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Everything posted by Mike62356

  1. Thank you Amber, I will try to remember that, we don't have enough of the other side of the coin so to speak, here.
  2. Negative. Baobei does not know of this yet. Please don't teach her Isn't she Chinese and a woman? , if so then she already knows, shew's just not letting you know she knows . Wait till you mess up
  3. Welcome to CFL. Hey guys and gals, I think all new members should go through a mop slap party to join.
  4. Any time Amber, your part of the family now, you can come here to vent, ask questions, have a laugh or just read some of the sh*t that is posted here, welcome home little sister. Mike
  5. The numbers he is saying are outstanding but I could only take about 5 minutes of the bible thumping, sorry.
  6. DO you have a Bit Torrent Client? I use uTorrent ( http://www.utorrent.com/ ) Downloaded for me... Thank you, its downloading as we speak, well sort of as we speak
  7. Very nice photos, best wishes for the both of you.
  8. I can't seem to be able to download this, every time I try it redirects me to Amazon.com
  9. Jimi, I am so sorry to hear this, I don't know what you can do but I'm sure there is something, right now I think she needs you more then any one right now, good luck and best wishs. Mike
  10. You gotta reserve early, oh and Happy Birthday B)
  11. My Junjie wants us to retire to GZ but, that won't be for about ten years or so , it's a nice plan but, a little to far in the future to worry about to much, yes we are planing for it a little right now, in a year or two we are going to be buying one or two homes there, this way we can live off of my retirement money and the rents from one home there and the rent from thew house here I think, or we might move back to the mountians of Pa., what ever, won't worry about it to much now gotta work to many years yet
  12. Congrats!!!! it's a PINK kind of day,
  13. CCTi, has set up two sites in China this year and are expected to go on line some time next month. ( I have stocks here)
  14. from my Dads side, May the spirit of the wolf guide you, Nuh wah doe he yaw duh, means, May peace be to you. Good luck Jimi and YingYing, you'll get PINK!!!!!
  15. Awesome song!!!! My band does this song as well. I hope you don't mind but, I explained to Lao Po your history as best as I could and this thread, she loves this song when I sing it to her, says it makes her heart sing, so she said to send it to you so you can sing to your Lao Po http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1MQW5e6KcE Good luck and think Pink Thank you Michael for your well wishes and thoughts but that video is a little over the top for me. Opps!!!! sorry wrong one I meant to give you this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfP0HeeVhzw...905&index=1
  16. Awesome song!!!! My band does this song as well. I hope you don't mind but, I explained to Lao Po your history as best as I could and this thread, she loves this song when I sing it to her, says it makes her heart sing, so she said to send it to you so you can sing to your Lao Po http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1MQW5e6KcE Good luck and think Pink
  17. I like the second , Ludwig Van Beethoven's better. I like a lot of his music. The followings are some of my favourite. I have been wanting a piano since I was a kid, but no luck. All I had is a ½Å̤ÇÙ. "À¶É«µÄ¶à觺Ó"( " For Elise"" Richard Clayderman's Lilac6451, I liked them both also, I also like most music, everything from Classical to Metallica and most of everything in between except for some Opera and Ballet, but then that is just me, hell I even like oldie time music from the back woods and the deep south
  18. Middle Kingdom... I thought that that was Jesse's turf now! As far as PJ's and students Dennis, I would buy the the ladies some real nice teddy's for Chrstmas and the guys...buy them some ties and hope fully eveyone will show up wearing them. Then you could take some pics and post them here for me to enjoy! You dirty old man , do you mind if I look over your shoulder?
  19. John, I stand corrected , and I am happy I was wrong.
  20. You might be reaching by calling it a red flag at this point. There are however plenty of internet cafes throughout China. Where there is a will, there is a way. I don't think it a good idea to spend much time thinking about this. No one likes being checked up on; if there is a connection, it will follow a road of you ending up together in the end. I wouldn't recommend trying to force communication. A friend once shared with me several years back, back in the days when we didn't have electronic door locks, that when you pick up a lady for a date, you should walk her to the car and unlock and open her door. If she leaned across and unlocked your door as you made your way around the car; then, she was a keeper. Anything less than that should be tossed back. That is more a philosophy than a literal kinda thing. There are a lot of selfish people out there. If they don't reach for you, you should toss them back. Now, that is not to say that a few days out of communication means they aren't reaching, but it might. I did say maybe I was missing something, but maybe you are right, maybe to soon to call it a red flag, how about orange flag?
  21. John, I hope I am wrong but, no phone, no internet, no contact, something doesn't sound right here, maybe I am missing something and I hope I am, but this sounds like a red flag, sorry and good luck.
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