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Posts posted by coulter

  1. Any experience with a requirement (or not) to take the medical x-ray (K-1 visa) to the AOS interview? (We are within 12 months of her Guanzhou physical.) I saw nothing in the letter ... but admit I have not done a search of this site or the internet. I forgot all about the x-ray, but DW pulled it out to remind me for Tuesday's interview. I would prefer not to take it because of its size, but will always err on the side of caution. Thanks all.


    FYI. Our interview was delayed probably 3-4 months due to a mis-addressed request for additional information that we never received. Moral: ALWAYS check the website for updates and to learn about mail sent to you and returned as allegedly undeliverable.

  2. Wife says within 90 days of her arrival (same as time as to get married), but I think it is before the visa expires. I think the answer is probably easy, but don't have time to look it up now. Thanks for the help! (There are some practical reasons why I want to file for AOS more than 90 days after her arrival, but before her K1 visa expires.)

  3. For AOS (K1): My wife does not have evidence of childhood vaccinations. We have the CDC list. Based on her age, I think she needs three vaccinations, and of course, the medical exam here in USA.


    1. How much should we expect to pay for the USA medical exam?


    2. What did you pay for vaccinations? Did you use a county health clinic, the examing doctor, or others?


    Thanks for the input!

  4. Thanks for the advice and experiences from all.


    I talked with her. We will wait for green card and not pay for EAD now. We will go ahead and file for AP ... we want to do some travelling and her brother will be getting married in Shanghai in September, so that is important.


    And most importantly (for AP), she wants to go back to Dongman (Shenzhen) to shop!

  5. Now if you meant EAD you can get a good deal at the AED Superstore, it might be useful for helping you to recover after those extra curricular actives. It's almost a must for the out of shape. :unsure:






    And she promised she would not tell anyone!


    Yes, EAD is what I intended and thanks for the suggestion. She already has an SSN.

  6. I'm filing for AOS (K1) and advance parole. Can anyone think of a compelling reason to file AED now (if she doesn't particularly want to work right away), versus waiting for a "green card?" I know there is no certainty in the timing of obtaining the green card but she is in no hurry to work and I think the fee for AED would likely be wasted in the time before she gets the green card. Thanks all.

  7. I quizzed my SO, based on her October interview. The person (female) at the Consulate who took her "sealed envelope" did not ask any questions, however, my SO stated the female wrote several things on a "red" piece of paper (could have been pink or a similar color), and placed the red piece of paper in the file. My SO opined that she thought the notations were a "heads up" to the VO about issues. It is also possible that this is SOP ... the female (in this instance) was merely checking off whether all forms and documents had been provided pursuant to a standard checklist, but my SO does not think this was the case.


    My SO was also of the opinion that the VO's mistaken belief that I had only been to China 2 times, came from the notations by this female. (I suspect the mistake came from the VO's observation of only two Chinese visas in my passport, but in the rush of doing his job, he did not notice initially that each was multiple entry, or count the entry/exit stamps.)


    So add this to the "ambiguous" answers column of the informal poll.

  8. First, some thanks to all of those of you who helped us through this process.


    A special thanks to the candleforlove owners and mods who devote time, effort and money to making this tremendously valuable resource available to all of us. Although I do not profess to know the details of the time and effort you each put into this, I think I having an indication and it is greatly appreciated.


    Special recognition and thanks to David for doing such an outstanding job on the timelines (among other things)!


    Also, special thanks to USCONGUZ .... We don't always like the answers. And we always want more answers ... but the time and effort you put into helping us, goes way above and beyond the call of duty. Especially in light of the uncomplimentary statements that many of us have made at one time or another when we have not understood what was going on, when we were impatient or frustrated. Your answers to questions and willingness to answer questions is very, very helpful and appreciated!


    Interview details: Conducted mostly in Chinese. Apparently 3-4 questions were asked and answered in English. VO polite, professional but clearly harried.


    Handed VO two passports. VO glanced at AC's passport and handed it back.

    How did you meet? Internet.

    When did your fiance first come to China? October 2005

    What language do you use to communicate? English.

    Can your fiance speak Chinese? A little.

    How long was it between your fiance's two visits? He visited 8 times.

    (Surprised look.) May I see his passport again? VO looks at AC's passport with more attention.

    What is your fiance's job? He is a xxx.

    What kind of xxx is he? She explains in Chinese.

    Is your fiance retired? (Geez, I'm not THAT OLD!) No.

    What is your job? xxx

    Does your fiance have any children? No.

    Do you have any children? No.

    May I see your email letters? Random selection of 30 or so emails (all in English) was glanced at.

    May I see AC's financial support papers? I-134 was retained by the VO.

    Please go to the window to arrange to pickup your visa at China Post.

  9. I previously reported that an unidentified hospital in Guangzhou would not accept photocopied "forms" for K1. Now I can identify the hospital.


    On October 16, 2006, I confirmed this. Using fillable DS156, etc. forms from official US Government websites, the hospital REFUSED to accept the forms because they were "copies" or "computer generated."


    Hosptial staff directed the following comment to everyone in the room (about 30 people). "If you try to give us forms that are "copies" or "computer generated", we will not take them and the US Government will not let you talk to the VO if you have forms that are copies or computer generated."


    We watched many folks literally turned away by the hospital because they have filled out copies of forms.


    As noted above, we provided the fillable forms from the websites, and the hospital refused them and would not place them in the envelope. We demanded the envelope and X-rays from the hospital and presented the same forms to the consulate this morning. ALL of the forms were accepted by the consulate just as we had prepared them. The consulate (consistent with the comments by USCONGUZ), was baffled by the hospital's actions.


    A final comment. First Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College opens at 2:00 p.m. We arrived at 3:10 p.m. and were given number 23. The staff was still working on #4 at 3:10 p.m. and we had to wait until 5:15 p.m. before they called our number and gave us our own "run around."


    Details on the interview, our timeline and our heartfelt thanks to all, will follow later, but I am currently "internet challenged."

  10. SOmeone posted here yesterday "claiming" to be an ex employee of the NVC and was offering help. I'm assuming that was bogus, because it is gone. Would I be in the neighborhood?


    Apparently, y'all deleted it before we all got a chance to read it and have a hoot or two at someone else's expense! Some of us in this process need all the laughs we can get ... :wub:

  11. (I trust the mods will move this if its not in the right place.)


    I needed to renew my Chinese visa. After a fairly extensive internet search, I used visaexpress.net with good results and the cost is very reasonable. Regular service $39, or $49 for one year multiple entry (plus Consulate fees, of course), plus choice of return delivery services. I FedEx'd to their office in Houston on Monday, and received their FedEx back the following Monday, only 4 workings days time. The FedEx both ways was extra cost, but I wanted a tracking number for something as important as my passport. Faster service is extra cost, but it costs me almost $49 to park in San Francisco (two times), so I consider it a bargain.

  12. Today, the hospital in Guangzhou refused to accept my SO's P4 documents (DS-156, DS-157, etc.) because the forms were not the "original" forms supplied with the P4 packet, but "copies." (All of the data was "original" with original signatures ... only the blank forms were copies.) She was told she would have to complete ALL of the forms again, on the "original" documents supplied by GUZ. If I read the prior post by USCONGUZ correctly, applicants need not use so-called original documents, but may use fillable forms from the internet and may also use forms downloaded from the GUZ website. Perhaps GUZ needs to try to explain this to the hospitals.

  13. This has been mentioned in other posts (the October trade fairs), but for those of you with October interviews, book your hotel now. My SO is currently in Guangzhou for her medical and checked with several hotels ... all of which report they are already booked full for October (at 200-400% of the normal rate, I might add).


    If you are looking for inexpensive western food in Guangzhou, she tells me she found a western restaurant in the Ikea store that meets both criteria. For those of you who do not know, the Ikea store is adjacent to the US Consulate in Guangzhou, on the west (? ... I've never seen the sun in Guangzhou so still do not do well with directions) side.


    Lastly, I have been told this has been reported on 001, but I have not seen it here. Apparently, the hospitals in Guangzhou are checking the applicants for tattoos, per the instructions of the US government. Now, my SO confirms it. When the hospital was "inspecting" my SO's entire body, my SO asked the hospital staff why? She was told by the hospital staff that recently the US government instructed the hospital to inspect for tattoos and report same. 001 is reporting that tattoos must be removed, but my SO was not able to confirm that rumor (she has none) while she was at the hospital. I would really like to know: (1) why medical inspection for tattoos is now important. If for identification purposes, that I understand; and, (2) if they are required to be removed as 001 reports (which would really baffle the heck out of me, but the US government has done stranger things). Maybe this an appropriate question for USCONGUZ.

  14. Before returning her P3, my SO obtained a blank EMS waybill (mailing instructions) and filled in her own name, address and telephone number where appropriate on the waybill. She included that waybill with her P3 packet when she sent the P3 to GUZ. GUZ then used her waybill to send the P4 (after filling in the GUZ side of the waybill). I doubt that my SO's small contribution measurably sped things up at GUZ, but it did reduce the likelihood of an error by a clerial worker writing the wrong address or telephone number on the waybill (and the delay that might cause). Just something to consider ...

  15. I finally got the chance to use the IM and Cam with my wife and daughter after the interview and was able to get some more details


    The VO was an American who smiled a lot.


    She was asked if I spoke Chinese.  Answer.  A little.

    Do you speak English Answer. A little


    The rest of the interview was conducted in Mandarin.


    What is your husband's name?

    How did you meet?

    Where does he work?

    Asked for I-134.  Wife handed over complete financial section of papers including three year's tax transcripts

    Asked for copy of my passport

    Asked for pictures

    Daughter was allowed to stand behind mother during interview (age 17)

    Daughter was asked no questions


    My wife was prepared to answer all these questions and many more in English but it was not necessary.  On the other hand, this was a lot of her English practice and contributed greatly to her confidence and demeanor as the interview began. 


    I'm pretty sure things would have been more difficult if she had acted scared or sheepish instead of her normal friendly confident self.


    Thanks for the helpful info.


    Just curious. Did the VO keep the I-134, or just look at it and return it? Thanks!

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