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Finer in China

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Everything posted by Finer in China

  1. I thought this article was funny: By Harry Monk (nom de plume), much experienced with life in China, has had several long term relationships with both Western and Chinese women. He currently lives in China and is happily committed to a three year relationship with a beautiful Chinese lady. http://www.chinalovematch.net/magazineArticle.aspx?id=6 RW - added link
  2. Yep, wrong. I posted here about it as did others. When the sun shines you wear sunglasses and sunscreen, when it rains you use umbrellas and splash the puddles, when it snows you go sliding and have snowball fights... all of that happens in Chicagoland. Gawd bless four distinct seasons! Sorry it dampened your trip.
  3. I do love snow but your pics look like they were taken through a window. No skiing? No sledding? No snowball fights? It's great to have four seasons!!!!
  4. http://www.virginmedia.com/microsites/movies/slideshow/the-simpsons-movie/img_3.jpg TIME TO SING, DANCE AND HAVE A PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Same thing, end of the line. On the canvas but not counted out yet. As a Texan once said, "bring it on" and one day we can all say again, "mission accomplished." Of course he dad said "no new taxes."
  6. I hear that train a'comin... it's not Thomas the Train or the Peace Train either... more like the Boxcar and Caboose for the good old USA but we won't go down without a fight. Neither will China but their fight won't be with us.
  7. http://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/insect_praying_chinese_zorak_mantis.jpg"Never trust ants or the people who sell them" You can blame the guy who spearheaded it or maybe even the people gullible enough to risk buying into it but what really stinks is the government involvement in this scam.
  8. http://www.collegesportingnews.com/stats/2008/writer/exchangerate.jpg That's the USD falling against the YUAN
  9. I just Googled the topics at www.google.com and eventually got the instructions. For Windows the settings are somewhere in Control Panel and for Internet Explorer the settings are in Options/Languages. You have to find the Chinese fonts you need (again Google) and install them for both. Hope that helps a little.
  10. Thanks, the warm welcome is a relief but was not unexpected considering the esteemed members here! Two questions about the chnlove IMB. I wondered if we will be met with an agency fee if we were to one day get married. How do women generally view meeting and corresponding to men through a "marraige service." Thanks in advance for the answers and now I will take this to a more appropriate thread.
  11. BTW, I ask this stuff here because I found this site very helpful and the members very knowledgable. The chnlove forum software really stinks and I would like a place to talk about this stuff that isn't so heavily moderated.
  12. Thanks to both of you. I do want to let you know that I am new here but I am a responsible forum member. I searched "chnlove" and read all the threads first. So I saw that many used it for introduction to possible life partners. That's what I did too. The reason I asked is because I am spending a lot (to me) of $$$ (to me) using their email service. I narrowed it down to one woman who wrote me first. I paid to get her address/phone/email info and stepped off the "pay to play" train. We have exchanged many regular emails and pictures. I called her and we have talked many times (wow, her profile said learning English but she spoke it very well, made me ashamed because beyond the basic pinyin and Mandarin I am lost...but learning too). So I wondered if she may be hindered (or me) by a large agency fee if we were to one day get married. I have taken to recording mp3's of me reading poetry to her. I am interested in her and would like to know how she may generally view meeting and corresponding to men (I hope I am her only one now) through a "marraige service." Thanks again!
  13. Is chnlove this "Marraige Broker"? I signed up to meet a woman from China, not a meat market. Let me know. Thanks.
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