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Everything posted by nygatl15

  1. Dude, hang in there. Life will get better. Every part of our life seems to go through season. this is not a good season for you. The spring will come again. Have you tried dating again? I know sometimes we get down, but it is imperitive that we get up again ASAP.
  2. Congratulations! My Wenjie will be in JFK in a few weeks. I hope she has more luck than BuffoalPaul.... has he been spotted lately. I don't think they went for a walk, yet B)
  3. Welcome home Paul. I wish you both much luck and happiness in the future. My Wenjie is planning to get her ticket tommorow. She was thinking to go to JFK for the EAD. any idea why you didn't get it?
  4. Congratulations!!! My financee had a uneventful interview... they only asked for pictures of me with her family and they wanted to see a copy of her diploma she received in the US... once she showed that, they said she was approved. The evidence is is best to have, but you spend so much time gathering the information and proof , it can be a little frustrating knowing this... but now, Who cares!??? we got the Visa
  5. Well Bear, that sound like what I see sitting out on the porch in the evenings in Tennessee! 153722[/snapback] have you been to NY lately? 153725[/snapback] I grew up in NY, China seems similar. I really liked china although after a while, you tre of it and want to come back home. Still, there are so many people, what are thier choice sometimes?? Have you ever seen puppies around the mother trying to find a open nipple?... "only the strong survive Dude"
  6. I will have to spend sometime cleaning. She tells me not to... at the very least, I will make sure the bathroom is very clean... now, just I use it.. I clean it, but not as often as I should. I will also have to get use to not leaving the seat up.
  7. I was going crazy, last minute she starts asking me to fax stuff, which I couldn't do... anyway she just called 30 minutes ago and was very happy. We can begin to plan the future.
  8. Don, Thanks. I sent them to her and she is able to relax more...me too!! I think she would have been able to fill them out at the interview if all else had failed. I don't know why she wasn't asked for the forms. She actually went to get the physical 2 times last week. One the person told her on the phone, she didn't need an appointment, when she got there, she was told she needed and a appointment, so she had to return the next day.
  9. she didn't take her forms with her to the interview, no one told her to do so. Will these forms be something she can fill out at the interview?
  10. My SO was just told today that she will need a Supplemental form GIV-24 and Family Compostion Sheet GNI - 2 Neither of these forms were present in the P4 package sent from GUZ. I cannot find them anywhere, My Lady's interview will be in 12 hours... Does anyone have any suggestions here? How does it work? will they take all of here papers and then look them over and then give the interview.. or do we just need to have the forms avaialbale in case they ask for them?
  11. Scary stuff. My interview is next week. I'm having some personal issues unrelated to her, but we have been having some arguments lately.. hanging up on each other and etc..... I wonder sometimes how it will wortk when she is here... but when we are good we are good., actually very good...but when we are bad... But not tottaly crazy, but sometimes I have that "uncertainity" of her motives, most times I beleive she loves me, but Women have really disappointed me in the past. So I know your feelings, after almost 3 years my ex is still giving "BIG" hell. It affects my trust foundation and it is not fair to my future wife.... Maybe I expect too much from her???
  12. Does my SO need to have shots before her interview at Guz next week or is it something that can wait until she gets the k1 Visa for the AOS process.
  13. Congratulations, you are not far from what you are wating for ... good luck
  14. ... by the way, the ticket prices were very good compared with the tickets purchased in the states
  15. Definetly Onesuite.com. They also have speed-dailing which is great when using your cell on the road or anywhere for that matter... The records are needed for your evidence anyway.
  16. I sent my lady the link, but I didn't see anything but chinese cities to choose from for destinations. Does it just show US destinations in Chinese language part of the site, maybe? I got a quote from travelocity for $895 one way in October. pretty steep indeed, especially when you can travel roundtrip for the same. She thinks she can get a better deal buying in China. Does anyone know of other sites also?
  17. I guess a black man's numbers are much less common than the white guys. but not very uncommon anymore
  18. My lady likes cheese, I'm not sure what kind though. She likes soy milk also. I drink soy milk alot now.I did not like the soy milk in China though. I love milk, but I stopped drinking it so much, knowing all the things in it like the hormones and other stuff. but I love chesse.
  19. I grew up in NYC and never did I feel helpless and vunerable as I did in China. So many cars and trucks and no rules. NYC is a walk in te park conpared to NYC. I'm glad to see that J is doing fine and well with her hubby
  20. My lady likes all music. She likes country music also, I grew up liking R&B and Jazz, some rock and most other music but Country music is not one of them or heavy metal for that matter. I asked her if we can get headphones when she wants to listen to it when i'm around. I listen to a lot of Christian music and Gospel now, so I'm glad she likes it also.
  21. We don't have the AOS receipt yet because we just got married 7 days ago, then 2 days later we sent in the AOS overnight express, so hopefully that will come within the next week. Then we can walk in and try for an emergency AP, but for that they've already said they need proof of the emergency...which of course I'm not sure what story to use and what will count as proof? If we just send in by normal mail for the AP and she leaves while its pending, then I get conflicting answers if thats allowed. The form itself says where do you want the AP sent, including any overseas embassy, but the instructions say if you leave while pending it will be abandoned. And as far as her being mature enough to stand up to her dad, not sure 10 years or 20 years more of maturity would help any in this case because I do think she is very mature. The problem is her dad has a vision of his perfect life, kind of old-fashioned and with some strong cultural influence, he loves his daughter and wants her under the same roof, or at least living on the same street so they can spend some time each day together. He's a very strong and proud father, thinks he knows best whats her best future, thinks coming to the US is a big mistake. And when he makes a threat he means it, guess he has a history of that and the family lives in fear of him in some way, he has even hit his daughter before to get his way. So how to overcome that? Last year he said he's against but won't stand in the way, but as we've got more serious in our relationship he's changed his mind and says he'd rather ruin the family and will do anything physically possible to stop her from leaving. 147501[/snapback] I don't know what to say... except, bummer. I'm sorry that the 2 of you are in this situation. I hope it works out for you.
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