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Everything posted by RLS

  1. Sinse I started talking with my wife. One of the things I really wanted her to understand, is that she will become a US citizen. I am excited as hell that she will have the chance to persue the things that make her happy. I look forward to my bright woman moving up in the world. I'm so proud of her now. Imagine the things a great person can do, when they do not have a leash, and can direct their own wishes and will. Another thing we talk about. In the USA, it is illegal to abuse a human beings. I made very good and sure, about 911, and protecting herself. I think it is a persons personal responsibility to be able to defend ones self. I do not have the right to hurt or control my wife, neither does she. She understands that. we are 2 grown human beings and we can use our brains and our minds to tackle things. We are husband and wife, we are also a business to ourselves. We have a common interest in things. We talk a lot about our future children. =) you know I can hardly wait. 197088[/snapback] Well Im way past the age of having children, but I only wish you and yours the best life has to offer. (What I mean is, I can still do , well you know what, but I don't want anymore children.
  2. Believe me you are not alone. How well I know that sunken, lost, helpless feeling when we had to part. I know men are not supposed to cry, but, I think I did half way home. I have found it hard to get things done, as you mentioned. I come home from work and get on the computer. This website, great as it is, could probably cause some to become addicted to it. It's like a special little island where you can anchor for a while and be around some people who understand. I think it's good. It beats paying a psychiatrist LOL!
  3. I'm not critisizing in any way. All the more power to you. Personally, I could never take that much time off work. Nor, could I afford it. I have been there once and had to plan and save for it. When I got home, the bills were right there waiting for me. So, in a way, we are all in the same boat, but, in another way, we all have different situations. I plan to go again whenever she has her interview in Guz. I've got a long way to go.
  4. Glad that you are able to do that, Pete, and I'm serious. But, unfortunately, all of us cannot do that.
  5. It's a little damp out here, but, I'm sure you don't give a #$*&. Congratulations and have fun.
  6. Neil, I have to respond to you because I had written a similar post a while back. I, too, miss my SO terribly. I remember in January when I had to leave her at the airport in Nanning. It was one of the most difficult experiences I have ever had to go through. We clung to each other and didn't want to let go. That is when I made a promise to her and to myself: "We WILL get the visa and we WILL be together. Neither Hell nor high water will keep us apart. Since my wife left me about seven years ago I have spent many lonely nights, but, in a way, it has made me a stronger person. Sure, I have had opportunities with other women, but, there is something about the Chinese lady that draws me in. When I first started sending emails to several Chinese ladies I thought I could fall for any one of them. One of the CFL people I know is Eric. I told him that I wanted to go to China to meet these ladies. He had already been there. He advised me that I should narrow it down to one lady. I was interested in three at the time. I hated making that decision, but, I decided that I must. I chose my Yonghua, or Ivy, as she likes to be called. I think that was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. I could not have asked for a better human being. She struck every nerve in my body. We fell in love and here we go-- down that Visa road, right along with you and the others here at CFL. I couldn't find a better bunch of people to travel with. I figure, if I get a flat tire, they'll be right there with a jack and a spare. As long as we all stick together I think we're a pretty powerful group. So, here I am waiting for my damn check to be cashed - LOL. Ron
  7. Congratulations! You look like a very nice young couple. I hope my age does not get in my way.
  8. I might as well pump a couple pennies in here. I agree with Hunter. I used Air China, from LAX to Beijing, then to Nanning -- round trip $798. The plane was a 747 and about as comfortable as you can get. The food was so so. That was this Winter; I don't know what the seasonal difference is.
  9. Mengxin, what is meant by "Household Registration," AND how far in advance can these documents be notorized? In other words, if I anticipated my SO's interview, say, sometime next Fall, can some of those documents be notorized now? Why can't these requirements be prepared ahead of time? Thanks - Ron
  10. This is all good information. I need to know a list of items I should bring with me when I'm faced with the situation. Is there a link to a complete list?
  11. Thanks everyone. I know I'm not alone in this. It's just nice to hear how others feel. I know all of you who are apart and waiting feel the same way. At least, when she is practicing English with me on the phone, she laughs a lot and has such a great laugh. That is music to my ears. Mike is getting to know me. You could be right, Mike, about that computer.
  12. Hello Ron: Yes, Me too, Every morning when I talk with him. We both hard to hang up the phone. We deicede when we finish talk on the phone. we say "One, Two, Three!" together and then hang up the phone. But some time it seems not work very good! Well But we must. We know that we will together very soon. And yes. It will all be worth it. FOR our love.... 195614[/snapback] Hi: Yes, I know what you mean. We say bye, bye, back and forth about 10 or 15 times and neither wants to hang up. I envy those who have bought their SO's computers and can see each other with web cams. Of course then it would be hard to turn the camera off. Somehow we will get through this.
  13. I talk to my SO every night on the phone. I am so proud of her. She is trying very hard to learn English and she is doing great! I miss her so much. It is hard to hang up the phone. It is difficult going through this, but, I know that I must. As all of you have told me, "someday, it will all be worth it." I now know that it is all about support from people who care and people who empathize. You are all a great support group. Every time I can support someone, I will do it. Ron
  14. Hey Eric, nice to hear from you. So, I guess I'm spoiled with U.S. mail.
  15. It's probably the address you put on the envelope. After someone on CLF put the word out a few months ago on how to address mail to China I did it and nave had no problems since. But just today I got back an envelope I mailed to SO months ago, cuz I had addressd it wrong. I am wondering how many of my other mailings she never received, hum. Anyway, if you will get your SO to mail you a regualar post mail from China with her address you can make copies of that for all the future mailings you send her. Just copy her address on a copy machine and cut it out and paste it on the envelope you are sending her. ALso, write her name and address in English but paste the Chinese beside her name and address. Do not use their zip code like we do but be sure to use P.R. China instead of just China - I think this helps as SO has gotten all my posts since I started doing that. Hope this helps, Wheel Man 195218[/snapback] Thanks Wheel Man. I did that on my last mail to her. I mailed it on the 21st of Feb. and she still has not received it. The envelope contained her bank card and I'm wondering if they open stuff like that and take the contents? I have not had a problem before.
  16. Has anyone ever had their mail censored in China P.O.? Why does some mail take weeks to deliver?
  17. Thank you all. In answer to Mike's reply, yes, I already sent a debit card to her, however, she has not received it yet. I think she is in need of a little money right now and I was trying to figure out how to get it to her right away. I'll check out some of your suggestions. By the way, has anyone ever had their mail censored in China? That should probably be a different thread.
  18. Other than Western Union, with which I have not had any luck, what other companies offer a money transfer service? I tried using Western Union and ended up calling them several times because they would not allow my SO to pick up the money I sent. We tried reversing the name around, both ways, and she still could not get the money. I hesitate to try WU again. Thanks
  19. I don't know what version of XP I have, but when I downloaded the program it tells me that it will not work with my version of XP?
  20. Fantastic! I clung to every word. If I could only get my SO to read your post, but, I would need to get it translated. May you both live happily ever after.
  21. Great News! Let us all share in your excitement.
  22. That's good news. Have fun the rest of your lives.
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