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Everything posted by bob&haiqing

  1. My sweet Haiqing and I are off to the train station in fifteen minutes and headed to GUZ for our interview tomorrow Haiqing had a nice phone conversation with Wendy earlier, she is really a nice person! I'll go to ACH this afternoon and then we'll have a nice dinner and practice some more interview questions ... finally the day we've been waiting for is upon us and our thoughts are on PINK. I'll post interview results tomorrow evening after we return to Shenzhen. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us Bob & Haiqing
  2. Hey Dylan, Right now we're in final preparation stages organizing all the documents per the kitchen sink and we'll head to GUZ on Monday morning. I'll catch the ACH meeting that afternoon, spend the night in GUZ, interview Tuesday morning and after the interview head back to Shenzhen and crash! It will be a big relief to have that behind us. Let us know if you do decide to come in October or whenever and the four of us can get together for lunch or dinner, Haiqing and I think that would be fun. Enjoy your day! Bob
  3. Hey Dylan, I'm here in Shenzhen with my sweet fiancee Haiqing ... can you fedex me a pink one size L for our interview on the 23rd? Wendy, I can't get you my China mobile number yet because my sim card expired and I need to get that straightened out first ... don't use it for seven months and China Mobile pulls the plug on your phone number not good business in my book! Let us know if Dylan makes it here in October and we'll get together. We'll be here until maybe as late as February or March before returning to the USA to get married. Back to interview preparations Bob
  4. Hi Wendy, When I get to China I'll send you a pm with my Chinese mobile phone number so you can talk with Haiqing and see if we can all get together ... maybe we can check out that Shrimp place that you mentioned on another thread yummy! Talk soon, Bob Thanks Steve, You yell and I'll raise my hand Hope to see you there, Bob Hey Dylan, You have to design one for us ... come up with some sort of catchy phrase like "CFLer's do it for PINK!" Have a good week, Bob
  5. Hey Dylan, I'll be on my way to my sweet fiancee Haiqing's arms on Tuesday the 16th. ACH on the 22nd and interview on the 23rd. I've noticed several pinks recently so I hope we have the same luck Enjoy your weekend! Bob You're lucky I caught your post, I was just hitting to door to hang outside the rest of the night. I hope everything goes well, and keep informed on CFL. I hope you will catch Wendy when you are there. Maybe the Consulate is in a happy pink month! I hope it is true and wish you both the best of luck, I can't wait to hear the pink results as well! B) Hey Dylan, Thanks, I'll post our results to CFL as soon as we get back to Shenzhen the evening of the 23rd. We probably won't wait in GUZ for her visa as we're only an hour or so by train and since we're both taking a couple weeks off it won't be a problem for us to return to GUZ and pick it up. Yes, I'll let Wendy know when we'll be in town so she can talk to Haiqing and if they can arrange a convenient time for us to meet we'll do that. Your Wendy seems like a very sweet girl and you are lucky to have her as I am lucky to have my sweet Haiqing Have a terrific weekend, Bob
  6. Hey Tom, My sweet Haiqing and I travel all over Shenzhen by bus ... we always sit in the back if we can, 2RMB each will take you anywhere in town and you also get a free butt massage Your package came quickly, you must have hit the cylce just at the right time Enjoy your weekend, Bob
  7. Hey Dylan, I'll be on my way to my sweet fiancee Haiqing's arms on Tuesday the 16th. ACH on the 22nd and interview on the 23rd. I've noticed several pinks recently so I hope we have the same luck Enjoy your weekend! Bob
  8. Since I have to fill out form today or tomorrow (medical has to be done this week due to week long holiday in front of interview date) I will go with this interpretation -- which I like very much. Thanks, as I read it again with this view, it sort of makes since - minus the omission of "fiance" when they ask for children -- probably an oversight. Thanks. Hawaii Mike You have to look at the sworn statement at the bottom to see what they are really asking for. Good luck Mike!! Hey chilton, I just filled out this form last weekend and I interpreted it to include your ex as the question reads "Also include any children your spouse (and I think they meant to include "or fianc¨¦(e)" here as in the previous sentence, sort of implied) may have from a previous relationship and any previous spouses (as in ex) s/he may have had.". I figure it would not be as much a problem to include your ex as it might be to omit your ex so I think it wise to ere on the side of caution. Just my opinion of course as there are some questions that are not properly worded or clear and some left me scratching my head! Have a terrific weekend, Bob
  9. Absolutely a great picture Jim, I certainly hope to be taking one like that on the 23rd! I'm afraid no food is allowed on the 5th floor. However they do have a water cooler Emily and Jay were up there for 6 hours before being called to the window for the actual interview. Make sure your SO has a decent breakfast that morning! Thanks for the heads up Steve and Clement, I've warned my sweet fiancee Haiqing about having a good breakfast that morning just in case it's a long day and she told me she'll probably be too excited to eat much that day I can understand what she means, I don't think I'll be eating much that morning either! That's cool Rob that you had Lee to share the experience with. I don't know of anyone else here on CFL who has an interview on the 23rd so I think I'll be going it solo. Mark will be on the same flight as I'm on going from Chicago to Hong Kong so I'll get to meet him and Steve has mentioned that he'll be at the ACH on the 22nd which I'm planning to be at so perhaps I'll meet him also. It will be nice to meet a few people from CFL. Sorry not to reply to everyone sooner but I haven't been on CFL much this week except to check the "kitchen sink" in preparation for our interview or to read a quick post. I've been up to my eyeballs preparing for my trip to China on Tuesday , I'm sure you guys know what that's like Have a terrific weekend everyone, Bob
  10. Thanks for the info. I'll be attending ACH on the 22nd and will be sure to ask about the GIV-24. Question 8 burned up an hour of my time... I have 5 brothers and sisters to account for. BTW, there is no ACH this coming Monday... Chinese Autumn Festival. Hey Steve, I know how you feel, I'm the oldest of 8 and I used every line on the form plus one person underneath the last line My sweet fiancee Haiqing has memorized my entire family's names and birthdays in case the VO askes her at her interview. I'll be attending ACH on the 22nd also, perhaps we'll have the opportunity to meet. Our interview is the 23rd and I'm leaving for China on the 16th so we can spend the week preparing for it. When do you leave for China? Have a terrific weekend, Bob
  11. Hey Chilton, Dylan, tsap seui, Randy, bokiwen and Clement, Thanks to all you guys for the info, stories and warm wishes, I really appreciate all your input. I'm a bit overwhelmed this weekend getting all the forms completed with my sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing and getting documents sent for a new visa so please excuse me for not replying to each of you individually which I prefer doing. I'm sure those of you who have been there know what I'm talking about. I hope you all have a terrific weekend, Bob
  12. That's cool Dylan, thanks for the night shots! Have a terrific ... night! Bob
  13. Thanks Clement for the info but please don't tell me about a possible six hour wait ... I'll pace a groove through the floor in six hours I can't imagine how crazy that must have made you feel, glad you guys got the pink to sooth the wait. I'll be sure to stay away from the spaghetti Thanks Darnell, I think I'll do just that ... traipse up to the 4th floor coffee shop and then pace while I wait Wow ... Randy, thanks a lot for the pictures, gives me a great visual on what to expect and look for, very helpful of you! Thanks very much Lee, I'm really looking forward to seeing my sweet Haiqing again. Seven months without her has been much too long I'm not sure at this point where we'll stay in Guangzhou. I've seen safes in some of the hotel rooms before and most big hotels have a much larger safe where you can keep larger valuables, all you have to do is ask. I do have everything backed up on an external drive and my sweet Haiqing has a copy of everything on her computer as well. I may even put a copy of everything up on my ftp site just in case but that might be a bit over kill Since we're only about an hour-ish away by train from Shenzhen we'll probably only stay one night before the interview and then head back to pick up the visa when it's available. She may go to GUZ for one day next week for the medical exam or do it the day after I arrive, either way is ok with me, she's familiar with the area and getting to GUZ so it's no problem for her. I'll definitely enjoy this trip, we plan on being there until end of February or first of March before returning home to the US and getting married. Hi michaln, that's a shame they wouldn't let you take a picture of something so important as getting your pink slip! I have a digital camera with a pretty good zoom so I could stand back a ways and still get a good close up picture ... also, I'll be taking my digital movie camera with an internal hard drive that has a 20x optical zoom and a 2,000x digital zoom! I could stand across a big 4 lane street and zoom in close enough to only see her from the waist up Thanks a bunch everyone for your help, I really appreciate it! Bob
  14. The fourth floor is fine, and you normally would not have a need to go to the 5th floor. Just grab a cup of coffee (it's expensive) and wait. Facing from the street, the up escalators that you would both take in the morning are on the left. After the interview, she would come down the escalator to the right (the coffee shop faces toward this escalator). Hey Randy, Thank you very much for answering my question. And thanks for the info on the layout there, will make things easier for me. I'm not a coffee drinker so I'll save a few pennies I'll be the guy responsible for the groove in the floor of the coffee shop from pacing back and forth while waiting for my sweet Haiqing to come down with the results Have a terrific evening, Bob
  15. Hi dnoblett, I was typing as you were and missed your post. We haven't crossed paths here in a few weeks, good to see you again. I assumed that the visa annex of the consulate was part of the Embassy and figured the security might be pretty tight. First time with this process makes for lots of learning us suppose When I go to ACH I can leave my things with my sweet Haiqing, I just need to know if I can get to the 4th floor with them while I wait for her during the interview ... neng bu neng is the question Thanks for the info, Bob
  16. If you go up to the 5th floor, you would leave any electronic gear at the security checkpoint. Thank you - I'm sure you are also Hi Randy, I don't think I'll be going up to the 5th floor unless something unexpected requires me to do so. Thanks for your help, Bob Hi Jim, I didn't realize that it was a separate building, I assumed it was all together. I will be attending ACH so I'll leave my briefcase with my sweet Haiqing while doing that. I know that I can't attend the interview and that she can't attend the ACH session. As long as I can get into the building and wait for her on the 4th floor with my briefcase then I'm ok. Do you know if that is a problem? If I can't do that then I'll leave those things at home in Shenzhen where they are safe. Thanks for the info, see you in SoCal someday! Bob
  17. Hey Everybody, We have our interview coming up on September 23 and I'll be taking my laptop and camera with me. I don't want to leave these things in the hotel as my business is 100% mobile and absolutely everything is in my laptop including all our documents for this entire visa process. I never leave it out of my sight when traveling and will carry my briefcase with me containing these things to GUZ for the interview. My question is: What is the policy at GUZ? Do they allow you to bring these things into the Embassy or will they deny me entrance if I have them? Hope everyone's having a great day, Bob
  18. Ok Roger ... we'll just play nice and share ... after all, I'm really a peacenik at heart myself although not Federally Licensed ... that work for you? Have a great evening and enjoy your mooncakes too, Bob
  19. Uh Bob I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I actually have a PATENT on the writing with smilies technique... So if you do want to use it in the future you'll have to pay ME... for the privilege... Hey Roger ... I didn't know that I have to tell you though that when I'm designing a new product for a customer I've broken many patents in the past and have several of my own In this case it's a bit of a different challenge though ... but I'm up for it ... how about I spare you for the rights? http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/blackbelt8/bb8_25.jpg http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/blackbelt8/bobblackbelttestcementblock2.jpg http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/blackbelt8/bb8nunchucks.jpg You ready? Oh ... and none of this not fair so don't even go there Have a terrific day Bob
  20. Oh YES! Moon Cake My sweet fiancee Haiqing saved some Moon cakes for me last year when I got there the first week of November. She wanted me to experience them and I really like them. She already has some waiting for me when I get there two weeks from today and has told me about the ice cream ones I can't wait to try those I am so lucky, she is so good to me and I can't wait to be with her again. Don't get a sick tummy from too much Moon cake yummy, Bob
  21. CONGRATULATIONS Glad to hear the great news! I hope GUZ stays in a pink mind set as our interview is three weeks from today ... can you rub a little pink off on us? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, Bob
  22. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH May you have a wonderful life together, Bob
  23. tsap seui, I must commend you on your attitude. You have been very helpful and positive to all moving forward in this sometimes difficult process. As always I continue to wish you the best. You know I second that thought tsap seui
  24. Hey gunsmokebob, We interview on September 23rd ... I'm planning on flying to Hong Kong on the 15th so if you're leaving from Hong Kong look out the window and wave and I'll wave back at you Good luck to you both on the 11th, Bob
  25. CONGRATULATIONS To both of you Have a good safe trip and to America Ping I hope you have a wonderful future together, Bob
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