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Posts posted by SBS

  1. SBS:


    After reading your post, and then going back and re-reading Clary's post, I don't think this is the reason for your delay. I think we may possibly be dealing with a language issue here. From the context of Clary's statement, it seems that what her fiancee was given was the "cable number". What this means is the number of the cable message sent to GZ, not the number that you mentioned was required on the form. When she says "Cable code", I think she means "cable number".


    I think what you are referring to is the code they ask for in Packet 3. It is called "Standard Chinese Telegraphic Code". Due to a mistake by GZ, we received two Packet 3s. Interestingly enough, one of them said the Telegraphic code was required, the other said that if one could not find the code, it was ok to omit it. We processed Packet 3 so long ago, that I am not sure what they say now. I would think, however, that if you needed the code, GZ would inform you of this. I really don't think is the cause of your delay. I could be wrong, but I don't think you have to worry about this too  much.


    You  might want to try to reach GZ by e-mail or phone and ask about the "Standard Chinese Telegraphic Code". I am not even sure they use it anymore.


    yeah you are right that i didn;t write my "standard Chinese Telegraphic Code" I was trying to find out the name of the that form but dont know where i can find it. well i know Clary was talking about another problem but it just suddenly reminds me theone i had. i have tried toapply a travel visa before Chrismas last year and i also wrote PinYin instead of the telegraphic code. someone foundout for me before i entered in. i just remembered i made the same mitake in 8 months ago :angry:

    well since my husband told me chinese name is so confused to Amercain . i really worry it might cause trouble without this standard chinese telegraphic code to FBI.

    thank you for your words Mick. i should not worry it this much. :D

  2. My god i really can;t believe i made this big mistake but just found out after read chary's post. last Augest i recived Packet 3 and i remember i filled out some form and it asked me about Cable Code :angry: :angry: :blink:

    But i wrote down my name 's PinYin instead :blink: :( :(

    god i am really crazy now and i really lost all mind and dont know what can i do to fix this big mistake!

    please anyone can give me any advice. now i can understand why my namecheck is pending forever. and i really think my case may be already in a black hole since there is no Cable Code on it :D :angry:

    my husband is sleeping now god he will be crazy too after he knows it.

    What can i do :( :( :(

  3. My god. your problem reminds me there may be a really big mistake i made while i filled out the forms while i apply visa. they are asking about your name 's Cable code on the paper. But i thought it was only my name in Pinyin. :angry: :angry: :angry: :blink:

    but now i think i should wrote the correct number in that blank. . god i really dontk now what should i do now :D

    it has been so long ago and i think maybe that is why my case is still pending for this long :( :( :(

    does anyone know about it? i think it was the form in Packet 3 i recieved :blink:

  4. Here is what the letter said.



    Dear Mr. xxxxx:


    Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your

    e-mail of

    February 27 requesting information about the immigrant visa

    application of

    xxxx xxxx.  We last corresponded with you about this case on January 3.  


    me assure you again that we fully understand that delays in visa


    are seriously complicating the lives of applicants and of those who


    waiting for their arrival.  


    Your wife's case is still pending completion of required


    vetting through an interagency clearance process.  Changes to this


    made in July 2002, together with communications problems, computer


    and vastly increased work volumes, have had the effect of delaying




    We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance

    requests.  We are also working with technical experts here in

    Washington in

    an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process.


    Unfortunately, your wife's clearance will not be processed as quickly


    most others are.  A government agency has placed a hold on the

    process.  We

    are working with the other agency to resolve this issue so that we


    process the case to conclusion.  However, we expect that a


    amount of time may be required to do so.  When Ms. xxxx clearance


    is concluded, the Consulate will notify her.  


    We hope this information is helpful.





    Lisa Piascik


    Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

    Visa Services

    :( :( :(

    why god treat me so unfair? i have never done anything wrong . just so unfair GOD :( :(

    With all respect and kindness intended SBS, I don't think it was God. It was the US Government. Did you receive this letter also? It would be interesting to how many of our members got this letter. :( :unsure: :huh:

    I am this wife who is metioned in this letter :( :( :(

    We have been waiting for my case to be checked for too long

    :blink: :(

  5. Here is what the letter said.



    Dear Mr. xxxxx:


    Assistant Secretary Maura Harty has asked us to respond to your

    e-mail of

    February 27 requesting information about the immigrant visa

    application of

    xxxx xxxx.  We last corresponded with you about this case on January 3. 


    me assure you again that we fully understand that delays in visa


    are seriously complicating the lives of applicants and of those who


    waiting for their arrival. 


    Your wife's case is still pending completion of required


    vetting through an interagency clearance process.  Changes to this


    made in July 2002, together with communications problems, computer


    and vastly increased work volumes, have had the effect of delaying




    We are working with the relevant agencies to complete all clearance

    requests.  We are also working with technical experts here in

    Washington in

    an attempt to find new ways to expedite the clearance process.


    Unfortunately, your wife's clearance will not be processed as quickly


    most others are.  A government agency has placed a hold on the

    process.  We

    are working with the other agency to resolve this issue so that we


    process the case to conclusion.  However, we expect that a


    amount of time may be required to do so.  When Ms. xxxx clearance


    is concluded, the Consulate will notify her. 


    We hope this information is helpful.





    Lisa Piascik


    Office of Public and Diplomatic Liaison

    Visa Services

    :blink: :D :D

    why god treat me so unfair? i have never done anything wrong . just so unfair GOD :D :P

  6. *sigh* please, everyone, by sharing my story, it was never my intention to cause people to be suspicious or nervous. 


    Regardless of where he/she is from, what country, which race, any relationship is about trust, and about taking chances.


    I am hurt now, and plan to focus solely on my career (incidentally, I was promoted not long ago, so now am fortunate to have the opportunity to set the direction and vision for a project for the first time in my life).  I will be honest with myself, although I do okay with my work, spending the last year focused on her, the immigration process, and learning Cantonese, I know I have not been living up to my full potential.


    However, I was once told "love as if you have never been hurt".  I know that one day when I do meet the right person, be it here, there, or anywhere, I will take the leap of faith as if I had never crashed.  I will not be preparing a parachute, padded landing, or any backup plan.  I will close my eyes ... jump ... and I know I will be able to fly.

    You will P.J. :angry:

  7. Thank you P.J after reading your letter i am glad to see you can think that way and share your deepest feeling and thoughts with us. your letter makes me not worry as much last night now. and glad you had a rest.

    your words encourage me too here. Candle is really the place filled with love. and let me realize there are still the true love and faithful people with us.

    You can read a lot unfaithful storys between hushand and wife in china. and it is worse in South. as a chinese i really can;t understand why people here is changing this fast. You can smell money in this whole country and what people want is just MONEY :angry: . it is really rare to see people will get marry only because they love each other. even when i wonderd why my freinds have BF but dont want to marry. they told me that becuase their boyfreinds dont have money ;) :huh: . ..

    only on candle and 001 you can see how sad we can be here when we miss our loved one. and how hard we try for our loved one. This is a family of love. I apprecaite you and other people here warm my heart and let me release my sadness and frustration here.

    I am happy for everyone who get visa...

    i really believe there is a GOD outthere. maybe he wont do anyting now but bad people will have a nightmare always with them in their life. :angry:

  8. Phatkat,


    Can you shed some light on this one for other members? 


    I just hate to feel that blind love was at fault?  You have got to think when you start a relationship with a person with whom you have major language/cultural differences, that love can always find common ground?


    Any hints of issues or deceit? 


    I read so many stories on this site, especially those with fiancees from South China, that explode with stories of quick total love.  How can you be when your are so different and so far away from each other?


    It's so common to hear on this site of a Chinese woman telling her US man that she loves him after only a very short time. 


    Did Ring speak any English?  What are your age differences?  Does she have degree from a university?  What was her job in China?


    The lonely hearts club doesn't need another victim.

    Sorry tybeaux,

    when you trust someone inlove so much. it is really hard to stay awake like you thought. I just fall in love with my husband on the internet without asking these much questions like you said. i just knew he is the boy who will stay with me in rest of my life. well we got lucky that we are the one who match each other. but how you can really judge a person if she/he act so nice but it was fake.

    You should not say these to a person who has a pure heart like P.J.


  9. P.J.

    i really can;t hold my tears when i read this letter. i just feel your pain so much in my heart. God will damit her in rest of her life. i do believe that she will realize one day how guilt she shoud be. god i even dont know what word i can say about it. this is the hardest moment P.J.

    when i read your letter. it reminds my husband a lot. how much he wants me happy here and howmuch he is trying for me. i do appreciate everything so much and just wish i can try my best to make him happy too.

    P.J. i know it will take such a long time to heal this broken heart but this horrible nightmare is over! we should thank god it wont last anylong and hurt you and your family any more.

    My husband and I will keep you in touch wherever we are!

    i have to say it again. Please Please take care of your body and get some rest!!we just worry about your body so much


    you made this big family here on candle and you will always get support and love here

    God Bless you !

  10. Here is a pure translation I received.  I will be honest, I am not going to hide, and I am not going to sugarcoat anything.  I will also admit that I am trying to face something that has been very difficult for me ... going on 40 hours no sleep now. 


    My dear wife:

    i get much better now, but i still need to go to

    bathroom many times a day. i receive your e-mail and

    feel so warm. i have no more fever. i hope you can get

    used to the climate there. when i know you always

    awake in the midnight, i feel so pain in my heart. i

    will take care myself, but you too. we work hard while

    we are in different location, we will have happiness

    when we are together. because of this, i have energy

    to do everything. you are all of mine, can you feel

    that. i will send you the photo (going to BBQ) in next

    e-mail. you will see it when you check the e-mail


    yours big cat.


    my dear husband:

    what are you doing now? i awoke at 3:00 am this

    morning. Do you feel better? Do you still have fever.

    you must remember to drink more water and take

    medicine.  there is so much virus in GuangZhou.  i am

    worry about you. i hope you get well soon.

    yours Ring.


    I know it is hard that you can go to bed after this horrible thing happened. But we do hope now you can calm donw and try to get some food and get some rest. Please dont damage your body and health. :lol: :(

    We are here always on candle for you. But we dont want to see your body gets weak and weak without sleeping for this long. Now only you can take care of yourself. please give your mind and body a rest...

    God bless you!

  11. All,


    Yes, I will be honest with myself and with all of you, I have been striking back somewhat here hoping someone would tell her just how F$@#@ up what she did really is.  When emotionally destroyed and feeling used and discarded, it is difficult not to lash out. 


    I will unpin this now.




    She is really someone who does not have a heart of love. it is not worth waste your time on talking to her anymore.




    Our blessings are with you !!!

  12. My god !!! i really can't believe she doesn't feel shame at all about what she did to a kind man. and she is talking about she needs to find a new Amercian Fiancee!!!@!@!



    below is the letter she replied me







    need find a new ÃÀ¹úfiancee spnsor. you can help me?


    hes upset becuase sees here letter to chinese husband




    :( :lol: :angry: I am feeling more DISGUSTED after receiving her letter :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    maybe she will act really nice again and find another kind Amercian in the future again !!

  13. I have read some post on 001 that some girls in china are going out with not only one Amercian and they even have ex-husband at home. :( :( i really can't believe they are doing these to people who is so honest and wants a true love.

    really damit it! :( :angry:

    Please stay strong, phatkat! i still believe there is really the one who belong to you in your life. we just gonna really find him/her. it is good you finally know this person is before it is too late.

    Please remember no matter what happen. Candle is place which is filled of love !

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