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Everything posted by bob&haiqing

  1. Hey nabeshin, I would think that the VO would still consider your fiancee a member if her dues are paid through the end of the year even though she made the payment last May. You can find a copy of the Chinese law regarding membership from my past thread on CCP membership here: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=31912 I know you're aware of it, I put the link for other's who may be interested but not aware. You'll find a Chinese version and an English version of the Chinese law which states that a person is automatically no longer a member after six months of non-dues payment. My sweet Haiqing made her last payment in December 2007 for that month and no other payments after that so by the end of June 2008 she was legally, by Chinese law, no longer a CCP member and could honestly answer "no" to the question "are you a CCP member?". I don't know if you caught it but I did reply to your question about CCP in my thread about our interview results. I also included a copy of the cover letter I wrote showing all the evidence we had prepared for the interview proving non-membership. You can find it here: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=33010 Find whatever evidence you can to prove to the VO that she is not a member if the questions comes up at her interview and she wants to answer "no". 100% honesty is the key ingredient here because you'll have to address the CCP issue later once she's in the U.S. with you during her AOS and if they suspect that she lied to get her visa they could deport her even though you're married and even if she has received her green card. If you're in doubt about how to answer perhaps it would be best to play it safe, accept the blue slip and the slight delay and sleep at night knowing you did things honestly. Then again, the question may never come up ... it does happen Enjoy your weekend! Bob
  2. Hey Phil, Steve has you covered for the 95 questions. You still in China Steve? Haven't heard from you since we meet at ACH a few weeks ago. Where in China are you headed Phil? I had to make an unexpected trip back to Chicago last week but I'll be heading back to Shenzhen by the end of the month. If you're close to Shenzhen perhaps we can get together for lunch. How soon you go before her interview depends upon whether she has to travel far or if she is close to Guangzhou. If she has to travel far she will probably have her medical exam done shortly before the interview, if you get there early in the morning and pay an extra fee (I think it's 100RMB) you can have the medical results back the same day, if you don't it will take several days to get it. Your step son also needs to have a medical exam. After the interview you can wait to pick up the visas at the post office in Guangzhou, usually 2-3 business days but can take longer. Since we are in Shenzhen my sweet Haiqing went up to GUZ for her medical exam two weeks before the interview, I got there the week before the interview and we went to GUZ early the day before the interview (a Tuesday) so I could go to the ACH on Monday. After the interview we went back to Shenzhen and took the train back a few days later to get the visas as it's only about an hour away. We only stayed one night in GUZ at the Star Hotel, you can see it when you exit the train station (provided you exit where we did) and it's only a few minutes walk down the street. The hotel was comfortable, typically hard Chinese beds, the air conditioning worked fine which is important this time of year because it's so hot there and good restaurants inside the hotel if you don't feel like exploring the town. Price for the night 235RMB (about $35.00) It's a good idea to let your Chinese fianc¨¦e/wife make the room reservations as many hotels charge a different rate for Chinese citizens and rich foreigners! The hotel is across the park from the U.S. Consulate, you can simply walk across the street and there's a long line of stores/restaurants just to the left. If you walk along the store fronts you'll be in the shade, cross through the park and you're in the sun. The stores end at a street which runs parallel to the street the hotel is on, cross the street, go right a short block past the stop light and the U.S. Consulate is on the left ... piece of cake! Enjoy your trip! Bob
  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Mike & Jin, have a wonderful time celebrating ... ... and a wonderful trip home! Bob
  4. CONGRATULATIONS To you both, have a wonderful future together! I'm so glad to hear that the CCP issue didn't trip you guys up either and I agree with you that being 100% honest in dealing with it feels real good When you get a chance to take a break from celebrating give us all the juicy details Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Bob
  5. Hey Phil, The Consulate will not issue a visa to someone they don't see so your step son should go to the interview with your wife if you included his name on your original I-129/I-130 package. The instructions that come with the P-4 package state "The Consulate has scheduled an appointment for an immigrant visa interview for the beneficiaries as noted at the bottom of this letter." Your wife's and step son's name will be shown on the letter. If they are traveling together he must go to the interview with her to get his visa. My sweet fiancee Haiqing and her son went together for the interview just a few weeks ago. He is 18 and the VO did ask him the following questions. VO: (to son) How old are you? Son: 18 VO: How do you feel about your mommy's and his relationship? Son: (slowly and with emphasis) I think this is the best match in the world! VO: laughing, Do you get along with him when you're alone and no mommy? Son: Yes, a lot of time we together we get along very much, so happy. VO: What do you talk about? Son: We talk about how to learn English, our future life and interesting things, we also together go shopping. VO: smiled with satisfaction Haiqing and I practiced the 95 interview questions that are pinned here on CFL. We changed the answers to fit our situation and printed them out. I would ask her the questions in random order and often times changed the questions by re-wording them so she had to pay attention just like she would have to do during the interview. Our son actually memorized the questions and answers because he thought he might be asked those questions also! I was amazed at how seriously he took the interview. Younger children may be asked questions but I haven't read anyone else's interview results where the questions were particularly difficult. Most were along the lines of "have you met your mother's fiance?" sort of questions. Good luck to you both, Bob
  6. Maybe saying in this way would be available: To a Chinese, love is not only words but also action. To me, I want both of sweet words and practical action. Do I want too much? Maybe saying in this way would be available: To a Chinese, love is not only words but also action. To me, I want both of sweet words and practical action. Do I want too much? I want both too I would venture to say that all three of you deserve to have both, as do many other woman ... I make certain that my sweet Haiqing gets both every day Enjoy the words and the actions! Bob
  7. Hey Smitty, Yes, I intentionally noted the areas outside the designated O.C. because I knew they were close enough and worth the drive up there. It will give Jerry a chance to show off his knowledge of the asian community to his sweetheart when she gets here ... talk about brownie points! Hey, I know those freeways very well ... ... those on/off ramps are the ones where you get to hone your Chinese driving skills, step on the gas, close your eyes and merge, they won't hit you Try it some time and let me know how it works Bob
  8. Sorry to hear about your father. I can relate. Best Wishes Thanks chilton and warpedbored for your kind thoughts, I appreciate it very much. Sorry to hear you both have had the same experience, I know we all do eventually and it's to be expected but never desired. The hardest part was making the unexpected trip back to Chicago and interrupting our happy time together. My father passed away about an hour before I took the picture above of my sweet Haiqing holding her visa and in the middle of our celebrating we had to put everything on hold while I came back here to take care of family business. I should be back in Shenzhen with her by the end of the month just before her birthday in November so we can continue with our celebrating ... the whole thing about being here now has a surreal quality to it ... I feel like I'm in the wrong place ... we had waited for seven months to be together again and thought we'd never have to be separated like this ever again only to be jerked away from her. Unfortunately, getting her visa the same day my father passed away did not give us enough time to finish things in China before coming to the USA together ... so we chose that I go alone, then return to get her. Thanks again and have a terrific day! Bob
  9. Hey David, I just came through O'Hare in Chicago last Monday as I did last February when I returned from Hong Kong. Depending on which gate your flight stops at you'll enter the customs area from the left or the right. Once you enter the customs area, if your standing with your back to the wall facing the customs area the visitor/immigrant line is on the left and the US citizen line is on the right. This seems to be opposite of what the others have described here but it was like this last Monday as well as last February when I came through ORD so maybe it has changed since others have been through there. Brian also used ORD as their POE several months ago and I asked him about the procedure they used. He told me that the Customs officers told him he could go through the Immigrant line with his fianc¨¦e who had a K1 visa. When I came through on Monday I asked the Customs officer if I could bring my fianc¨¦e with a K1 visa through the US citizens line with me when we returned in a few months and he said "no problem, it will be fine" so apparently you can use either line, just let them know that you're accompanying your K1 visa fianc¨¦e. Just a note, there is another customs area called area B just to the right of the main customs area that I have seen them direct US citizens to when the lines in the main area get a little crowded. It also exits into the baggage claim area. The whole procedure is pretty simple and easy to follow. Good luck to you, Bob
  10. Thanks Dale, Dan, Randy and Lee, From what you are all telling me we should be ok. My sweet Haiqing and her son already have their visas to come to the USA, we went to the post office and picked them up on September 26th, see pic http://i390.photobucket.com/albums/oo349/blackbelt8/visa_in_hand.jpg I'll be going back to Shenzhen by the end of this month and we'll come back to the USA some time in February or March and her son will come with us at that time. We'll get married and apply for the AOS for both of them immediately so the AOS will be done within 60 days after he turns 19 so if there is no age limit on the Removal of Conditions we are ok. He will be 21 right about the time we apply for Removal of Conditions and that was the thing that had us concerned. Thanks to all of you for your help, you're all a great asset to CFL and I sincerly appreciate what you do here! Have a terrific day! Bob
  11. Hey Jerry, I would bet money that if you open a can of La Choy for Xiaomin she'll think you're serving her dog food! save yourself a and don't even go there 99 Ranch Market is the place to go as other's have already mentioned. There are two in Irvine, if memory serves me correctly there's one on Harbor Blvd. south of the 5 (I've been in this one and when I walked in for the first time I felt like I was in China) and another south of the 5 before the 5 and 405 merge, I don't know what street it's on, I've only seen it from the freeway and I haven't been in that one either, it's probably within 15 minutes from where you are. Westminster, as Smitty mentioned, is a good area to check out as well as Montery Park/Alhambra/San Gabriel area that has a large asian community as well. Good luck, Bob
  12. Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that Haiqing and I appreciate your posts. I'll reply to everyone next week as I had to make an unexpected trip back to Chicago last Monday because my father passed away. I'm taking care of family business the next several weeks before I head back to China. Catch you all next week, Bob
  13. Hi Everybody, Haiqing and I were just discussing our future tonight now that we received a PINK slip at our interview a few days ago. Our plans are to return to the USA in February or March and get married sometime in the spring but she just read something on another website that has us concerned about waiting that long. Her son will be 19 years old this January and according to what she read he will be too old (over 21) come time to do a Removal of Condition on his two year green card and won't be able to receive a 10 year green card. My questions are: does a child traveling on a K2 with their mother receive a 2 year or a 10 year green card when we do the original AOS after marriage? If it is a 2 year green card is there an age limit for Removal of Conditions to get a 10 year card? If there is we may have to change our plans, hustle back to the USA and get married now so we have a couple months of cushion two years from now. Thanks everyone, Bob
  14. Really cool pic ShaQuaNew! My sweet Haiqing and I have been eating all sorts of Moon Cakes the last week She has some of the Hagen Daas ice cream Moon Cakes and they are just like Dove Bars, ice cream on the inside with a white chocolate or chocolate shell outside. Nothing close to traditional Moon Cakes ... just a marketing ploy to cash in on the Festival bucks! They are however really yummy Haiqing has never had anything like them before and loved it! I told her there's all sorts of this sort of thing in the USA and you can buy it almost anywhere at any time of the year ... she liked that Have a terrific day! Bob
  15. Hey Bill, a belated CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family! I was so busy preparing for my trip to be with my sweet Haiqing for her interview that I wasn't on CFL very much for two weeks before I left and I missed your post. Have a wonderful life together, Bob
  16. That's terrific news Heyjimi, Good luck at your interview go get some PINK! Bob
  17. CONGRATULATIONS All the best to both of you, Bob
  18. Well just like everyone said I had absolutely no problems taking my laptop and camera up to the coffee shop on the 4th floor. Even took some nice pictures of us with our PINK slip ... I'll post them in a few days with our interview questions on the other thread. Thanks again everyone for your input! Bob
  19. Hey Dylan, Do you know if Roger owns a pair of horse blinders? and wears them? If not I'm sure he already knows! I didn't have time to start a new fashion craze and don't have anything pink in my wardrobe so I ended up wearing double pink (aka red ) to our interview and it seemed to work well enough so we're both happy Hey Darnell, Are you trying to tell me that they actually have intellectual property laws here in China I don't thinks those words even translate into Chinese ... when it comes to making goods here regardless of what it is this is the WILD WEST and anything goes! Sometimes when I have products made here in China I'll piece out the project to several factories and have all the pieces sent back to the USA for assembly so no one here ever knows what the end product looks like. Patents don't mean much here! Have a terrific day guys, Bob
  20. CONGRATULATIONS Peter and Sophia, way to go! Haiqing and I are happy to hear your results were PINK. Haiqing's interview yesterday wasn't until 12:00 pm, what time was Sophia's? ... made me a little crazy wondering what was happening while waiting in the coffee shop from 8:00 am until she finally came down at about 12:45 pm ... make you a little crazy too? We hope you both have a wonderful future! Bob & Haiqing
  21. Hey Peter, I hope the Typhoon that came through here didn't get you guys all wet today! I was thinking about you guys yesterday because we heard about the Typhoon coming on Tuesday and I was hoping it would miss our interview time and your's too. We got lucky as it didn't start to rain until we were on the train about 5 minutes out of GUZ on our way back to Shenzhen. Poured cats and dogs here most of the night with really high winds. I noticed this morning about 7:30 am that is was starting to let up a bit and was hoping you guys weren't getting a bath standing in line waiting to get into the Consulate. Haiqing and I want to rub a little of our PINK slip luck off on you both and send you good luck. By now you should be finished with your interview and we hope that if you got wet today it's because you're swimming in PINK Get that PINK! Bob & Haiqing
  22. PINK, PINK, PINK!!! Hey everybody, My sweet fiancee Haiqing had her interview today and we got PINK! Needless to say we are both so very happy and excited as is our son. We went out and celebrated with a nice lunch this afternoon before heading back to Shenzhen ... now we are going to crash after the high level of emotional output from the last several months. I'll write about all the interview details and questions asked in a few days once she relays the information to me again and we get it all written down. I'll just say at this point that she went into her interview at 12:00 pm and it was over at 12:30 pm ... a half an hour! She handled it very well and did a really fantastic job. I am so proud of her! Now the story of lucky 23 ... when we were filling out our original P1 package in January we discovered that we were both married before on the 23rd day of the same month 11 years apart ... what are the odds ... we were engaged on the 23rd of December, sent out P1 package to the USCIS on the 23rd of January, had our interview exactly 8 months later on the 23rd of September and she had her interview at window 23! ... that gave her confidence that everything was going to go our way. The other lucky thing that happened for us was that I attended ACH on Monday and had a terrific 5-10 minute meeting with a very nice woman VO, she was a very happy and cheerful person and we talked freely and laughed several times. I left thinking to myself that I hope by some twist of fate that my sweet Haiqing would have this woman as her VO for the interview and I told her all about my wonderful experience with her. My sweet Haiqing noticed this woman when she was there and told our son what I had told her about this woman and mentioned that she hoped this woman would be her VO ... well sure enough that's exactly what happened which gave my sweet Haiqing even more confidence that everything was going to go our way. If it was possible I would really like to treat this VO to dinner for the way she treated my sweet Haiqing with kindness and respect today. Haiqing and I want to thank everyone for your warm wishes, technical help and emotional support during this process. CFL is truly a blessing and it is so because of all the wonderful people involved here! I hope everyone has a terrific day! Bob ... time to crash
  23. Hey Darnell and Dylan, I can get anything made here in China ... that's part of what my business does ... just give me an order for a container full of CFL shirts and I'll get them made ... I have sources for just about anything here Right now I think the best I could do with such a short time frame would be to print the logo Dylan designed and attach it to my shirt with safety pins ... would look a little "tacky" perhaps but I don't think anyone would care much! By the way Dylan, did you get Roger's permission to use his image or are we all in for legal hassles? Have a terrific day! Bob
  24. Thanks for the warm wishes everyone, without the help and support of everyone here I know we'd feel a lot more nervous about tomorrow than we do now. We're well prepared and feeling good about our prospects. We're in a comfortable place for the night, the air conditioning works properly thank God because the humidity here makes breathing almost like trying to inhale a solid of some sort! Went to ACH this afternoon and met Steve, great guy, thanks for your company! We had a nice long conversation as we were both one of the last people to chat with a VO out of maybe 80 to 100 people. Note to those wanting to get things notarized at GUZ, do this earlier before going to ACH! The notary office is open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and they were closed by the time I was out of ACH at about 3:20 pm. Fortunately I had notarized copies done in the US of everything I was looking to have notarized at GUZ ... my goal was to have more documentation with my signature on it notarized here showing my presents just before the interview. Also, they like you to go online and make an appointment for having things notarized, heres the link: http://guangzhou.usembassey-china.org.cn Good luck to Peter and Sophia on your interview Wednesday, bring home some pink! Let us know how your interview goes. Thanks again to everyone, Bob & Haiqing
  25. Hey toolman, Sorry to hear your situation, I hope you can find a good way through this challenge so you can be together always. Best of luck to you, Bob
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