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Posts posted by hopelives

  1. I couldn't count the times the advice given on this website has been: "Keep it short, keep it simple and directly to the point. Offer nothing not asked for."


    the problem is the fillable PDF, not enough space for Chinese Addresses, so fill in what you can print the form out, and hand write the rest. I am hopeful it was one knuckle head having a bad day, but you can never be too careful

  2. I think based on the lack of information provided by the OP. Divorce could be rash. A women could marry an older man for many reasons, maybe he is a youthful 40 something or maybe he is a good man and she has been with nothing but bad ones or maybe she wants economic security and of course, fraud. You have not given much in regard to the details of your relationship. I have another suggestion maybe the old hands on this board can point you in the right direction or maybe one of our lovely natives of the PRC can help you find a private detective. If she is really a fraud I bet he would find something, and if you really love her he can give you peace of mind



  3. Don't kid yourself Jhammer. GZ knows the difference between real and faked logs and chats. :lol: It's the totality of the case.


    If they can know the difference based on the content of a forgery, I don't know about that. There no digital signature to Yahoo Messenger logs or chat that they can check, so they can not know scientifically or forensically if it is forged. It's not like trying to produce a sheet of $20's.. ( I have some experience in IT security ).


    My comments ring with angst over the excessive burden placed on the petitioner and beneficiary in the name of preventing an immigration crime. Why doesn't the government just prosecute immigration crimes instead ? Why worry about all this burden - why don't they just look at my tax record, realize I am worth it, and say "yes" _ why ? - that was rhetorical.. I have a bag full of answers. the cost burden is easily $10,000 per applicant if not really much more in lost wages and productivity - could just give them $10,000 or a bond for much more, it would all work out quite a bit better, but, then again, only if they really don't want immigration fraud, instead of the true agenda.


    I have always thought the same thing, why not give the option of a bond, streamline the process and use the savings for some other purpose, at least try it as a pilot program. Of course, not everyone can afford to post a bond, but all applicants would benefit by shrinking the total pool.

  4. I finally have everything, I need for the I-130. The package is prepared, ready to be sent to Chicago tomorrow. Following the advice of the old hands on this board; I am throwing the kitchen sink at the USCIS


    We all know that the USCIS and the State Department speak in a language few of us can comprehend or interpert,and that fact has caused me to ignore what on the surface would be common sense.


    Here is my question, I included a sample of our chat logs from QQ sessions with my wife. Today was a wonderful session with news that she was writing emails to my mother, and she had gotten an email from my sister. A discussion of a professional triumph for her, some tenderness since we haven't spoken for some days. On the surface a great example of an existing an evolving relationship. But their is always a but. My wife is beautiful and very outgoing attracting the attention of men. This week she was teaching a class of 48, mostly men. We joked around as she told me that she announced to the class she was married as she says " to avoid trouble" Well one young men was not discouraged an since he is a co-worker he has her number an has called her every day. We joked around that she has a knack for attracting younger men, an that was the end of the discussion. To me this is a hallmark of a confident relationship, that we can openly discuss what is going to happen regardless, a vivacious women in the workplace is going to attract attention, especially in China. My question is this, do you think the gomba's at State an USCIS are going to see red if they read the discussion. Everything else is perfect and I would hate to remove the discussion from the log


    thanks as always


  5. I have researched the old methods listed on the site, but they have failed me. Has anyone recently be able to navigate the maze of the USCIS 800 number and spoken to a live person?






    Check out my signature (if the other response don't work)....though I'm not sure if they are still valid options.


    Thanks for the info, I made an Info pass appointment and they answered my question

  6. OK...maybe I am hallucinating...but...if I am not mistaken the processing times last month said January 17th. They updated it a couple days ago and now it says January 2nd. :rolleyes:


    Maybe it has something to do with me being a natural blonde...but...I must admit that I am confused. I am not sure, but isn't the general idea to go forward and not backwards? :D

    I hope you hear some good news soon-Jim

  7. What are you trying to find out? If you have your I-130 Notice of Action, you can enter the receipt Number into USCIS online system, this will tell you exactly what an operator will tell you, your petition has been with them a little over a month.


    USCIS can take up to 6 months to process an I-130 though I have been seeing a few quick approvals lately.


    Only number is 1-800-375-5283



    I am trying to get an answer to a question that I posted to the board and have gotten a wide variety of answers so I am trying to get an answer from USCIS, but cannot seem to get around the voice mail merry go round

  8. just fyi, when your fiance goes to pick up her medical check results , they'll rip out only the necessary pages from the whitebook. The chinese text and the translation. There are two other pages which state "the English translation is in conformity with the original Chinese text..". They won't include those in the sealed medical result package.



    Won't the consulate already have them with the original I-130 application-j

  9. Does the white book itself serve as enough of a declaration that the translator is certified to translate a document into English or is the following form still necessary?









    I , certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and

    languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the

    document attached entitled .


    Date Name


  10. My wife is from Liuzhou. She has heard of a nightmare inducing story. She swears that a fellow Liuzhou women has been waiting 3 years for her marriage visa, and during the waiting period. The couple had a baby. She waits alone in China waiting for the chance to reunite her family. Of course, my wife's paranoia has exponentially increased since she heard this story, and no matter my assurances she is convinced we face a long arduous journey. She may be right of course, but I am optimistic tha time frame will fall within the norm.


    I am flabbergasted that the american government is keeping the family of a US citizen apart, and I know I am looking for a needle in the haystack, but is anyone aware of the Liuzhou story and care to shed some light on the story





    Jie is from Liuzhou, I'll ask her. Over the course of the last two years I've met quite a few women from Liuzhou in one stage or another of getting here, or are here already. I think I only vaguely remember her telling me about one lady having trouble. The rest are pretty straight forward success stories. Hope mine is too! :( I'll be leaving here 8/13 to head over there for the interview, so we're pretty excited!





    Great news on the interview, I wish both of you good luck. As far as the details of the case, I have none but will ask next time we chat. To me the baby is the kicker, Perform a DNA test, if the USC is the father, grant the visa, end of story



  11. My wife is from Liuzhou. She has heard of a nightmare inducing story. She swears that a fellow Liuzhou women has been waiting 3 years for her marriage visa, and during the waiting period. The couple had a baby. She waits alone in China waiting for the chance to reunite her family. Of course, my wife's paranoia has exponentially increased since she heard this story, and no matter my assurances she is convinced we face a long arduous journey. She may be right of course, but I am optimistic tha time frame will fall within the norm.


    I am flabbergasted that the american government is keeping the family of a US citizen apart, and I know I am looking for a needle in the haystack, but is anyone aware of the Liuzhou story and care to shed some light on the story





    The 'evidence of bonafide marriage' set o stuff to do changed in january 2008. If you review a current I-130 form, you'll see what is suggested to prove up a bonafide marriage. others have made lists, reread what is here in this topic. FWIW, those affadavits from OTHER PEOPLE - you can get them now, not wait for a few months. Please study, as much as possible, what 'front-loading' is all about.


    You can also submit stuff after you receive the P-2, cause you'll start to recv the I-864 requests right after that.


    Be Well, and Well Rested !




    Actually, the changes for the I-130 came about in very early 2007. They were already in place, when I first filed my I-130 in late April 2007, and VJ had already included the changes on their I-130 Guide, by April 2007. As I stated in post #6, I sensed a [change] in the dynamic at that time, as to how to approach the filing of the petition.


    As to the other question on the Affidavit, each state has its own format (although most are similar) for the legal affidavit.


    I downloaded a sample of the California version and utilized it for my two affidavits filed with the I-130. Even though not asked for specifically with the I-129F, I also included them along with the other evidence, with that package too. Each of my petitions, both I-130's and the I-129F, were over 2" thick, including the photos.


    I followed the USCIS official file compilation directions and "submitted as Complete a package as possible".


    In the end, I felt I did not 'harm' myself in this regard.


    Hi rogerinca:


    Can you post or PM the sample California version for Affidavit. I am also from California.





    Instructions & Checklist General Affidavit - California

    􀂉 This package includes (1) Instructions and Checklist; (2) General Affidavit under Oath; (3) General Affidavit before Notary

    􀂉 There are two forms in this package: (1) One is a ¡°General Affidavit under Oath¡± where the Declarant (the person making the declaration who signs the Affidavit) states certain facts under oath or affirmation; (2) The second form is a ¡°General Affidavit before Notary¡± where the Declarant declares certain facts to be true after taking an oath before a Notary.

    􀂉 Although two forms have been provided, only one of the two forms needs to be used. It is up to the Declarant (i.e. the person signing the affidavit and making the declaration) to decide which form is appropriate and which form to use.

    􀂉 The ¡°General Affidavit before Notary¡± should be signed before a Notary and requires that the Notary give the Declarant an oath.




    General Affidavit under Oath


    I, _____________________________________________ (¡°Declarant¡±), am a resident of _________________________________, County of ______________________, State of California, and do hereby certify, swear or affirm, and declare that I am competent to give the following declaration based on my personal knowledge, unless otherwise stated, and that the following facts and things are true and correct to the best of my knowledge (insert facts):

    WITNESS my signature this _________ day of ____________ (year and month).


    Signature of Declarant








    I, _____________________________________________ (¡°Declarant¡±), am a resident of _________________________________, County of ______________________, State of _________________________________, and do hereby certify, swear or affirm, and declare that I am competent to give the following declaration based on my personal knowledge, unless otherwise stated, and that the following facts and things are true and correct to the best of my knowledge (insert facts):

    WITNESS my signature this _________ day of ____________ (year and month).


    Signature of Declarant

    State of California )

    County of ________________ )

    Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this _____ day of _______, 20__, by

    _______________________, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of

    satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me.




    I did both of my affidavits as 'under oath'; I had no problem with this, although some will say have them notarized. Again, the non notarized worked very well for me.


    Thanks Roger


    The 'evidence of bonafide marriage' set o stuff to do changed in january 2008. If you review a current I-130 form, you'll see what is suggested to prove up a bonafide marriage. others have made lists, reread what is here in this topic. FWIW, those affadavits from OTHER PEOPLE - you can get them now, not wait for a few months. Please study, as much as possible, what 'front-loading' is all about.


    You can also submit stuff after you receive the P-2, cause you'll start to recv the I-864 requests right after that.


    Be Well, and Well Rested !




    Actually, the changes for the I-130 came about in very early 2007. They were already in place, when I first filed my I-130 in late April 2007, and VJ had already included the changes on their I-130 Guide, by April 2007. As I stated in post #6, I sensed a [change] in the dynamic at that time, as to how to approach the filing of the petition.


    As to the other question on the Affidavit, each state has its own format (although most are similar) for the legal affidavit.


    I downloaded a sample of the California version and utilized it for my two affidavits filed with the I-130. Even though not asked for specifically with the I-129F, I also included them along with the other evidence, with that package too. Each of my petitions, both I-130's and the I-129F, were over 2" thick, including the photos.


    I followed the USCIS official file compilation directions and "submitted as Complete a package as possible".


    In the end, I felt I did not 'harm' myself in this regard.


    Hi rogerinca:


    Can you post or PM the sample California version for Affidavit. I am also from California.





    Is their a site with the Affidavits by state-Jim

  14. put her name on your utility bills, if you can add her name to anything leased.

    notarized translation of everthing up front.


    tons of family photos, emails, screen shots, letters



    life insurance with Amanda as the benificiary, etc......


    can you add someone as benificiary without an SSN-Jim



    Yes, you can. I added my wife as the beneficiary to the Life Insurance, 401K, and IRA.



    Thanks for the Info

  15. Financial co-mingling only is provided in cases where a couple has been married and diving together for some time.


    This is strictly optional, USCIS and Consulate know that due to the short time of marriage that you wont have any of the above evidence, you can provide a couple of letters from friends and family attesting to knowledge that you are in fact married.


    This evidence has more to do with persons who have been married and living together overseas for several years, as in 2+ years together, the resulting visa, and green-card in the USA will be a 10 year permanent one, no conditions to file to remove. People filing for a visa shortly after marriage tend to get a 2year green card, which will eventually need the conditions removed for a permanent card, at that time you will provide to USCIS evidence of bona fide marital relationship.

    I would also think that they will know that you can't get your wife or husbands name on some stuff unless they live with you and can show up to sign in person (like bank accounts).



    I'm in the process of opening an account with HSBC Bank. I'm currently in the USA. The information for her to sign was sent to an office on China. Then it will be sent back to the USA. The account with be a joint account with her and my name. The process takes about 3-4 weeks. The guy from HSBC Bank said the information can't be fax over. I didn't understand why NOT. It had to be send internal mail.


    that is great stuff- thanks- she is in a medium size city (Liuzhou)- does she have to visit a city where a branch is located or can they mail the information to her-did you have to visit a branch or did you do this online-Jim

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