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Everything posted by impatient

  1. James, welcome to the parking lot of GZ. Bill
  2. I sent my email off to Maura the frist week of March and have yet to hear anything back, good or bad. I guess it was what I was expecting considering the way GZ works with all of us. Bill
  3. congrats to you both, we wish you the best of luck in your journey to the states. Bill
  4. JFong988, I told you before to check out the bt-store.com website. I just went to HK and could not beat the deals. Cosmiclobster is the one that turned me on to this website. Bill
  5. Thanks John, but I will believe it when we see it. I am very disgusted with the whole GZ situation. Thanks for the support though. Bill
  6. Mine was approved from NVC on Feb. 21st and it is still not in GZ, I have emailed them every week to check, all they have to date is the electronic copy. I wish they were faster but I would not get my hopes up just yet. Bill
  7. congrats to you. Try the site bt-store.com for airfare, it helped me get a cheap flight to HK recently. Compliments of the cosmiclobster. Bill
  8. Congrats Richard, it is about time huh? I hope to join you there soon myself. Bill
  9. I just got back from SZ yesterday but I will be returning in July or August for her visa. I would love to get together. Bill
  10. I am in the same boat as you both. My case was mailed 2/14 and they still do not have it in GZ, and when I called DOs they said yes the electronic copy is there but that is all. They are not much hep either. I emailed GZ and they informed me that sometimes it takes several months to recieve the files. I was rather shocked to hear this time frame since everyone else said about 4 weeks. Good luck, I am going to consulate Monday since I am here in China now. Bill
  11. Congrats to you both, we will be pulling for you to get the visa now!! Bill
  12. Spify79, I too live in WAand when I go I use the atm there in the airport to get some money because the HK money goes a little further in China anyway. In fact I am leaving to go there tomorrow. Bill
  13. At this point I will sign anything if it will get my SO here sooner but it does look good. Bill
  14. I got no response from Maura either and mine was not that lengthy. Bill
  15. Congratulations Jason and Rong, good luck to you on the rest of your journey. Bill
  16. Congratulations Dave, hope all the rest of us get to be with ours soon too. Bill
  17. I am glad to hear that someone got to personally express our concerns, even if it might not do any good at least they are aware of these problems now. I wish I could have been there, and I am truly sorry you spent your cab fare for toast and fruit. Hopefully she will help your case and make it worth the trip . Thanks for going. Bill
  18. Jim, yes I understand that it is just a matter of time now. I will do my best to be patient as I can and hopefully things will go speedy and with no problems. In the mean time I am gathering the bulk of the paperwork for the P3 and P4 for my SO and taking it with me in March on my visit along with alot ot evidence of us being together. I have been reading many stories here which I think have helped many of us newer people to avoid major problems down the line. The advice is greatly appreciated everyone, thanks. Bill
  19. Rob, yes I have looked at the timelines and it does not look good for us on the west coast, but then I do not think it looks good for any of us really. I even informed my SO today that it could be awhile yet. She was so excited that things progressed as fast as they have so far. She was thinking maybe we would be done by summer but now I am really wondering but you never know. Bill
  20. Richard, you know I added that little extra remark for your benefit Yes moving fast but still not fast enough for the two of us, but I am sure you al feel like that too Bill
  21. Rob, sorry I never posted one before but here goes. Nov. 24th NOA1 Approved Jan. 31st NOA2 Approved Feb. 14 or so cleared NVC and sent to GZ sorry I could not have been more detailed and I guess I should have done this all along. Bill
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