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Everything posted by RLS

  1. My best wishes to you. I usually get in one of those lines where they have to do price checks on everything. Good Luck!
  2. Way to go Hunter and to your wife, well done! Congratulations and have fun from here on out.
  3. They moved the workload -- did they move the staff?
  4. Good Luck Hunter Positive thoughts, positive thoughts!
  5. Now theres an idea, did you say you wanted to volunteer as the test case? 221488[/snapback] You know, Lee, it's not like I'm trying to hurry this thing up. In the military I was told to never volunteer for anything, so I think I'll decline.
  6. There is a new "draft" of the I-129F pending. You might want to wait until it becomes official - hopefully soon.
  7. Well, I, for one, am affected by this (I think). My selfish hope is that they do something about this soon and get the show on the road. I've never been arrested and I didn't use a marriage broker. Ask me straight forward questions and I will give you straight forward answers. I suppose they could just make us wait our whole lives to see if we commit any crimes and issue the visa sometime during our final days. (just kidding)
  8. Very sorry Paula, but you go get the visa. We turn the page and go on from here. My best wishes. Ron
  9. We love hearing news like this. Congratulations! I'll be at a Red Sox game on the 16th. Something tells me you won't be there.
  10. I guess, the bottom line is, after all the postings on this issue -- no one knows squat. It's nice that everyone can speculate, but, wouldn't it be even nicer if we could get "some" information from USCIS? Just tell us what you need and we'll comply immediately.
  11. This is exactly why they posted the "Draft" so they can work the kinks out and make corrections in grammar, spellings, omitted items, etc. We can only hope that they don't have Draft 1, Draft 2, Draft 3 . . . well you get the draft, I mean drift.
  12. So, with that in mind, you would recommend NOT answering any of the items that relate to the IMBRA? Would that not cause a huge delay and more RFE's? On a constitutional basis you might win out, but it could be hung up for a longgggggg time, just as you would have been in Florida had you chosen to wait the 4 or 5 hours. Would it be resolved in two different ways: 1. For those who have never been arrested or charged AND 2. For those who have a criminal arrest record/and or convictions?
  13. This is very interesting and seems reasonable enough. I think if a person is clean and has no arrests, they have nothing to fear. I'm a little concerned about Question 19. I know some of these so called marriage/dating sites have probably complied with the law, however, what if they are not in compliance yet? The USC has no control over that end of it. It only asks for the name and address of the site. I know these are new questions; they are the first ones that popped in my mind.
  14. Most all of these posts are old and I have not seen many "new" posts on the immigration process other than negative stuff. Anyone have any idea what is going on - if anything?
  15. Well, Eric, I'm not happy with it and I know those two gals pretty much follow each other. So, let's just chalk it up as "politics" and, Mods, lock it up if see fit. I only wanted to post what our Senator thinks about the whole situation. Oh, I almost forgot, Eric, you're moving to Texas. Maybe it's better over there.
  16. Dennis, I'm very glad that you survived the night I don't think i could survive without the fan. I generally use the central air and the fan. I tend to use the fan yearround... I need the air on my face. 219445[/snapback] Yes, I can relate. A fan is a man's best friend. Well....almost. 219911[/snapback] They both need each other. A fan needs a man to blow on. If a fan didn't have a man, there would be no need to blow. If a man didn't have a fan, he would have no way to keep cool. Man and fan are one with each other. Is it bedtime yet?
  17. How about I pay a $10,000 fine and let my SO come over NOW! Don't get me started! 219976[/snapback] I know what you mean. I would be willing to pay them $10,000 cash if they would let my fiance come over here. I would re mortgage the damn house.
  18. From her statement in Support of Comprehensive Immigration Reform: "These immigrants live furtively. They are subject to work abuse, exploitation, threats, and blackmail. This bill would provide them with an opportunity to come into the light of day. But it wouldn't be easy for them. It is not an amnesty. An amnesty is instant forgiveness with no conditions. There are conditions on this. They must pay a fine of $2,000, they must learn English, they must have paid all back taxes, and they must be evaluated as neither a criminal or a national security threat to this Nation. Also, they would not go in front of anybody in the line. There are presently 3.3 million people waiting in other countries legally for green cards, and those people should and will be processed first. It is estimated it will take, believe it or not, up to 6 years to process 3.3 million. These workers, these undocumented 12 million would go at the end of that line, and then, one by one, they would come through that line." For what it's worth . . .
  19. That's alway a relief knowing that they actually got something you sent to them. Keep swimming Hunter, you've almost reached the shoreline.
  20. I just talked to my Ivy on the phone. I got totally depressed. After we talked, I came to CFL to find a post that reflected what I feel. Yours was the first post I read. Although we are in different boats, damn , can I relate to what you said. This is soooo unfair. I love my SO so much. She is just a little innocent Chinese lady who has never done anything wrong in her life. She is as far from being a threat or terrorist as you can get. And so am I , damn it. I can trace my ancestry back to the 1600's. All my family, including me, served in the military. I have a clean record. I don't even have a speeding ticket. Yet, here I am, waiting for a NOA2 and that is being delayed because of a Marriage Broker Law. I agree with the law, but, certainly there must be a way to speed this up. Come on, get real! We are living in 2006 for God sake. We have computers that give out information in a flash. Check me out. Do whatever you have to do, but, please, do something. Don't play with my life. I have served this country. I have given up years of my life for this country. I deserve better treatment. There, now I got that off my chest. I know how you feel. Sometimes, we just have to throw it out there, tell it like it is, and then, go to bed and, hopefully, sleep, and get up tomorrow and start all over again. Yes! I know how you feel. I also know that many of us here at CFL feel the same way. I know that those who already have their wives here have been through it. Many of them stay tuned to CFL and offer support. I appreciate that. I read many responses and most are cliches', but they all mean well. That, I appreciate. I am rambling here because I miss my Yonghua so much. And I get pissed too.
  21. Don't forget the towel racks and the shower curtain.
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