know that I have been a wreck through this and we are close now but still want it to be over. I will do what ever I can to help those in a stall patern.
  10. Yes it is!!! I just had a very long talk with my wife before she went to bed. She is very excited and feels she will receive P4 very soon. I just worry she does not understand the importance of getting the papers completed and getting the exam quickly upon receiving packet 4. Maybe Merc we can put our wives in touch if they and you have no objection. We are close enough I think that they may just have a communication outlet if they wish upon arriving in the USA. My wife is worried about her English skills. I told her to answer all questions she can in English but ask to answer in Chinese if necessary. She is very worried about that. I tell her if she can talk to me and answer questions in English for 1 hour she will do fine in interview but she thinks she will be confused. Mike
  11. I just got off the phone with DOS talked to someone new and asked many questions. I was told the package 3 was received in GUZ, May 8, the name check was done at the NVC but another ordered at GUZ it is completed. I was so excited to learn they have her listed as eligible for interview but no interview set yet at this time. I was informed that everything is completed she is just in the line waiting for the interview date to be set!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Closer we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike
  12. I really do try not to call but curiousity gets the best of me. I can say though I usually call only twice a week, at the beginning and the end. I call GUZ in between with the pre-paid PIN. That is a joke! All they ever say is "my PIN is correct my case is actice". I know that part.
  13. Getting back to the topic here of confusion. It was my thought the K3 was established to enabled families to be together quicker but it seems it is quicker to go K1 than K3. But I can't get answers on the I 129F or the I 130
  14. Yes and mine will be a great one for them. Her Mother's family name is the same as her ex, BUT NOT RELATED. Her Mother's Mother's family name is the same as her Father's BUT NOT RELATED. And both Father's parents had the same Family name, BUT NOT RELATED. There are also 5 people currently in the USA that have the same exact name family and given as my wife's. Does that make sense? LOL I don't know.
  15. Yes I guess a second name check might be in order for one of the most common names in China!
  16. But I thought K3 name check was done at the NVC before sending to GUZ?
  17. Well I am back. Many telephone calls later to DOS. The only new information I have received from DOS is that the last correspondence entered in the computer from my wife was on May 9. I can only assume that this the receipt of the package 3. My wife mailed it back to GUZ on 4/29. I only obtained this information last week. Why does it take so long to tell you something if it happened on May 9. No namecheck information or anything else. They say going through "ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING". What does that mean? Am I getting close to getting my wife to the USA? I don't have a clue? I talk to her everyday twice a day and she seems not worried a bit. She says, "we will be together soon do not worry." Well I do worry that's my job to worry and would like answers or something.
  18. My wife was first greeted in english.. I would think this is normal, rather than being greeting in chinese.. for which dialect of chinese should they attempt first ? My observation on interviews for two years is that it's best to go with which language offers you the best chance to get through it with the minimal misunderstanding. If she has to constantly ask for a repeat of questions, they are possibly apt to just issue a blue slip and ask for a video. I have noticed what may appear as a lack of patience with answering at the interview. I told my wife as follows: - First greet in english. Expect a question about your language (she got it). - Answer that she speaks some english but will understand best if the interview is in chinese. - Any simple answer which she knows instantly how to say in english to answer in english , then follow with chinese ( to show she can communicate in english). If an interview is done in english, sometimes the beneficiary does not know how to formulate the english answer and delays.. but it's best to answer in chinese to show she has the info.. and explain she's not sure how to articulate it in english... 219114[/snapback] This is pretty much the same as how I'm coaching my wife. We're practicing... "Good morning Sir, how are you?" and "Good morning, Madam. How are you?" We are really drilling this because it is the first impression. In answer to questions about language or for the first question she doesn't understand, she knows to say "I speak some English. Understand better, Mandarin." She can answer many questions in English and knows to ask that a question be repeated in Mandarin if she doesn't understand it. Her paperwork indicates she speaks Mandarin and Cantonese fluently and some English. 219119[/snapback] Great ideas! We practice our questions strictly in English but if I ask a question and she doesn't know how to respond in English she will ask if she can speak Chinese. I will suggest to her the responses you all have just revealed. I like them much better. Thanks!
  19. Once a week or so, I take a screenshot or two of a webcam session. Often it will be when other members of the respective families are participating. Yesterday, it was my wife and daughter in the same cam shot. The last time, it was one of my adult daughters and I in one cam with wife and step-daughter in the other. I have screen shots of all her immediate family except one sister in-law and one nephew, participating in webcam sessions over several months time. I took several pages of these prints with me on my last trip and will either print more and/or email for printing there, soon. 219102[/snapback] GOT IT here it is for anyone else interested in this archive of messages and conferences etc: You can automatically save a history of all your instant messages, alerts, conferences, and/or text messages. Click the "Messenger" menu in Yahoo! Messenger and select "Preferences." Click the "Archive" category. You have three choices for archiving your messages. You can select one of the three options given, including selecting "No" to not save your messages. You also have three choices for archiving your call history. You can select one of the three options given, including selecting "No" to not save your call history. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window. Note: Uncheck the "Enable Archiving" option to disable Archiving.
  20. For a whole conversation, use a digital video camera or any separate digital recording device. If you are trying to satisfy a potential VO request for a communication video, then this might be a way that would work without being in China. 219048[/snapback] yes Mike I think she is trying to anticipate the requested video or recorded communication. She told me a friend of hers was ask for one at interview because the English was not that good. My wife speaks pretty good English I think. Especially when our talks are sometimes over an hour. I do get " Can you speak more slowly " and "I don't know how to translate into English" sometimes but she usually uses her dictionary or I will ask her to use a different word. But she is concerned about having the record. I keep a log of our communications on paper but no recording as of yet. The video recorder might be a good idea. Mike 219055[/snapback] Yahoo messenger has an archive function. To print a copy of the log, I just take a screen shot of it and paste it into a word document. I did this before my last visit to China and took the pages to her. I'll need to do it again when I send the I-134 and associated paperwork before interview. If her English is good, it is highly unlikely she'll need a video. 219065[/snapback] I dont understand the screen shot. Can you explain? Not a computer wizard here. Trying the entertainmant recording wave now. 219070[/snapback] Sure. Open a new word document and minimize. Arrange what you see on your screen so you're happy with it, so it is what you want to print. Then find the "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard and push it. Open the Word document and "paste". The image that was on your screen when you pushed the button will now be in the word document. Save it and print it or email it to your SO to print on her end. The printed image will be more readable than the one you see on your screen. 219074[/snapback] Great THANKS just tested the print screen deal into word document. Will try it with video communication when we talk tonight. Great help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks again she will be happy!!!!!!!! Also tested the recorder and it works and can be sent by email but don't know how they could listen to it. Don't think they will take the time. Unless like you said need to overcome something. But I have telephone bills and my record of communication log via Skype and Yahoo messenger I also have a record I can print of her leaving messages to me. On the answering device on Yahoo where is the Yahoo archive function though? 219086[/snapback] To find the messager archive, right click your SO's username in your list of friends or family. A window will appear, in which you select "message archive". The Catch 22 is, I think you must have selected something at some point to turn on the archive. I remember doing something like that but it was so long ago I don't remember or see how. 219094[/snapback] Trying to figure out the turn on archive thing THANKS found the location just need to active the archive
  21. I have tested the print screen feature with my web cam open and it worked wonderfully now will test tonight and print to see how it comes out. THANKS again for the help with this issue.
  22. Thanks I will let her know maybe the documented evidence on paper will be enough at the interview. Don't know how they would listen to it anyway. Just trying to figure out how so I can send her something to calm her worry. 219066[/snapback] There is a form in the P-4 package; "Supplemental Form GNI-2". Question 8 asks "List all languages, including your own that you can speak, read, write" I wonder if some of the requests for "proof of communication/common language" is because some beneficiaries are not including English as one of their languages. Perhaps the GNI-2 is reviewed during he interview...the questions does not list English, the SO prefers an interview in native language...and the issue snowballs from there into a request for a videotape to prove that the applicant and beneficiary can communicate. Phone records (and an attempt to interview in English) would be proof of "speaking", e-mail/chat correspondence would be proof of "reading and writing". The form does not ask for a level of proficiency, just to list the language. 219080[/snapback] I have told my wife that she must enter the interview and I am sure will probably be greeted in Chinese and ask if she can speak English. Her answer should be "Yes a little but slowly" she should ask for questions to be repeated again if she does not understand and if she can not explain totally in English ask if she can answer the question in Chinese.
  23. For a whole conversation, use a digital video camera or any separate digital recording device. If you are trying to satisfy a potential VO request for a communication video, then this might be a way that would work without being in China. 219048[/snapback] yes Mike I think she is trying to anticipate the requested video or recorded communication. She told me a friend of hers was ask for one at interview because the English was not that good. My wife speaks pretty good English I think. Especially when our talks are sometimes over an hour. I do get " Can you speak more slowly " and "I don't know how to translate into English" sometimes but she usually uses her dictionary or I will ask her to use a different word. But she is concerned about having the record. I keep a log of our communications on paper but no recording as of yet. The video recorder might be a good idea. Mike 219055[/snapback] Yahoo messenger has an archive function. To print a copy of the log, I just take a screen shot of it and paste it into a word document. I did this before my last visit to China and took the pages to her. I'll need to do it again when I send the I-134 and associated paperwork before interview. If her English is good, it is highly unlikely she'll need a video. 219065[/snapback] I dont understand the screen shot. Can you explain? Not a computer wizard here. Trying the entertainmant recording wave now. 219070[/snapback] Sure. Open a new word document and minimize. Arrange what you see on your screen so you're happy with it, so it is what you want to print. Then find the "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard and push it. Open the Word document and "paste". The image that was on your screen when you pushed the button will now be in the word document. Save it and print it or email it to your SO to print on her end. The printed image will be more readable than the one you see on your screen. 219074[/snapback] Great THANKS just tested the print screen deal into word document. Will try it with video communication when we talk tonight. Great help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks again she will be happy!!!!!!!! Also tested the recorder and it works and can be sent by email but don't know how they could listen to it. Don't think they will take the time. Unless like you said need to overcome something. But I have telephone bills and my record of communication log via Skype and Yahoo messenger I also have a record I can print of her leaving messages to me. On the answering device on Yahoo where is the Yahoo archive function though?
  24. For a whole conversation, use a digital video camera or any separate digital recording device. If you are trying to satisfy a potential VO request for a communication video, then this might be a way that would work without being in China. 219048[/snapback] yes Mike I think she is trying to anticipate the requested video or recorded communication. She told me a friend of hers was ask for one at interview because the English was not that good. My wife speaks pretty good English I think. Especially when our talks are sometimes over an hour. I do get " Can you speak more slowly " and "I don't know how to translate into English" sometimes but she usually uses her dictionary or I will ask her to use a different word. But she is concerned about having the record. I keep a log of our communications on paper but no recording as of yet. The video recorder might be a good idea. Mike 219055[/snapback] Yahoo messenger has an archive function. To print a copy of the log, I just take a screen shot of it and paste it into a word document. I did this before my last visit to China and took the pages to her. I'll need to do it again when I send the I-134 and associated paperwork before interview. If her English is good, it is highly unlikely she'll need a video. 219065[/snapback] I dont understand the screen shot. Can you explain? Not a computer wizard here. Trying the entertainmant recording wave now.
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