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Posts posted by lassetter

  1. It is great that China is peaceful now towards the world. I love the way the government takes good care of the people in so many ways.



    From what I have seen and read I am not so sure. When I first went to China ( Nanning) I was very impressed with the public places - airport, boulevards, and modern buildings. I was struck by the health of the people and the their public behavior.


    However, there are problems. I have noticed that: (to a greater degree than the West):


    1. happiness dwindles as people get older. I think living in China can be a real drag. When older people laugh it is often mirthless and cynical!


    2. most people in China are very poor. The country is stunningly beautiful. The poverty is stunning, too. Incomes are very low. The media makes too much of China's wealth. I think, China is like the USA in the 1920's. A thin veneer of wealth enjoyed by comparatively few.


    3. Most people seem very worried about money. It leads to real fear over education, jobs, and retirement.


    4. family dynamics can be very stressful. Ask yourself why so many 30-45 year old women want to marry a an overseas person.


    5. Sucking-up to bosses and police is a way of life. It is not always based on respect but on real fear.


    6. the violent (recent) past of China is in the back of everyones mind!!!!! Most of us have no idea how violent China can get when it gets nasty. Interestingly, people seldom talk about the old days. But they remember them, believe me!


    Just another point of view,



  2. A.  Probably a little over the top Rupert.  We are not the internet police.


    B.  I still hold that since one is preformed on us anyway during the visa process the beneficiary should be notified of any past violent criminal records long before interview.

    A. You are probably right. An action like that would would go outside our mission.


    B. I don't know that they check for a violent criminal background. They should!



  3. Here is his (chilling) post-interview post:


    The interviewer asked me some questions about your job, and when we met in person and why I want to marry an American man. I answered him honestly. And he also asked me if I am sure I would love to marry a man who I have stayed with for only 11 days. I anwered him "Yes, because he is so kind and he really love me. I think that's enough." And then he smiled and told me that  my visa had been approved. It was half past 12 and I was the last applicant in the office."


      The most difficult thing about the visa process for us, was getting a passport for her daughter.   She is 4 years old and her birth was not registered because she was her second daughter.  When Wanzhen gave bitth the babys father threw them out, because the only way for them to register the birth was for both the father and mother to be sterilized, or for them to pay a hugh fine.





    Clearly, this man beat the system by finding a very vulnerable lady who wanted to find a kind American man. If this account is true she has had a tough time with men.


    Criminals are quick to spot vulnerable people. In a pedophile's world the vulnerable people most easy to victimize are often abused, lonely women and their little children.


    Is it possible that we should consider contacting the Internet Dating Sites (like Asia Friend Finders) and inform them that all members (men and women) do need to consider checking the background of prospective spouses - particularily if they have children. Or is this "Over The Top."



  4. This seemed to work for me last month.


    I called DHL (international) and ask them for the tracking numbers of the packages sent from NVC to the American Consulate in GZ. You will need their addresses and the date the package was sent. DHL gave me the numbers of the three packages sent that day. Of course, you won't know which one has your papers.


    The DHL lady was very nice. I was surprised she gave me the info.


    Then: Go to <<http://track.dhl-usa.com/TrackByNbt.asp>>


    You can track the packages on the internet. That bit is easy. For a month my package sat in "clearing."



  5. Just follow me and Bahan. Get on board the CR-1 train .  Whooo...Whooo... :ph34r:


    I want to get on this train, too! But I am scared! Are you sure there will be LOL? Although I haven't had a misstep yet, I fear that "Mr. Foul-Up" is right behind me!


    I am in the same situation as you all are. Song and I filed our PK-3 papers on Dec. 24th. Currently, I am checking to see if GZ has them. However, I recently received confirmation that our I-130 is approved by NVC. I did send-off for the I-864 and paid the $65.


    Are there any real advantages to going with the CR-1? What about the pitfalls? (I can't believe that there aren't any). Most importantly would it lead to a delay in Song's interview? As things stand now, we won't get an interview date for 6 months.


    What are your thoughts?



  6. Welcome to CFL. I am new to this site, too. You are on the right site. The experienced people here know the Chinese side of K-1 >> K-4. CFL has an excellent search engine as well. Look at the other forums for general info' on cultural and family matters. Amusing and informative.


    Carl is dead right.


    Our approved NVC (K-3) papers stayed in Limboland one month. You can get the tracking number from DHL. Check on this web site search engine for that info'. You can e-mail GZ, too.


    Once your papers clear "Limboland" and are picked up by GZ it will be a few weeks before you get package 3. In our case it was three weeks.



  7. Jeikun.


    No shame in pushing the panic button, in my opinion! This process seems to get more tricky once the paper work involves the DOS. I pushed the panic button when I saw the GIV-24 form in my package # 3 (K-3 Visa applicants). I had never heard of that form. This is a nerve racking experience!


    We will all get through this in the end. Anyway, it sounds like you know what you are doing.



  8. Can you imagine the screw-ups, foul-ups, and administrative chaos that would result if we saddled our constipated US State Department and the Department of Homeland Security the additional responsibility of checking to see if we had a criminal background? The whole K-1 >>K-4 process would grind to a complete halt!!!


    If you really want to protect foreign spouses and their children from pedophiles and criminals I think it would be better to put the responsibility on their own governments. For example, I found the Nanning marriage office efficient, friendly, and inexpensive. The lady behind the desk was intelligent and "on the ball." It would have been no problem (for me or her) to have provided them some sort of certificate that stated I was not a felon.


    The Chinese government seem to be "on the ball", too. For example, compare the efficiency and speed of Passport Control and Security in any Chinese Airport with that of LA or Chicago. Also, I was amazed at how simple it was to obtain a visa at a Chinese Consulate.



  9. To all the members who think we should have such detailed background checks done on us, and checked out so completely by the US Governement, dont forget something so very important to the liberties of being American.... freedom from the Government. In cases like these, we tend to think how can he slip through? But if the Government tries to find out stuff on citizens... at least recently (with President Bush in office) everyone starts screaming about the Patriot Act, and privacy, etc etc.. so dont forget the balance between freedom and invasion. :blink:

    True. You make a very strong point!

    However, it appears to me that we give the State Department lots of personal information, anyway. What does it matter to them, for example, when my father and mother were born! What does it matter to them etc. etc. etc. However, I would like to think that either the US government or Chinese government would glance at a person's record to see if there was something glaring. For example, like being a damned pedophile bringing a little child into the country, for God's sake.


    Anyway, what about the liberty to marry whom you want - without undue government interference and delay? It seems that my country defends the wrong freedoms.



  10. How can this possibly happen? A horrible crime. This could have been EASILY avoided. Lots of people have fouled-up.


    The Department of Homeland Security and State Department would do much better checking criminal backgrounds than repeatedly asking for the same trivial information. The government plows itself (and us!) under tons of paperwork and packets but fails to check important things.


    But, in fairness, the Chinese Government has also "dropped the ball."


    It was very easy to get a marriage license in Nanning.


    They could easily require some sort of background check for serious crimes.



  11. Song has me bring back all sorts of medicines to the USA ( for when she arrives). I can never get a clear answer from Song as to what the medicine are, or what they do. It is probably best I don't know.


    Song can be quite secretive! These items appear in my suitcase at the last moment!


    Anyway, if Customs ever asks me about these medicines I plan to call them "tea". That is what I write on the Customs Slip.


    One of the advantages of looking stupid and confused, as well as tired and unshaven, is that the Customs officials ignore me!



  12. I am confused, as usual. When I an confused I get uneasy!

    I may have fouled-up.


    If I remember correctly my DS-230 (package 3) that came from Guangzhou (last week) did not have a



    The "downloaded" DS-230 was identical to the one we were sent by Guangzhou. I used it thinking that it looked professional. I thought that the DOS wouldn't create a form that they don't approve.


    Oddly enough the DS-157 and DS-156 forms they sent us were the "out of date" ones!! I used the forms they sent me.


    However, the NVC documents I received last week did have a barcode. I am referring to DS-3032 and the form the Affidavit of Support Fee form.


    Is it possible that Guangzhou is not using the same DS-230 form as NVC.


    Rupert. (Notice that I am still on Nanning time! I am writing this at 5:00 a.m.)

  13. After months of inactivity I have received a blizzard of correspondence. While in China we received the K-3 packet 3 - which we have returned. Good News.


    On my return to the USA I received a packet from NVC that has an Affidavit of Support fee request. This is for Song's I-130 immigrant application. Good News.


    My concern is that the correspondence shows two different GUZ numbers. In other words, NVC assigned our case a number for the I-129 K-3 process AND another (different number) for the I-130 process.


    Is this normal? I worry that there is a "foul-up" in the works. What do you think?




    Nanning was very cold this Christmas!!!!!!!

  14. I am trying to anticipate problems and avoid future "snafus." Our next step (hopefully) will be to tackle package 3. I have looked up the instructions on Rich Sun's Web Page. The letter to K/3 applicants says we have to complete and send back only PART 1 of DS 230. BUT the form itself refers to the importance of PART II.


    As always there is always something opaque about the Guangzhou process! The I-129F and I-130 seemed easy!





    Thank you all for the advise on the I-134 and DHL.

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