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Posts posted by ckhang

  1. Hello guys,


    My interview went fine and I was granted the visa (CR1). I was asked so many questions. They questioned me so fast that I have to answer it quickly looking thru their eyes.


    First they took my index finger print on a machine, after that they let me sit and wait.


    Then after 30 minutes, the woman called me and asked; the name of my petitioner, how we met how many times he visits me, if I was married before, she asked me about my US visit before, what is my husband’s job, phone number, how often we talk, if he has kids.


    After another 30 minutes, the final interview was with the VO. I took an oath and he asked my husbands name, where we get married, how we met, what website, how many kids does he has, what are their names, he asked me about my US visit before, how many years I’ve been living here in Hong Kong, what work am I going to have in the US, my husbands job, He looked at our wedding album turning from page to page, and he said that we have a very nice wedding. Then after that he said……congratulation, I don’t see any problem with your papers, so we will issue you the visa.


    He gave me the yellow card to pay for my visa delivery. I was so proud of myself that I was full of confidence during my interview and I did not get nervous at all, though I was beforehand.


    On my way home, I thank God so much as he helped me on this day of my interview.


    :clapping:  :clapping:  :clapping: JR


    Congrats to you and your SO...


    This is the fastest CR1 that I have seen.

  2. Is anyone going to GZ to be with their SO for interview during the week of Feb 21, 2006?


    I will be in HK and Shenzhen from Feb. 8th.-23rd. We're getting married the 14th.



    Getting married, eh? good....it should not take you too long, less than 1/2 the day, maybe 1 hour to do the marriage booklet, as long as your single certificate is translated to chinese. Oh yeah, for your petition I would suggest you to get 4 copies of the marriage certificate in both chinese and english you will need it.

  3. It's best to go to the Court and get sole custody of the child.  It can be done by proof that your SO has been taking care (live and expenses) of the child, and that the deadbeat dad never put in a penny or visit.  Your SO can get her relatives to vouch for her, either by testifying in Court or with written statements.  The deadbeat dad has to appear in Court.  I guess the deadbeat dad would be too ashamed to appear in Court and  hear people denounce him for being so deadbeat.  If, on the other hand, the deadbeat dad try to do claim responsibility etc, etc, then your SO should demand back payment of the cost of raising the child.  I am almost certain the deadbeat dad will avoid such confrontation.  This is the other angle and your SO can file two things:  1. Gain full custody of the child, and 2. Get compensation from the deadbeat.  This is a two prong attack on that worthless deadbeat. 


    By the way, have you seen and read all the paperwork (i.e birth certificates, etc).  There is something very big wrong in the whole story.  Make sure your SO is on the up and up, and that she was never married before, and that the child really belongs to her.  It is a bit strange to have the father's name on the birth certificate and not the mother's.  And that's from a hospital?  Sounds more like a voodoo hospital.  That is very extremely strange.  You figure Chinese system to be so strangely twisted and stupid, to omit the mother's name from the birth certificate.  Are you kidding me?  Who gave birth anyway, the deadbeat dad or the mother.  Almost as good as immaculate conception and birth, except the father gave birth!  Har, har, har, har!  Yeah, right!?  There is something wrong, big time.  You may want to check this out in greater depth.


    Well, I try to tell her that she can get sole custody with testify from her mom and brother.


    I did read the birth certificate that was written from the hospital after birth.... Her name and the deadbeat father, both of there names are on the birth certificate.

  4. 185482[/snapback]

    OK then. Here's how I prepared. As I stated, I could not get my document notatized. So I wrote out a statement that my SO is not and has never been married and that the biological father has not been part of the child's upbringing etc. Then in case GZ asked for it I would have them notarize it. It may have worked, maybe not. But I had no choice.

    Those others of you who's SO was married and are replying about divorce decree's, no offence, you are confusing the issue.


    This is about SINGLE MOTHER not related to divorce mother.



  5. From your statement, it almost sounds like the mother is being viewed as a foster parent (caretaker?) with respect to her own child.  If so and assuming there's enough time, could she formally adopt the child?  If I recall, a formal adoption will terminate the parental rights of the father.


    yes, that is what it sounds like..

  6. You asked the question about single mothers. This is very important. I too was in the same boat. SO single mother and no way to contact the father. I went to GZ and asked them. The first question they asked, is the father on the birth certificate. If no, there will be no problem. If yes, they can ask for a notarized statement from the mother that she is not and has not ever been married. Yes that's all. The problem, we could find no notary that would sign without DNA proof. We went to the interview and were lucky it did not come up. Good luck.


    This is really helpful, hlguan. The father's name IS on the birth certificate and also on the hospital birth medical certificate. Thanks for your informations.

  7. The general concensus is one of the following documents will usually be needed:


    1. Nothing if the child is 18 or older.  Otherwise...


    2. A divorce decree stating that the mother has sole custody.

    3. A sole custody order from the court.

    4. A written consent from the biological father.  I don't like to use the word "extortion", but sometimes a deadbeat father will want something in exchange for signing the consent.


    I'm a little confused about your statement "the child was listed as belong to the government before I married my wife".  Maybe you could shed a little light on this.  If the government somehow has terminated the father's parental rights, I would think the document that did that would be sufficient as well.


    my step-daughter is only 3 years old.


    My wife was never married to him or anyone before me. She said that the court can not give her sole custody. Stilll in court for the Fu Yuen Guang, something like "permission to be a caretaker" even though she IS the mother.


    Well, we can't get the consent from the biological father that is why we go to court 3 months ago.


    Anyway, to answer your confusion...in my step-daughter's IDD card before the change, my wife's name was not on the card because my wife was not marry. So in this case my wife said that my step-daughter belongs to the government and she is only the caretaker. We have to pay the government 40k rmbs to change the daughter's new IDD card to have my wife's name on it. No other paper saying the father's right is terminated.

  8. I hope someone here have an answer for me and my wife. My wife's interview is coming soon and this is the only paper that we still don't have cause the deabeat father does not want to sign. For those people who marry a single mother or have a fiance who is a single mother, do you need to have the deabeat father to sign a declaration for the child to immigrate to the USA? Since the deadbeat father has not provide any kind of support for living and caring expense and the child was listed as belong to the government before I married my wife, do you think it is necessary to have the child be declare?. My wife don't think she can get the court to give her sole custody. Help is needed, thanks.

  9. Are you K3 or CR1? I guess it does not matter which one... The priority date at NVC site don't make sense to me neither. If your case is on its way to GZ, say K3 for example, you could be expecting P3 in about 3 months. For CR1, about 3 months to know something from DOS if the name/security check go smoothly. other than what I had experience from my cases, I can not help you much.

  10. Tonight I returned from 16 days of holiday related travel and was greeted by an email from my SO that she received the P3 package yesterday!!  The NVC exit letter was dated 11/15, so looks like we got to GZ and got in the system and received P3 in about 7 weeks. 


    I'm planning to travel to Nanning on Jan 18 and I'll stay there with my SO until Mar 22.  Sure would be nice if she got her P4 / interview while I'm still there!! Probably will happen the week after I leave, which would be more like my luck.... :whistling:


    This was a big relief, given the DHL uncertainities!!  My SO and I are both floating on cloud 9 now!! :P  :toot:


    Congrats on recieving of the P3.....


    My wife recieved the P4 for K3 in 8 weeks so it is very likely that you will get the P4 while you are in Nanning.



  11. CK,


    On your other post I was NOT aware that you have a court date in Jan regarding custody. With an interview date in FEB. I would await the outcome of the custody/permission and IF granted go for the K-3/4. Get them BOTH HOME NOW if you have the chance!


    BTW: Info regarding CR-1 and 2 that you received above *APPEARS* bogus to me. My wife was interviewed in June, came here in July. Step-daughter's petition is at GUZ awaiting interview. CR 1 and 2 visas do NOT HAVE derivative status like the "K" visas. My Chinese Wife will  return to CN at a later date to accompany the step to her interview later.


    mmmm....my apology for not making it clear in the other post. anyway, my wife say that we should know the answer at the end of Jan about outcome from the court. Yes, as of now I do plan to go for the K3 interview and get them both here.


    Yeah, I know what you mean. When my told me about what that I was furious. Anyway, wish the outcome of the court is on my side.

  12. I recall that there wasn't a previous marriage/divorce involved.  Did the court ever issue a sole custody order or decree?  I'm wondering whether you actually need the deadbeat's permission if the court has granted sole custody to the mom.


    nope, there wasn't a previous marriage/divorce involved and the court did not issue sole custody to my wife.

  13. I just posted a reply to your other post.  You probably don't want the CR-1 to proceed unless you also want to return to GUZ when the CR-2 paperwork arrives and the CR-2 visa is readied for issuance.  It may be a crap shoot whether the CR-2 paperwork arrives before your wife has to use or lose the CR-1 visa (usually 6 months from issuance).  Personally, I think it makes more sense to go with the K-3/K-4 and then adjust status for both mom and daughter after they arrive in the US.


    I wouldn't suggest delaying the interview to allow the CR-2 paperwork to catch up.  You have an interview date.  Take it.  As they say, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. ;)


    Thanks frank1538 andn thanks for the other replied.... I do know what you mean about getting them both here. I would rather have this than wait another 8 to 9 months. The only reason that I want to have the CR1 for the K3 interview date is that my wife and I are still waiting for the results for my step-daughter from the court in Jan 25. We are not sure if our lawyer can have the court make the deadbeat father sign the permission letter for my step-daughter to leave china.

  14. Airline to Offer Boston-China Flights Mon Jan 2, 2:24 PM ET


    BOSTON - Hainan Airlines will offer the first direct flights between Boston and China, officials here said Monday.


    The deal between Hainan and the Massachusetts Port Authority, which operates Logan International Airport, was announced by Mayor Thomas Menino during his fourth-term inauguration speech.


    It will be the first nonstop service between China and the United States for the low-cost carrier.


    The agreement, which still needs  Federal Aviation Administration approval, calls for cargo service to begin this summer, with passenger flights to start by year's end.


    Hainan is China's fourth-largest airline and is in the process of changing its name to Grand China Airline.


    That is a very good news....

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