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Everything posted by bob&haiqing

  1. CONGRATULATIONS to both of you
  2. Hey griz, I hope all your days with your girls are as rich as the menu Best to your family, Bob
  3. Hey Jerry, I agree, once I had to get a visa in a hurry for an emergency business trip and didn't have time to use a visa service which I usually do. I drove into Los Angeles and it took me longer to find a parking place and walk over to the Chinese Embassy than it did to get the actual visa! This was about seven years ago but the experience was the same as your's. Have a terrific trip, first time is always a real kick! Bob
  4. Hey Jerry & xiaomin, Here is a copy of the cover letter I sent in with our I-129 K1/K2 package. It will give you and idea of what things you'll need to gather although your situation may be slightly different which would mean you may need to include or exclude documents as appropriate. You'll also get this information on the instruction sheet for the I-129 form, read them and follow them carefully and you should be ok. One other thing to remember is save all receipts and pay for things with your credit/debit card that has your name on it and links to your bank account, anything you pay for with cash is useless because how do you prove you actually paid for it! Save all air travel documents including boarding passes with your name on them, train and taxi receipts without your name on them are pretty much useless. Save all hotel and restaurant receipts paid for with your credit/debit card. Take lots of pictures of the two of you and also with family and friends in different situations. By the time we gathered everything to send to the USCIS we had a stack of documents about 3/4" thick! One thing I did that you may want to consider doing is scan everything as pdf files in your computer and give a copy of them to your lady to keep with her in China, back them up to another drive/disc as well just in case. Also make a complete hard copy for her as she will need it later. Package Contents 1) I-129F, Petition for Alien Fianc¨¦e, Check #XXX in the amount of $455.00 (paper clip the check to the top of the form) 2) G-325A, Biographical Information for "beneficiary" (your fianc¨¦e) 3) G-325A, Biographical Information for "petitioner" (you, US citizen) 4) Passport Photos for "petitioner", "beneficiary" (fianc¨¦e) and any children coming with your fianc¨¦e 5) Proof of Citizenship for "petitioner" including Birth Certificate and complete Passport 6) Birth Certificate for "beneficiary" with English translation and notary certificate 7) Birth Certificate for any children with English translation and notary certificate 8) Statements of Intention to Marry for "petitioner" and "beneficiary" (note: let her do this in her own words, my fianc¨¦e wanted me to correct her English and sentence structure and I told her it was more important that it was an honest statement in her words than the English was correct. This is just my opinion but it seems to have served us well to this point.) 9) Divorce Documents for "petitioner" and "beneficiary" with English translation and notary certificate (if your fianc¨¦e has never been married and divorced then I think she will need a "single document" stating she is not married but you can check this for yourself if needed) 10) Evidence of travel to China and meeting "beneficiary" (here's were copies of all those receipts come in handy) 11) Evidence of traveling together to XXXXX and Hong Kong (if you take any side trips together save these receipts) 12) Copies of emails, evidence of a long relationship and intent to get married (give copies of early emails and recent emails to show the length of your relationship) 13) Pictures, evidence of meeting (I attached them to several sheets of paper and noted who was in the picture, when and where it was taken and in some cases what we were doing) 14) Other evidence of relationship and intent to get married (use copies of receipts for the purchase of engagement ring, wedding rings or any presents you buy for her) (side note: I paper clipped each group of documents and marked them with the numbers as noted above.) Note: Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered original documents and I understand that I may be required to submit original documents to an Immigration or Consular official at a later date. Signed: "petitioner's name" "print petitioner's name" Date: XXXXXXX This will get you started and give you time to research future steps like the P3 which is a relatively easy set of forms but other documents that need to be gathered may take some time and P4 which is a lot of documents in preparation for the interview. Good luck and I hope you have a great trip! Bob
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wishing much happiness for you and your family David. Enjoy! Bob
  6. Well you just have to admire a gutsy woman. My sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing has been getting phone calls from a phone number she does not recognize for the last week so and she has been ignoring the calls because she suspects that they are from the CCP looking for her dues payments. When I was with her online this morning she told me that she called the CCP yesterday and told them she would not pay the dues until the end of the year! The man on the other side asked "why?" and she simply told him "because that's how I want to do it!", he replied "I guess it will be ok" and it was left at that! This should buy us the time we need to get through the rest of the K1 visa process and get out of Dodge, China! Hope everyone has a terrific weekend! Bob
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm glad for the both of you and may you have a wonderful life together! Bob
  8. Maybe you will get one of those infamous 2 questions interviews... Who is your fiance? Where does he live? Approved! Now I would love that!!! A 2 question interview could be white, blue or pink, the # of questions is not important , its how solid your case is and the beneficiaries responses on the day. Dress professionally , no jeans , nice soft make up, concise answers and kitchen sink. Don't underestimate this Hello Rob! Of course you're right, the end result can go any way regardless of the number of questions but 2 and a pink would be sweet! You make a good point about dressing appropriately for the occasion and being prepared properly, I agree with you 100% on this! Enjoy your evening, Bob
  9. Maybe you will get one of those infamous 2 questions interviews... Who is your fiance? Where does he live? Approved! Now I would love that!!!
  10. Good news for you both Dale, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your interview, get that pink! Best of luck! Bob
  11. I was just copying the link to send you when Dylan posted the questions. They're a good starting place for getting your gal prepared for her interview. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3131 For the last several weeks my sweet fiancee Haiqing and I practice them when we talk online. She writes down answers she needs to remember and other's are no problem for her. The only thing she's concerned about is understanding the spoken English of the VO. Mine is no problem for her but she is not used to listening to other's speak English. Enjoy your evening, Bob
  12. My goodness griz, If you're going to raise bait for all the predators in the area it sounds like you're going to need a much stronger pen or an electric fence as a deterrent ... otherwise you're going to end up killing all the local wildlife over a couple of ducks! ... Maybe you could put the pen up on the roof of your house with a draw bridge you can pull up and out of reach duck, duck, duck, wolf! Enjoy your evening, Bob
  13. Ya gotta be smart about it, after you take care of the chicken use it to distract the bear, then grab him by his head and give his body a good spin , proper order is really important here.
  14. Hi hello123, You know, actually I think you and your lady are in a pretty good positions considering she stopped paying dues in December of 2006. According to the Chinese Party Constitution that I posted back a few pages, she automatically was no longer a party member after not paying her dues for six months. If she has her payment book that shows that her payments stopped it might be a good piece of evidence to show the VO if the situation comes up at her interview. By the time her interview comes around she'll be close to that magic two year period and if the subject comes up and the VO has a heart perhaps you'll slip right through with a pink! I'm going to post my sweet fiancee Haiqing's Statement of Explanation in September when I join her again. Basically it's an explanation relating the when, where and why she joined followed by when and why she quit by stopping dues payments. What I want her to add to it is some wording very similar to the exception statement in the US law so that it's obvious what this statement is all about. I think it will help make her point. Thanks for the P3 info. I received your pm and replied to you there. Have a teriffic day, Bob
  15. I roared with laughter at "I know that it was not a Chinese bear ..." Thanks for the chuckle griz! Enjoy your day! Bob
  16. That's very encouraging, thanks much for sharing that Steve as those of us in this same position need to hear words like this! I assume from the tone of your post that she received a pink at her interview without the delay of a blue ... am I correct in my assumption? I think nabeshin, and I know for certain myself, are waiting with baited breath for your confirmation on this! Oops! I just read your timeline and found the answer ... (mumbling something to myself about old dogs and new tricks) Enjoy your day! Bob
  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Way to go Joshua and Wang Zhuo! Wishing you all the best with your life together, Bob
  18. Hi MY, When I put your number into DHL, it showed Clearance Delay as of 5-31. Ours is showing the same status. It went out 5-15, and got stuck 5-25. I called my Congressman today, and asked them to check into it. My hope is that it will get the file off of someone's desk, and get the P3 sent. I received a letter from the NVC dated 6/5 stating that our case package would be sent to GUZ in a week, no word yet on the P3. This afternoon I sent an email to the NVC and GUZ to find out if GUZ has received our case package from the NVC and when we might expect to receive our P3 package. You are both a couple of weeks ahead of us and if you haven't received your P3's yet there must be some sort of a delay in the system. Good luck to both of you and let me know when you hear something. Enjoy your weekend, Bob
  19. Hey nabeshin, how you doing? My sweet fiancee Haiqing has a statement that she has prepared to take along to her interview which we're guessing will be about October-ish (we're still waiting for our P3 package from GUZ). When I go there in September I'm going to help her polish it a very little bit and then I'll post it as an example for others to review. I'd be interested to see what other's have done for their Statement of Explanation also. Have a great weekend! Bob
  20. That makes good, logical sense ... now there's a pearl of wisdom! dnoblett, you da man! What I'd like to know is are there any things that would be good to send with ones P3 package above and beyond what GUZ requests and besides those things listed in the "kitchen sink" that could circumvent the delays of a blue? I know this is a broad question and everyone's situation is slightly different but has anyone done such a thing and found it successful? Have a terrific day everyone, Bob Nothing in the P-3 package, what some do is attach additional "Red-Flag" evidence and documentation to their I-130 or I-129F petition to USCIS, this has the affect of getting it in the petition package and is provided to the consular officer at the time they start working on the case, and the reasoning is "IF the Adjudicator at USCIS saw it and approved the petition, then the counselor cannot use this as a basis for denial." http://www.ilw.com/articles/2006,0323-ellis.shtm I wish I would have known about CFL and received this information from you back in January when we filled our I-129F petition. I would have included things at that point had I known about this. Thanks for your tip dnoblett, we'll keep the P3 to exactly what GUZ is asking for. Have a good evening, Bob
  21. That makes good, logical sense ... now there's a pearl of wisdom! dnoblett, you da man! What I'd like to know is are there any things that would be good to send with ones P3 package above and beyond what GUZ requests and besides those things listed in the "kitchen sink" that could circumvent the delays of a blue? I know this is a broad question and everyone's situation is slightly different but has anyone done such a thing and found it successful? Have a terrific day everyone, Bob
  22. Hello Dennis, In my time on earth I have seen some old people do some very foolish things ... and I have seen some young people do some very wise things. Longevity and wisdom do not necessarily go hand in hand and the opinion I was expressing to jaybird is that I have found pearls of wisdom from those members I mentioned with my situation and was hoping he would experience the same. I feel that wisdom comes in many forms ... if one is wise enough to recognize them. dnoblett, please excuse my typo. Have a terrific day, Bob
  23. Yeah I know, Damn! ... I was hoping to get another three months or so before we had to face this issue. We were able to talk about it late last night and she's going to stand strong and not pay the dues. She feels that she can simply keep pushing it off until her interview and then we'll be gone! She is a smart lady and I'm sure she'll handle it well. Hey, that's a good idea about sending a letter and get one back from the CCP stating that she's risking loss of membership, would make great evidence. I don't know if it would work out that way or be that easy because they haven't sent a letter requesting dues payment, a guy shows up in person and asked her for it ... after all, the Mafia doesn't send collection notices, only goons! Actually this guy is only doing his job and nothing that would arouse my anger has happened at this point. I told her that if she can hang in there until September when her personal body guard gets there, that she can tell them her future lao gong will pay and to deal with me. You know it's kind of funny, I was lying in bed at about 4:00 am yesterday morning thinking to myself that the US government is so concerned with not allowing (without the obvious hassles) an involuntary past communist party members who's annual dues amount to approximately $75 into the US because communism is such a "bad thing" while it allows it's own US citizens to push millions and millions of dollars into China which is supporting the communist government, it's growing economy and strengthening it's world position by purchasing all their cheap products. If the US government really thinks communism is so bad they should stop the flow of US dollars into China ... think of all the jobs that would come back here and perhaps our country wouldn't be in the big mess it is in right now. But then again that wouldn't have allowed Bush to borrow $85 billion dollars from China to pay for all the economic stimulus checks he wants everyone to have and make us feel good in spite of his inadequacies. I refused mine as I wanted nothing to do with such an idiotic decision. IMHO the laws are a bit hypocritical. I'm not angry about it though, in my usual happy manner I simply notice the irony, smile and shake my head. I truly appreciate your wishes. Have a terrific day! Bob
  24. Hello jaybird, Welcome to CFL, I don't have any first hand experience with what you're going through, but from most of what I've read on CFL a blue is pretty much a temporary inconvenience. Simply give GUZ what they want and you should be fine. I know we all want that pink first at interview time but the reality is we don't all get them right away. You'll find a lot of wisdom here from some of the members like David, dknoblett, Randy, Dylan, lostinblue and others who have been here long enough to be familiar with many different situations, they all have certainly helped me in my short time here. Good luck to you and let us know how it turns out. Best to all, Bob
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