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Posts posted by lassetter

  1. Just want to thank all the board members and moderators! You have helped me tremendously.


    Song and I leave for the USA tomorrow! This is my sixth time to Nanning!


    What I have written below is a bit mawkish, but here goes!


    I feel overwhelmed. My SO is giving up a great deal to go with me to the USA. She leaves behind her aging mother, three sisters, many friends, and a good job. She has worked very hard on her English. She is a wonderful person.


    I feel a great responsibility to her. More than anything, I want her to be happy.



  2. The good news is that Song and I return to the USA through LAX on Sunday! Of course, I am planning to Adjust her Status ASAP!


    I understand all the forms EXCEPT the medical I-693. I have checked on this site, US government webpages, and Visajourney.com.


    Information on the I-693 seems contradictory. Do we (K-3) have to get another physical? Is the I-693 filed with all the other AOS papers? Or is it brought to the interview later?


    Song had a physical in Guangzhou and has her X-ray and vaccination records. She also has the mysterious brown packet to give US passport control.


    The Government webpage says that as a K applicant she only needs a vaccination supplement form. I can't find one anywhere!


    What is your experience? The truth is, I don't understand the logic behind the I-693!



  3. I have sent packages to Nanning by DHL and UPS. UPS was slightly faster. Additionally, DHL agents hand write the address on the package and that did (in one case) lead to a foul-up. In fairness the package did arrive in a timely fashion.


    However, UPS agents enter the name and address in a computer. Provided you check the final entry it will be correct.


    I have more cofidence in UPS.



  4. Bahan:


    You shouldn't have to wait too much longer. I am a K-3 like you. We both received our P-3 at the same time. Song amd I got our P-4 appointment package three days ago. Our interview is on May 25th. A few of the other couples did as well.


    Song and I married December 23rd 2003! We have had a no problems with paperwork BUT last summer we had a very long wait before our papers were sent to NVC.


    I would think you will be in the next batch. Good luck.



  5. It arrived yesterday!!! We couldn't be happier!!! Our P-3 was sent to Guangzhou on December 23rd. It was not received until January 6th. We are getting close to the goal line. However, patience (stubborness) is still the watch word in our little family. Although we have had no problems (except the slowness of the process) we are ever watchful for "Mr. Scr*w- Up." He often comes to visit when least expected!!!!


    Hopefully their are more P-4's being sent.


    Thanks CFL members for your support so far.


    If I could figure how to use the emoticons I would use them!



  6. PapaBear:


    I have experience with your question. I have faced this exact problem. I did get legal advice. It is bad news. It is a catch-22. If your wife's child was over the age of 18 when you married you will face difficulties.


    Your wife's child is NOT your step-child for immigration purposes. Therefore,

    you cannot file a I-130 on her behalf. Your wife can file a I-130 when she becomes a permanent resident. But it would be a long-time before the child could come to the USA.


    Your wife's child can come to the USA on a K-4 Visa but the VISA is a dead-end visa that will expire on the child's 21st birthday.


    There are no provisions for changing a K-4 visa it to some other type of visa. They are strict on this.


    You must see a lawyer.

    I am sorry not to give happier advice.


  7. I don't mean to sound stupid but I really do not know how "this" works. Once my wife has joined me in the US, is there anyway that her 21 year old son can come to visit? Is there any way to legally get him into the US perminately? Can any of her family ever come to the US to visit?


    Scott & Dan

    First. You are not being stupid.


    I am in a similar boat as you. My wife's daughter was over 18 when I married her mother. A K-4 visa would have only lasted until she was 21. Not a day longer. It is a "dead-end Visa." Notice, I did not use the term "stepdaughter" because under immigration law she is not a stepdaughter.


    Like you I want her to visit her mother. She is now in college.


    I have looked at alternative plans. I have not seen anything that helps. I have contacted two lawyers on this topic.


    The advice you have been given here is correct. It is impossible to travel to the USA when it appears that one might be an intending immigrant. In otherword the Consulate does everything possible to stop intending immigrants from using a non-immigrant visa as a trick to get in the country. Therefore, it is very unlikely your wife's son will be granted a student visa or any other type of visa BECAUSE he has a relative in the USA.


    Now: read carefully. You could get your step-son into the USA IF he comes before his mother! In otherwords get him enrolled in college or language school. He could get an F1 visa because he has no relative in the USA. Remember, technically you are NOT a relative for immigration purposes. In order to be a stepfather your son would have to be under 18 when you married his mother.


    However, you need to see an attorney before you pull that trick!



  8. Quite the dilemma when the I-130 overlaps the K-3.

    It used to be a sure thing to go K-3 because of the long time it took for the I-130 but that isn't the case of late.

    You have a few options open to you. Choosing which way is of course up to you.


    1) wait for K-3 since P3 is in the que.

    2) go back to GZ for IR interview after she is here on the K-3, meaning, go thru the NVC/IV motions.

    3) file AOS thereby abandoning the IR process once she is here.


    We  chose "door #3"........but not before I have already mailed in the I-864 and receiving P3 from NVC.

    Oh well, you win some; you lose some, but in all, everything has worked out just well.


    -good luck

    Thanks Tywy99:


    Reading between the lines (correct me if I am wrong) our K-3 interview date could not be switched to an IR-1 interview. It appears that if I abandon the K-3 process it will lead to a new IR-1 process that will be later.


    The AOS option looks attractive provided it doesn't take too long.



  9. Thanks "Chinesewife"


    Yes. You make some good points. It one is able to get the IR-1 it would save lots of time and worry Stateside. But I still worry that if I change from a K-3 to an IR -1 at GZ that I could "bog down" the whole process and cause delays.


    I guess I am asking is, "if one changes from a K-3 to an IR-1 a month or two before the interview at GZ, will we be delayed?



  10. I have done all the research I can on switching from the K-3 to the IR-1. Of course, the lady at NVC did little to help.


    But, I would like to hear some personal experiences. I know how fouled-up this whole process can get. So far I have been lucky. But "Mr. Screw-up" is always just around the corner!


    We filed package 3 (for the K-3) in late December. I expect (hope) to get Packet 4 and an interview date in June or July.


    Our I-130 has been approved and I will be filing the I-864 tomorrow. This process is moving forward and may arrive in Guangzhou before the interview for the K-3 Visa.


    Should I go for a touchdown and the extra point in Guangzhou and try for a IR-1? WILL A CHANGE IN PROCESS BE A RISK? Would we have to wait longer OR would we get our same interview date?


    Would it be better to play it safe and get a K-3 approval and adjust status here in the USA?


    Thanks for all your assistance in the past.



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