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Everything posted by SBS

  1. P.J. as i understand "µÇ¼Ç×¢²á" means you and candy marry in China. that is what me and my husband did in Hangzhou. We went to this office and µÇ¼Ç×¢²á us as a couple. But if you would do that then you will be unable to apply for a K-1 visa but only K-3 or CR-1 like ours. I am sorry that I dont know much about K visa but only CR-1. If you guys marry in China then i can explain all these process to Candy. Good Luck p.s. If you apply CR-1 visa in China then it will save you a lot time. We applied CR-1 in June and we receive the first packet in July. and the second packet in Augest. So it is really faster than you apply in the U.S.
  2. hello another_old_fart, There are a lot Chinese out there in China boycott Japanese products which is made in Japan. maybe it is silly to you but I do understand the reason why they are doing this and i don't buy things which is made in Japan also. I am really moved how all people here reply my post and I really want to say thank you of all of you who understand us and how we feel about this history. Also I am so proud of these chinese relations of you who taught you this history of China.
  3. Thank you very much for your post Bill. I wish more and more people can see these websites and send to your freinds and get more people support these people who are protecting the dignity of China... anyone who can't read Chinese can go to this website http://www.china918.net/en/index_en.htm
  4. Hello everyone, I am sorry for using this place to put this post which is nothing about immigration visa. But i believe P.J. our webmaster will understand me and support me here. If you are a chinese. I am sure you know what does 9.18 means and what happened on 9.18,1931 in China.. As a chinese i won't forget what does Japanese did to our homeland China in that horrible War.and it is unforgiveable that until now they still can't accept what they did to Chines and other asian coutries and say sorry to them. If you can read Chinese and love China. I wish you could go to this website which is built by some chinese who deeply love our homeland and fight for our reasonable right from Japanese govenment. http://www.1931-9-18.org/main/default.asp http://www.china918.net/index.html Thank you for your time to reading my post. I really appreciate it.
  5. HELLO Candy Welcome to join us!!! P.J. is really a good boy and make sure to take care of him while he is in China. I am soo happy for you and him can finally be together and in love so much
  6. P.J. I am soooo happy to hear from you again. Me and My husband are caring about your life in China everyday and we bet you must enjoy your life there so much so you had no time to write us sooner. What a good news that you and Candy are in love as you and us wished. Congrates P.J !!! I am soo glad to be the first one reply here. We are really sooooo happy for you P.J Don't forget to send us you two 's photo
  7. Is it safe to use? If it is, we should import some to USA (with the West Nile virus now). I only think J&J is 100% safe since it is made for the Baby. what a pity I can;t find the same stuff here in the US. It seems J&J is making more stuffs in China than it does in their own coutry. Incense works ok but i dont think people will like its smell.Also i have heard "RAID" is not 100% safe for your body too. But i did use RAID every night while i was in China. i like their smell and it helped me fall asleep sooner
  8. P.J. You can buy Johnson & Johnson company's product in any big Market. It works very well and just for keeping away any bugs or mosquitos. Also taking some Vitamin B will help you too. Remember it is a green bottle if you look for in the market in Johnson's area. Also there is another one which is so common in China. Called Hua Lu Shui. I am sure your girl must knows it. just make sure to get one made by a famous compnay. Enjoy your Life there P.J.
  9. We are in CA Don I just tried some test training on DWV website that was fun
  10. PJ, if your sweetie likes chocolate then get Godiva. now you can already find a lot foreign companies' chocolate in China but still Godiva is the one that you can;t ever find. Bring a nice box of Godiva. I am sure she will like it. http://www.godiva.com/store/default.asp here is their website.
  11. I am really sorry to see someone has been waiting that long and still suffering stress. Please PM me if you would like me to write letter for you. Best wishes to you all Lei
  12. Thank you Owen. Then no more Shanghai trip and I will just make sure to bring my X-ray with me
  13. This is the health certificate book which Shanghai entry-exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau asks me to get it before i leave China. I have heard some people from 001 didn't get them and left China. I wonder if i could save a trip to Shanghai also before i leave. Again i wanna say thank you to all members here on candle!
  14. sanfranman8 i think you misunderstood what we meant. People in GZ consulate can't do anything about your case if it has been holded by FBI. We could only be told if they recieve our case clearance or not. That is why we kept writing emails to DOS and CA because they are the ones who might be able to put press on FBI. I think most of people here will agree with us.
  15. You are right let us fight until all of us are out of this black hole!! We really understand how everyone is suffering here and we will try our best to help
  16. Thank you very much R2D2. I can really feel you are as excited as we are. May God bless you and your loved one and be together soon
  17. Honey It makes me cry again after i read your post. I am soo soo happy that our case is finally cleared. Yeah We wanna say thank you to PJ, Wolf, Argyle,rfsun, christy,R2D2, Mick, donahso... just too many people have helped us and We really wanna say thank you to all of you. I really believe that this is time to all of our on holded people. Please never give up hope. God bless you all
  18. My husband hurt his back today and he could only lay in bed the whole day. He is needing me more than anyone else but i can only sit here. I just can;t even take care of my husband it really frustrates me so much. Anyway I have received 4 people's email and they are going to sending letters for us. I wanna say thank you again here. You have been showing us that we are not fighting alone. Also thank you PJ for having this great idea. I really wish all our efforts could move these officers and then we can get people one by one out of this black hole. May God send all of us back to our loved one soon...
  19. I am really moved so much by all friends here who are willing to help us. Just wanna say thank you thank you again If anyone still needs our info please contact us by email. Wish all on hold cases would be cleared sooner and we will be more than happy to help others.
  20. I wanna thank yuo again here P.J. My husband and I really pray this will be the last
  21. Maybe they are using computer not people do all these replying job now
  22. Arglye We will join you !! Shall we send our seperated story by oursleves or send a same letter which all our signs? please let us know what shall we do here We don't want to through another Summer !
  23. Thank you for posting your timeline Jason. I wonder now whose case has been on hold the longest now Mine is 9 months hold by FBI
  24. Really Good News Jason! we are happy for you
  25. I have been reading his website last night and just hoped to get more idea about him. I am going to send him a letter too. Good job Argyle!
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