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Posts posted by jamin55

  1. We are thinking about doing an I-130 for one for my wife's Brothers in China (Jiangxi Province). He has a wife and 2 small kids himself.
    Any ball park timelines to possible get him over? It took me 1 1/2 years after I was married in China to get my wife over here in 2006.
    That was with doing everything right the first time.
    I'm sure it will be longer for her brother.
    Thank you anyone.
    Other ideas/shortcuts???
    Thanks again.
    Ben S.

  2. My Chinese wife and I are contemplating buying a Chinese resturant, again. We were wondering if putting half the resturant in her young Nephew's name (Nephew in China) it would do anything to help him to come to the U.S.A? He already travels to other countries for business purposes with the company he is with, but as we all know the U.S. is a different story. Thx you all for any ideas--------Ben

  3. Hello all.

    Nice to be back and see your post again.

    So I'm at the point of renewing my green card for my Chinese wife.

    It has been almost 2 years since she has been in the U.S.

    Wondering if anyone has any tips or pointers.

    Should I buy a guide like the USCIS web site sugguest?

    Is there really another interview we/she has to go through?

    It looks like it may cost just to download and send in this form?

    I Thought I would run this by some of you experts before I start to act.

    Again I'm in Foresthill, California close to Sacremento.

    thank you again for all the woderfull help and advice on this trememdus web site. :lol:

  4. My wife (Chinese) has been here in the U.S.A. since September 2007.(CR-1 visa) She has a green card and SSN already.
    I was wondering if it is possible to immigrate a Chinese Neice or a Nephew. How long? Is it another long gruling process here? Stupid question huh? Any stories? OR is it just possible to immigrate a Mother or Father?
    Were thinking it may be better to immigrate rather than get an F-1 student visa since I'm hearing the TOFEL examination for forign students in China is very difficult.
    Just another quick one. Is it just as difficult as anything else for family and freinds from China just to come to visit? Is it even possible? It would be nice. Thank you all very much again--------

  5. To have a neice or a nephew come over to study at a Universty here in the U.S. It would be Cheaper and easier to -----
    1. Just try to sponsper that individual to get them a visa. Get them to come to the U.S, then think about enrolling them in school, possibly even 1 year later so thay can be waved the "out of state" tuition fee's.
    2. Have them somehow get connected to an international program or internship---some type of forign exchange, student visa program.??

    I know California (esp up here, Sacremento) is very big on foreign students and a good place to do this. But so far the Forien exchage program idea looks pretty spendy. The University I was looking at says no financial aid or sholorships would be available for their international study program.

    Any ideas or experiences with this?

  6. Hellow People's,

    I have a neice and nephew's in China, very bright (some PH-D canidates, some just starting college). Does anyone have any insights,tips or stories of how Chinese students connect with Universities or colleges to study here in the U.S on internships or some sort of student visa's?

    I was thinking it may be an easier/more affordable route than just sponsering an individual to come over here. Although they would probably need a sponser anyhow.

    I'm close to Chico State, Sacremento State, UC Davis all of which have large international programs for Asian students. I'm digging into that. Maybe the connection starts over there in China. It must be only the lucky ones.

    Thanks --------Ben

  7. Hellow all, long time. ;)

    So my wife is here and as happy as can be. Yeah right. :lol:

    She has been here (California) 2.5 months now on her Marrage visa. CR-1.

    She has her green card and a SSN.

    She wants to go back to China in January. Maybe for a long stay of over a year. She may be having a baby over there also :rotfl: . So she'd like to go back to her home town. Have her Mom & family take care of her. She feels more comfortable with Chinese speaking doctors ect.

    I don't have much family support here for taking care of the future baby. I have to work everyday too.

    Anyway anyone got the leagle low down on this type of stay and then coming back? There is something about staying longer than 6 months that effects her becoming a citizen later on down the line?. Also for a stay abroad of one year a I-131 needs to be filled out?. And about the baby being born in China? Maybe the baby will need a visa to come back? Well I'm digging into all of this.

    Thank all of you pro's for all the help these last two years. What a miracle this has been. :D From Ben -------

  8. Say my wife got a CR1 marrage visa from China and came to the US about 3 weeks ago. If she wanted to go back to China to visit for a couple of months say in December or January 2008 is there any problems or issues that need to be delt with before she could do that???----Or better yet, can she do that?? Go back to China for a visit that is??


    Thank you -------Mr. Ben

  9. Hellow you all!! Benjamin from California.


    concerning the K3(marrage) visa process for my wife.


    Well I finished all the requirements paid fee's ect--for the DS-230 and I-864.


    I've sent everything into the NVC (received Nov 20th, 2006). It is in review now.


    So now everything is done for U.S.A state-side paperwork.

    Now if I get no FBI hits or anything and NVC approves I (or we) wait to hear from the Consulate or Embassy in GuangZhou, (Guandong province).


    I'm here now at my wife's flat in ShenZhen. She has no prior marrage, no kids, no police trouble anything. Her home town is in JaingXi province.

    A little farther north.


    I met a Man here from New York who has just gotten his interview and visa for his Chinese wife out of GuangZhou. He told me he had a lawyer handle everything (maybe this was his problem?) and he still waited at least one year from the time he got approval with NVC state side (where I'm in my process right now). Does this sound about right??/ :(


    Well, say NVC approves my DS-230 and I-864 no problem.

    Considering where I am in my process and where my wife is from does anyone have any other encouraging time-line news who might have done this from a similar area? It Doesn't have to be encouraging just give it to me stright ha ha ----------thanks anyone/everyone------------From Benjamin.

  10. Does anyone know what it entails to bring a spouses small dog from Southern China to the U.S? (California) Just wondering where to start on this--We may leave her little dog in China but just wondering what we may be looking at there?? We should have her K3 visa around March 2007 I'm sure hoping :rolleyes:


    When she gets her K3 and comes to the U.S does anyone know the rules (if any) about her starting courses at a community college? Is there a reason she may have to wait on that?

    Of couse the out of state tuition is certainly an issue also--- :unsure:


    Thanks a million gang----------Ben

  11. Hellow kind and gentle souls. I'm back from China. Boy is it peacful and quiet here. The U.S is alright you know.

    what the $#%^ happened to gas prices. I wanted to take a driving trip before I started work May 30th --Dag burnit. Are we still at war in IraQ?

    Bonds is still playing for my beloved Giants,

    OK I feel a little better now.


    So I'm just about ready to start the K-3 visa process.

    I'm sending in my first packet of info. G-325A and I-130.

    Can anyone tell me what is Alein Registation #. This must be something the government gives to me for her later??

    Thank you -------Benjamin.

  12. Hey again everyone.

    At the bottom of the G-325A is a box that says "This form is submitted in connection with application for:

    A-Naturalization, B-Status as a permanent Resident and C-Other (specify).

    I just got married in China and I'm sending in my first packet of info. (G-325A and I-130 with pictures proof ect. ) so which box do I check--A, B, or C. ----------I'm thinking Naturalization comes first A?---------

    What the hell do I know--------- can't find the info.

    Anyone help?


    Also just to let everyone know. I obtained and extended my visa here in Guangdong province (ShenZhen, China) rather easily. It just took about a week to be processed. As I recall It was only about 160 RMB for a new 3 month Chinese visa. It all started by filling out some forms at the police station and then I was sent to a Police visa office. I was being led by the hand somewhat so the details are stechy. I just had to have my passport and my SO had to have her house hold book because I was staying with her.


    Thanks again peoples. =======Benjamin

  13. OK I did it---we got Married in Nanchang in JianXi province. Went to her home town (Son yo) had a wacky and wonderful time --Will post pictures and progress soon-Thank you all again!!!!!!!-----

    One more time------- anyone ---


    After Marrage in China we got 2 Marrage Certificates one for me and one for her. The directions I have say it's a good idea to send in an Original Marrage Certificate. But I'm not sure if thats talking about for my first I-130 packet (I-130 @ G-325A forms). Or when I send in my second Packet (I-129F @ I-797). Or Maybe I'll need to send in a Marrage Certificate both times. I guess reading the forms carefully will tell me.

    But I just wondered if anyone had some advice about making copies of the Marrage Certificates and such before I come back to the States (May 2nd) to do all the Paper work. I believe I know one thing---she needs to keep her original Marrage Certificate. Any more advisers out there?


    Also Does sending in the I-130 ( petition for Alien relitive) solidify the marrage in the eyes of the U.S.A? Or do we have to also have an offical "legal" marrage in the U.S as well to be recognized as Married in the States?

    OK end of dumb questions------------

    Thank you again------take care and good luck to all of us

    Benjamin and Anna. Ah Nan

  14. By the way----A question for any of you Chinese (female) spouses concerning the above topic:

    Did your families have a problem with you not getting offically married

    in China?

    This seems to be an issue for us. It is as if her family (back in her home town, Jaing Xi Province) thinks I may just be playing a game with my SO if we are not offically married. And as such visiting her family as an unmarried couple will suposedly be uncomfortable.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone?

    So I feel a little pressure to get married over here so we can go visit her family and have the cerimony and everyone be happy. She really wants to see her family right now too. I do not like to feel any pressure about any of this so I really like and appriciate all of your ideas.

    Maybe I have a little cold feet too. But I can only see it as a good thing to let a little more time pass when talking about marrage.

    Thank you again----------Ben

  15. If my fiance comes to the U.S on a fiance visa ----

    besides getting married in the U.S, could we then go back to China and have a chinese wedding over there? Or would that parol thing take along time and be a problem?


    Also, does anyone know which is better/faster for getting my SO working in the U.S

    Fiance visa or marrage visa--K1 or K3--Or are they about the same?

    I'm here in China now and we are thinking about this.


    Thanks alot gang for the help again!


  16. Adding time to your visa at the police station is pretty easy.  Or you could take a quick train ride to Hong Kong from Shenzhen (maybe 20 min max) and turn right around, and come back in China with your 2nd entry.  Either way, you shouldn't have much problem.


    Thank you alot Mylife for now and your other helpful post.


  17. So I have a double entry 6 month visa. Duration of stay 30 days.

    I want to stay 43 days. I will be mostly in ShenZhen and Guandong Province.( March 1st to April 13). Maybe I will just go and take my chances on getting an extention past my 30 days. So I don't have to buy another whole visa. ----Your Opinions are greatly appreciated.

    Here are some choices---------A, B, C, or D

    A:Smart, save money? B: dumb? C: No biggie? Or D: "Wake up you idiot" (as "Kenniwik man" would probably tell me---------he's mean--------ha ha just kiddding Mike).

    Thanks again to all----------Benjamin.

    P.s I will be posting all my progress and ideas soon.

  18. 3K sounds like alot of money in China. However as we know weddings can go as high as you wish or can afford. Many Chinese still practice the "Bride Price" which means you actually pay to marry her. It is a dowry in reverse sort of. Also many Chinese believe that all Americans are drowning in wealth (I wish it where true). I would present my SO a budget for the wedding and all the necessary costs you and her must face bringing her to America and what you can afford or be willing to spend and pay as you go only and have her and family agree to it. No lump sum payment. If she and her Family insists on a lump sum payment IMHO this is a HUGE RED FLAG!!!

    Good Luck


    A "huge red flag" as in being swindled?


    Thank you for your post :)

  19. Ben...saw something like this question on another site not to long ago.  I beleive that the above advice you are receiving makes a lot of sense.  If I remember correctly, the guy from the other site was involved with his SO for about nine months.  Unfortunately, the guy was advised to jump ship ASAP.  They thought the guy was getting had.  Anyway, my feeling is that you should get and idea of what your SO has in mine for make this a wonderful day for the two of you.  I would expect that it would be the same if you were engaged to someone here in the USA.  Questions like where are we going to get married, how many people to invite, are we having a reception, where are we going to have the reception, What will the menu consists of, (my personal favorite as a chef...haha), open bar - close bar, music/dancing, (although I do no think that this is customary in Chinese weddings as it is here in the USA).  Then, put a budjet to it and see if it makes sense and if it can be afforded.  Bottom line.....no pun intended......just talk it over. :unsure:


    Thank you for your input and the post. :)

  20. Ni How ma!-----Ty How La!


    Is a Single/non Marital Status Certificate and a Certification of Marrigeability the same document?


    If it is I'd rather go the U.S embassy in GuangZhou and get it there.

    It sounds easier that way.

    I will not be too far from there anyhow when I go to China to get married March 1st till early April. I've spent some time in GuangZhou before. My SO even has reletives and freinds there. It sounds like it is alot easier to get the Certificate that way then to go through all the rigem roll it takes to get it here in the U.S. ---If these documents are or is the same thing that is. (one in the same?).


    I will be getting my Certified Divorce Decree very soon. So I will have that and my birth Certificate ready to go.


    Also I just sent an e-mail to my spouse and I'am trying to find out about translation of documents. Her hometown where we will marry at the marrage office is GanZhou in JiangXi province.


    I wonder if I can get documents translated here before going over? I also live close enough to visit the China Consulate in SF.


    Thank you again for any information or suggustions ------Ben

  21. Hellow good people.
    My fiance lives here in Jiang Xi Province. Just North of Guangdong Province.
    She lives 40 kilometers from the city of GanZhou.
    We are planning to get married there in March.
    She ask me if I would or could give her Mother (her father is deceased)
    3000 U.S dollars to cover expenses for the reception or "Marrage Party".
    I was a bit taken back. I wasn't expecting to spend that much on top of all the other expenses. Others have told me that even a Marrage bbanquet for 55 people in China can cost as little as 300 U.S dollars.

    I was wondering how this sounded to anyone else out there.
    Maybe it is a custom to give a parent some money for the hand of her daughter in this Province or area?
    Also when I was in Southern China last Nov. I bought her an expensive engagement ring. I was sort of kicking myself for that because later I found out diamonds and such are MORE in China.
    But I was thinking maybe she is basing how much money to ask me for based on what I put out for that ring or something?
    Well just wondering if anyone hsd some thoughts on that.
    Thank you-----Ben S.

  22. People here have extended visas but I always asked for  6 mo, double entry so I would not have to worry about it.

    Next time it may also be easier for you to get one in HK. I got 6 mos without even asking for it.

    Don't be afraid to calll the Chinese consulate that you use for your answers to visa questions. They have always been very kind to me when I have called.


    That's what I got last August., A double entry 6 month visa. It is still good until April 25th. But on the visa it says duration of stay only 30 days after entry? what the?

  23. I have a Chinese visa good for 30 days after entry into Mainland China.

    First I go to ShenZhen (Guangdong province) then I'am going up North to get marrried in JiangXi Province. Is there any problem or special papers I need to go into another province?

    And Does anyone know about extending a visa while you are in China. Because actually I'am getting married and staying 43 days. It would be nice not to buy another visa if possible --

    /Thank you gang----------Ben S.

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